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Rodney has a bad day.
R // Angst, Established relationship, Preslash //
AU, genderfuck //
0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: Trinity
Spoilers: Trinity
John asks an ancient device to go home and ends up over the rainbow instead (assuming over the rainbow resembles suburbia, of course). Girl!John/Rodney.
NC-17 // Angst, Humor, Preslash //
0 words // 2006/02/20
Spoilers: Duet, the Long Goodbye, Epiphany, Trinity.
Spoilers: Duet, the Long Goodbye, Epiphany, Trinity.
Hermiod gets a new body, Rodney and John test the line between physical and emotional attraction. It’s Frankenstein meets the body snatchers meets Romeo and Juliet, only with sex.
The Lazarus Curse
(3 chapters)
Carson Beckett, Hermiod, John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Sam Carter, Stephen Caldwell, Teyla Emmagan, Harry Potter
R // Angst, crossover, Established relationship, Futurefic, Humor, Preslash //
AU //
0 words // 2007/09/13
- 2007/09/13
Spoilers: Childhood’s End, Conversion, The Game, Common Ground, the Siege
Spoilers: Childhood’s End, Conversion, The Game, Common Ground, the Siege
John Sheppard is not who he seems. Crossover with Harry Potter.