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Results for search characters = Kate Heightmeyer order by title

PG-13 // Angst // Character Death // 0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: SUNDAY, TAO OF RODNEY, Sanctuary, Coup d’etat
“The lives of the Elect are a mere shadow of that to come, and yet we might find glimpses of their infinity in passion.” The expedition members ponder the function of a mysterious device.
PG-13 // Angst, Futurefic // AU, Character Death, Dark, Het // 0 words // 2007/09/13 - 2007/09/13
Spoilers: Hotzone, Critical Mass, Trinity, Michael
Like the title says: Five shorts in which Kate and Radek start some kind of revolution.
Tadpole (5 chapters)
McKay/Sheppard,Sheppard/OC, McKay/OC
R // Angst, Futurefic // Dark, DubCon, Incest // 0 words // 2006/06/20 - 2006/06/20
Spoilers: Atlantis: Duet, the Storm, Sanctuary, Childhood\'s End, Hide and Seek, the Defiant One, the Siege II; SG-1: Proving Ground, Fragile Balance, Redemption.
Sequel to 'La Dulce Espera.' John and Rodney grow up together. In some futures they rekindle what they had, in others they fight the burden of who they once were.