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Results for search characters = Eugene Bates order by title

R // Angst // AU, Het, Kink // 0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: The Siege, Defiant One, Runner, Instinct, the Brotherhood
Atlantis after Rodney leaves in the ‘Mau Loa’ Universe. Basically â€" Everett does all of the things John should have done if he’d really wanted Teyla.
Semper Fi (2 chapters)
Sheppard/Bates, McShep UST
NC-17 // Angst // Dark // 0 words // 2005/05/18 - 2006/06/03
Spoilers: Sanctuary, Hot Zone, Rising, The Defiant One, The Storm/The Eye, Letters from Pegasus, The Siege, Runner, Trinity, Avalon (SG1)
Bates is a good soldier. He takes the initiative.