The Coanda Effect by Gaia

This story is completed
John and Rodney move on. Except they really don't.
Notes: The Coanda effect is the tendency of a liquid or gas flowing over a curved surface to follow that surface. It is what allows planes to fly, because the air flows faster over the curved upper part of the wing than over the flat lower part, creating lift.

The slight AU-ness is due to the fact that I started writing this way before seeing season two of Atlantis, though the AU-ness (with the exception of no Ronon and some mention of Ford) is almost entirely AU to this season of SG1, not Atlantis.

Also, the warnings are nothing to be worried about. The deaths are minor and pretty much everything is due to the fact that the story is REALLY FUCKING LONG.

This fic is dedicated to Tony, for helping me through a tough time with wise inspiration, and for Andromeda, for the wonder work she's done on this site.
Added: 2006/01/30
John and Rodney move on. Except they really don't.
02. Momentum
Added: 2006/01/30
Added: 2006/01/30
04. Reaction
Added: 2006/01/30
Added: 2006/01/30
Added: 2006/01/30
07. Descent
Added: 2006/01/30
Added: 2006/01/30
09. Catalyst
Added: 2006/01/30
Added: 2006/01/30
11. Oxidation
Added: 2006/01/30
Added: 2006/01/30
13. Valency
Added: 2006/01/30
14. Epilogue
Added: 2006/01/30