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R // Angst, Humor, Popcorn // Fluff // 0 words // 2004/11/03
John wants to take Rodney skiing.
PG-13 // Drabble, Humor, Popcorn // Fluff // 0 words // 2004/10/09
Rodney made John mad.
PG-13 // Humor, Popcorn // Fluff // 0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: TAO OF RODNEY, Epiphany, Sanctuary, The Tower, The Brotherhood, Inferno, Echoes, McKay and Mrs. Miller, Sateda
John Sheppard is an Ascended People groupie.
PG // Humor, Popcorn // Fluff // 0 words // 2005/04/03
Rodney has these ideas . . . they don't always work out.
R // Drabble, Humor, Popcorn // Fluff // 0 words // 2004/10/04
John's diary.
NC-17 // Humor, Popcorn // Fluff // 0 words // 2004/10/07
How many ways can I compare John Sheppard to a cat?
Archer/Tucker, Tucker/Reed friendship
PG-13 // Established relationship, Humor // Fluff // 0 words // 2004/05/29
Trip and Malcolm have another shuttlepod adventure. Fighting a concussion, Trip makes some interesting confessions.