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PG // Angst, Established relationship, Futurefic // 0 words // 2006/06/04
John is a bridge between Kako and Rodney, just as Atlantis is a bridge between Kako and John.
PG // Established relationship, Futurefic // 0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: Echoes, Grace Under Pressure, Poisoning the Well
Sequel to ‘A Thursday Morning Concerto for the City in the Sea.’ Kako’s coming of age ceremony.
PG // Drabble, Preslash // 0 words // 2004/11/08
Rodney has a bad day.
PG // Drabble, Humor, Popcorn // 0 words // 2004/09/01
Why Vegetarian?
PG // Humor, Popcorn // Fluff // 0 words // 2005/04/03
Rodney has these ideas . . . they don't always work out.
PG // Popcorn // 0 words // 2006/08/24
John gets bitten by a snake.
PG // Drabble // AU // 0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: SGA: Rising, Runner SG1: Line in the Sand, Solitudes
When Teyla Emmagen is put in charge of an interplanetary expedition to find the lost world of Earth, she does not expect to find herself stranded on an alien base, fighting an enemy of unbelievable power .
PG // Angst, Futurefic // Het // 0 words // 2007/09/13
Rising, 38 Minutes, Common Ground, Instinct, Conversion, Letters from Pegasus, Suspicion, The Return
PG // // 0 words // 2006/04/17
5 episode tags to the ‘The Long Goodbye.’
Ford/OFC,McKay/Sheppard, Teyla/Everett
PG // Futurefic // AU // 0 words // 2006/06/20
Spoilers: Atlantis – Hide and Seek, Home, Poisoning the Well, Underground, The Storm/Eye, The Defiant One, The Brotherhood, Runner, Condemned, Instinct, Rising, Duet, the Seige. SG1 - Morpheus, 48 Hours, Aval
Companion piece for 'Mau Loa Means the Time We Have.' Rodney and Ford keep in touch.
PG // Angst // 0 words // 2004/08/29
Spoilers: Season Seven
Jonas finds out who he is, Daniel finds out who he was. The battle between good and evil rages on, but is there still hope good will triumph?
PG // Drabble, Humor // 0 words // 2005/03/18
He was not hiding. Most definitely not hiding
PG // Angst // 0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: Irresponsible, Irresistible, Underground, the Storm, the Eye, the Brotherhood, Common Ground
Five little post-Irresponsible scenes, critique in fiction of the episode
PG // Angst, Established relationship, Futurefic // Character Death, MPreg // 0 words // 2006/06/20
Possible future for Trinityofone's Misery to Man. John is lover and protector. Teyla is mother.
PG // Futurefic // Character Death, femslash // 0 words // 2006/06/04
Spoilers: Sanctuary, Epiphany
Rodney says, “What is with you and Ascended women?” But this is not his story.
, McKay/Sheppard preslash
PG // Humor // 0 words // 2005/06/22
Rodney was hot. No... actually, he'd surpassed hot and gone straight into sweltering, burning, searing, baking, and, his favorite, denaturing.
PG // Angst // 0 words // 2006/05/14
Spoilers: Letters from Pegasus, The Seige, Runner, Trinity, Avalon (SG1)
Bates wakes up.