Tag: Top!John

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A Life Less Ordinary by puddle_of_goo

Huge BSDM series of fics with Top!John and Sub!Rodney. Link is to index page for the series.

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A New Beginning by rocklikebiscuits WIP

John and the newly minted Commander of Atlantis, Cameron Mitchell, share a beer and something more.

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Alien Drugs by bridgie0202

John and Evan are given drugs offworld and the only way to counteract them is to have sex.

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An unlikely turn of events by Clockstopper

John/Rodney established, John/Rodney/Lorne first time and ongoing (including (Rodney/Lorne & John/Lorne sex), mentions of past sex-only John/Rodney/Carson.

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At Sunset by ShayaSar

Carson and John celebrate their anniversary.

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Backwards Walk by race_the_ace

There's a wedding, a reunion, and a massive cake.

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Balancing Act by Perryvic, Zaganthi

He knocked again, and there was a long wait, the sort of wait that made John wonder. And a hesitation -- he heard the step behind the door, and waited before it swung open. Will looked... okay, not like he'd aged a decade in four years like John felt, but not great. Angry and tense across the eyes -- the black eye stood out impressively. Part 3 of the Desperate Tranquility verse.

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Beach Day by somehowunbroken

John decides that Evan needs a day away from the City. Evan thinks he needs to finish those requisition forms.

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Bottoms Up by Cede Lede

John and Jack has some fun together.

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Breathe by Jalabert

These days, it doesn't take much to set John off.

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By My Side by rinkafic

John's in recovery and Lorne's his caregiver.

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Can't Resist You by Mirishka

"Shep, Ronon, Teyla and Carter had an amazing night together but Shep realized he has the hots for Ronon."

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Cave of Destiny by Gomeroi

Sheppard's team goes to a cave of world with Major Lorne and Dr. Maxwell.

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Cell Mates by bridgie0202

When only one other man on Atlantis is gay, how lonely do you get before you run to him?

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Changed by Cede Lede

What would have happened to the Atlantis crew had Sheppard's condition in Conversion been contagious?

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Closer by Corona (entangled_now)

The one thing you learn, the one thing you don't fucking do, is take advantage of the men under your command.

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Conduit by Anonymous

Daniel's always wanted Atlantis, and fucking John is the closest he can get to having her.

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Crossing the Line by Ayama-chi

Lorne was royally screwed. Not because he had just found out that his commander has a thing for him and he didn't return his feelings, it was because he did. The only thing that stood in the way was Lorne's integrity, and he wasn't sure he was such an honorable man

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Daddy-O by thingswithwings

I am not," John grits out, "your father."

John Sheppard/Logan Echolls (Veronica Mars)

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Ecclesiastes by somehowunbroken

When Cam comes home to find John sleeping on his couch, he has no idea what they're in for. AU from 'The Return' on.

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Empty Baseball Park by dirty_diana

Lorne himself is here by accident. If he hadn't been fucking his team leader, she wouldn't have had him transferred off SG-11 when the rumours first got back to her. If he hadn't been without a unit when Dr. Weir came chasing expedition members, he might not have made her list at all.

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Entwined to Perfection by race_the_ace

Sometimes John thinks Connor doesn’t get it, but sometimes he’s pretty fucking sure he does. Part of Becoming Connor Sheppard-Davids.

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Fight the Power by telesilla

A freak accident forces John into an encounter he doesn't want. Part of the Uni!John series.

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Flyboys by cynatnite

When Cameron Mitchell and John Sheppard met, they were going to fly planes. Little did they know how their lives would intersect over the years up to joining Stargate Command.

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Forgiven by rubygirl29

Part 3 of the Flight Cycle verse (Part 1, Part 2).

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Four AM by archae-ology

Evan lay curled amongst the blankets that they had piled into a soft nest on the floor of John's quarters. His feet were anything but warm, sticking out from beneath an Athosian quilt, and John's legs were wrapped around him with his bony knees poking his ass, but he felt more comfortable, more at peace, than he ever had before.

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Get Off by zillah_fic

John and Ronon finds the Ancients' sex room. Who knew the Ancients were into tentacle sex?

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Hide and Seek by mistokath13, Kathie, kathierif-fic

John and Radek play hide and seek, and throw in a bit of phone sex " Atlantis Style.

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Howl-o-Ween in Atlantis by bridgie0202

A large wooden crate was pushed through from the SGC...full of costumes and Halloween decorations!

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In Between by crazy-obsessed

McKay/Sheppard/Dean Winchester one-shot. McKay/Sheppard continuing & past Sheppard/Dean implied.

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Indolent and Awkward by race_the_ace

John and Evan's relationship started out really awkwardly.

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Intolerable Cruelty by Tazzy_Taz

Aiden runs into John and gives both of them something to think about in the process.

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Keep the Home Fires Burning by SylvanWitch

**Wanted: One stoic warrior type for casual sex, maybe more. Must be passionate, occasionally submissive, always inscrutable, and patient with repression, military command protocol, and attempted martyrdom.** The series follows Season 2 throughout.

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Knights in White Satin by zillah_fic

When Prince Radek's caravan is attacked by the Wraith, he's rescued by a mysterious mercenary who makes him rethink his future.

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Like You Back by keefaq

The camping trip goes okay but the homecoming is better. Good things do happen sometimes.

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Lost For Words by Katt

Aiden is in a relationship with Teyla and John's with Rodney, but there are things that John needs from Aiden and Aiden alone.

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Lost Team Member by SGA_LOVER, Mercutio, mercuriosity

While on a mission Major Lorne, loses a member of his team. He is having a hard time dealing with it and finds help from a friend.

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Love To Tease by Mirishka

Ronon and Shep starting to enjoy themselves together, Ronon decides it time to show his playmate how much fun he can be.

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Lunch Break by whytewytch

Major Lorne brings a stressed-out Colonel Sheppard some lunch.

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Making A Baby by Bluflamingo

John and Cam try acting out a fantasy, but reality intrudes. Part of the What Happens Next series.

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Morning Comes With The Dark by Paian

Sheppard has to work for it. O'Neill enjoys that. O'Neill makes him work for it. O'Neill likes to see the other guy break a sweat.

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Mutual Misunderstandings by Ayama-chi

How high a price are you willing to pay to get your hands on everything Atlantis could have ever hoped for? A slip of a tongue during an off world visit and some help from Rodney and John and his second in command are about to find out.

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Need You by Mirishka

Ronon and Shep have had their first experience together and enjoyed it immensely. They just can't seem to keep their hands off each other.

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On the Bright Side by Slybrarian, archae-ology

"Oh, come on, Parrish. I'm not stupid enough to touch the weird alien plant life again."

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Out in the Dark by falconsheart, camshaft22

Being lost in a ruin can turn your head, can it? Or do you just discover yourself? Warning: non-con!

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Palms and Eyes Open Wide by race_the_ace

Aliens made them drink, the drinking made them do pretty much everything else. Part of the Being Connor Sheppard-Davies series.

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Perfect by somehowunbroken

Evan gets a surprise visit just before bedtime.

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Polymorphs by kimberlite

John wants Cam, but Cam is straight. Or, at least the Cam in this universe. It's just too bad that the other universe's Cam is a tad unstable.

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Promotion by Amireal

John celebrates his promotion to Lieutenant Colonel with Cameron Mitchell.

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Push Until It Holds by zillah_fic

Ronon has known all his life that the three pillars of victory are honor, loyalty, and unity. He's been a member of Sheppard's team for two years when the team to which he owes his first loyalty finds him again, during a time when Ronon must question whether his loyalty to Atlantis is returned. Torn, he chooses the team he believes needs him the most, but the price is more than just the home he's come to love, and the reward may be betrayal and death, or worse.

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Retirement by FlyBoy

A simple off-world mission produces a most unexpected result which sends the friends of John Sheppard chasing him around the planet.

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Rumour Mill by infinimato

He was as deep as he could get inside his XO when Lorne suddenly said, "You know, everybody thinks you're fucking Rodney."

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Saturation by Bone (thisisbone)

Links to all parts of the series can be found in the index.

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Saturn Smile by karmageddon, prehistoric_sea

Cam's deep in denial, but John's there for him when he slips.

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Sides by Slybrarian, archae-ology

Thirty-one stories written in thirty-one days. Each one is part of one verse, and each one is in some way Sheppard/Lorne.

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Stay Out of Trouble by FlyBoy

Only John Sheppard could stumble into trouble in the most simple of circumstances.

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Ten Top Trivia Tips About Cam Mitchell by somehowunbroken

1. The colour of Cam Mitchell is no indication of his spiciness, but size usually is.

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That Look by Tazzy_Taz

There's a special look in Aiden's eyes every time John's near.

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The Chair by Xanthe

“…are you saying I exist merely to be John Sheppard’s plaything?” The Wraith have returned, the city is on the verge of destruction and Rodney makes a discovery that could change his relationship with Sheppard forever. Meanwhile, Sheppard has made an equally startling discovery of his own.

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The Demolition Man Returns by Jalabert

Lieutenant Ford has some 'splaining to do.

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The Ones That Break You by slashbean

An altercation with another military officer brings up Lorne's painful history of coming out to his family. Sheppard tries to help, but he can barely get Lorne to speak about it. Sequel to Breathing Room.

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Two Halves Don't Make a Whole by Welfycat

Evan Lorne wishes he'd never even heard of the Stargate program, let alone a mythic ancient city in another galaxy.

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Watch And See by secondsilk

John asks, so Ronon acquiesces, but he hadn't been expecting this.

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Welcome Home by crazywriter10

Though he wouldn't tell it to anyone, one of John Sheppard's favorite pastimes was watching his lover sleep.

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With the Morning Sun by scrollgirl

John and Cam dream of regrets, lost love, and second chances.

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You Belong With Me by Gamilaroi

John Sheppard and Darcy O'Neill have strong feelings for each other, but must surpress them due to both being in the USAF. When a machine is discovered off world everything changes for both men.

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Yours, Yours Too, Yours Still, Yours Always by dustandroses

These four ficlets are the story of one important night in Ronon and John's relationship.

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life not a dream by somehowunbroken

Gene carriers are bound together, which would usually work if you didn't hate your bondmate.

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