Tag: Sheppard/Lorne
A Complete Analysis of the Situation by
Lorne thinks things will be different this time.
A Momentary Lapse of Sanity by
Part of the Dramatic Exit series.
A Night He Can't Remember by
After ingesting a little more alien hooch than is wise, John ends up in bed with Ronon. The morning after, he can't remember any of what happened the previous night.
Lists: Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index
A Night on the Town by
Lorne decides that John needs to learn how to let go of his control.
Alien Drugs by
John and Evan are given drugs offworld and the only way to counteract them is to have sex.
All Hallow's Eve by
How John met Evan Lorne, tarot reader. Part of The Tarot Card Series (McKay/Sheppard).
Another one, really? by
John gets hit on by another princess. Lorne decides it's time to cool things off with John.
As Deep Cries Out To Deep by
John Sheppard had served his country and just wanted to be left alone for the rest of his life. Too bad Rodney McKay had other ideas. So when John moves to Atlantis, at Rodney's behest, he discovers more than the City of the Ancients, he discovers Evan Lorne.
Atlantis Manifest by
Part of the Dark Muse series (chapters not linked within the story. Follow the tags instead).
Atlantis's Gift by
John isn't happy when Evan comes back. He wants to know why Evan left three years ago.
Battery Operated by
Atlantis goes into lock-down and John's plans for the evening go FUBAR.
Beach Day by
John decides that Evan needs a day away from the City. Evan thinks he needs to finish those requisition forms.
Beautiful Boys, Games & Rewards: Three Connected Drabbles by
Because I Can by
Part of Moving Forward. John and Evan finally have some time for themselves.
Because That's All He Was by
John thinks he knows his Major. Does he?
Been Five Years by
It’s not often fate works for them instead of against them. Evan's planning on making the most of the one time it does.
Between Friends by
John slouched as he sat in his chair, glancing at Lorne as the man went over their collective paperwork. “So, if I asked you to do something weird, what would it cost me?”
Bones in the Closet by
Part of the A Survivor series. Aliens make Evan prove his authority over John.
Boys and Their Toys by
John needs help getting out of a sticky situation. Lorne comes to his rescue.
Breaking Shadows by
After John ignores Mr. Woolsey's orders, Woolsey assigns Major Lorne as his disciplinary officer.
Breakthroughs and Bureaucracy by WIP
There's a breakthrough at Atlantis, but how will it affect the 2 ranking military officers and their.....arrangement?
Lists: Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Breathing Room by
John and Evan goes from fuckbuddies to something else.
Busted by
"I'm very aware of how much you want me." He shifted his grip.
John moaned again.
"I have the evidence in my hand."
By Jove I Think He's Got It! by
John needs help caring for a baby he's saved. Evan is happy to help.
By My Side by
John's in recovery and Lorne's his caregiver.
Cardinal Directions by
Somebody somewhere had never seen a Lorne non-con. Here it be.
Cave of Destiny by
Sheppard's team goes to a cave of world with Major Lorne and Dr. Maxwell.
Cell Mates by
When only one other man on Atlantis is gay, how lonely do you get before you run to him?
Chain of Command: Interlude: Still Life, with rope by
Sequel to Chain of Command.
Christmas Surprise by
Evan's empty office is too much to resist.
Christmas drabbles by
A series of slashy drabbles all written for and about Christmas.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Closer by
The one thing you learn, the one thing you don't fucking do, is take advantage of the men under your command.
Comfort Food by
Part of the Cafeteria Series. Follows directly after Pegasus Cake Baking 101.
Comfort Food II by
Part of the Cafeteria Series. Follows closely after Comfort Food
Commanding Officer by
John isn't sure how this whole thing with Evan Lorne got started but he was sure that it wasn't what he had signed up for.
Comment Fic: Writing On The Body by
Evan does his best artwork on the canvas of John's body.
Comment fic - family by
John was pretty sure that if he hadn't loved Evan beforehand, he would have loved him simply for his family.
Consequences and Communication by
Caught with another man's hands on him, John has to face the consequences.
Crimson Clove by
A rescue mission ends in an unexpected way.
Crossing the Line by
Lorne was royally screwed. Not because he had just found out that his commander has a thing for him and he didn't return his feelings, it was because he did. The only thing that stood in the way was Lorne's integrity, and he wasn't sure he was such an honorable man
Debbie Does Dallas and John Sheppard Does Everyone Else by
A series of nine unrelated ficlets and they really aren't as slutty as the title makes it sound, I just thought it was funny. John/Bruce Wayne, John/Cameron Mitchell, John/Castiel, John/Connor Davids, John/David Parrish, John/Eliot Spencer, John/Evan Lorne, John/Jonas Quinn, John/Steve McGarrett
Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Debbie Does Dallas and John Sheppard Does Everyone Else by
A series of nine unrelated ficlets and they really aren't as slutty as the title makes it sound, I just thought it was funny. John/Bruce Wayne, John/Cameron Mitchell, John/Castiel, John/Connor Davids, John/David Parrish, John/Eliot Spencer, John/Evan Lorne, John/Jonas Quinn, John/Steve McGarrett
Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Decadence by
John and Evan learn to be wary of alien fudge.
Desk Job by
Part of the Sides series. John and Evan sketches out their plans for the night.
Desperate Times by
Masturbation fun! And maybe some exhibitionism…sorta.
Disco Fever by
When John was first handed a brightly coloured invitation with the words ANNUAL ATLANTIS DISCOTECH printed in bold black text across the front he wasn’t quite sure what to think, except that maybe Elizabeth had finally lost her mind.
Distraction Technique by
How is Lorne supposed to focus on his paperwork when John's being a distraction?
Dog Tags by
Dog Tags is a valid kink. Yes it is. (NC-17) Includes other pairings.
Don't believe everything you're told by
Lorne learns that he should pay more attention to the botanists.
Downthrow by
Of all the ways to fuck up his career, Nick never even considered this one.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index
Dreaming With Open Eyes by
Often what is buried in the unconscious doesn’t stay that way.
Dull Monday by
Evan drew a picture once about how he felt Monday mornings. Part of the Shades Verse.
Duly Distracted by
Sequel to Distraction Technique. Lorne follows through on his promise.
Empty Baseball Park by
Lorne himself is here by accident. If he hadn't been fucking his team leader, she wouldn't have had him transferred off SG-11 when the rumours first got back to her. If he hadn't been without a unit when Dr. Weir came chasing expedition members, he might not have made her list at all.
Evan Lorne's No Good, Very Bad Day by
Part of the Dramatic Exit series.
Experimentation by
Lorne is angling for something special for his birthday. Warning: dubcon.
Fever Dreams by
John rarely gets sick. Companion piece to What Weight We Bear.
Figuring It All Out by
When Lorne walks in by accident, Sheppard gets outted. When Lorne admits to the same, the question becomes how they will deal with each other now.
Filling the Canvas by
Lorne needs a model. Sheppard volunteers.
First Time For Everything by
Part of the Dramatic Exit series.
Five Times John Sheppard Has Sex With Someone Other Than Rodney McKay by
Flavor by
Evan is not happy with the food selection in the mess hall.
Fly Bright Feathered Sometimes by
His mouth is softer than you imagined it would be
Flyboys Will Be Flyboys by
Sheppard and Lorne. Alone in a jumper. Need I say more? Part of the Welcome Home series.
Four AM by
Evan lay curled amongst the blankets that they had piled into a soft nest on the floor of John's quarters. His feet were anything but warm, sticking out from beneath an Athosian quilt, and John's legs were wrapped around him with his bony knees poking his ass, but he felt more comfortable, more at peace, than he ever had before.
Fragile Chains by
Sequel to Taking Orders. Sometimes they have to reassure themselves about the other's well being.
Free Fallin by
Lorne learns to deal when John requires his own *private* examinations.
Gay Bomb Crack Fic by
Residuum (NC-17)
Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index
H is for Hostages by
Sequel to Upside Down. John is kidnapped together with his and Evan's daughter.
Habit by
Evan's not so sure that this is a habit he can break.
He Shoots, He Scores by
12 hours, once a month, oh what to do with the time????
Heavy in Your Arms by
Atlantis was not the safe haven Evan Lorne had been expecting but there was someone there who was a haven all on his own.
Holiday Drabble by
Evan had never imagined that John would turn out to be everything he wanted.
Holy Seed by
Having to watch two of her superior officers jerk each other off as a fertility ritual was definitely the most surreal experience of her career.
How did you get that scar on your ass? by
A little pillow talk between lovers.
Howl-o-Ween in Atlantis by
A large wooden crate was pushed through from the SGC...full of costumes and Halloween decorations!
I Feel Your Pain by
Aliens make John feel all the accumulated pain of his team members.
I'm Fine by
John feels a little overwhelmed after Evan gets injured on a mission. Part two of the Welcome Home series.
In The Air by
Their first time is, almost predictably, in a Jumper. So is their second their third, and their fourth, because when Evan first approaches John he says no, I can’t, not in the City, and the Jumper isn’t the City, so Evan figures it doesn’t count.
Independence Day by
Evan takes John with him to see the fireworks.
Indolent and Awkward by
John and Evan's relationship started out really awkwardly.
Inflection Points by
Part of the Acceleration series. Primarily Lorne/McKay.
It's Catchy by
It wasn't quite singing in the rain. It was something else entirely.
It's Character Building by
Continuation of Reunion
Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index
It's Character Forming by
Part of the Dramatic Exit series. This chapter follows directly on Reunion.
It's Not Always About The Sex... by
To quote the author: "Five men, five times, five different reasons. All of them justified."
Lists: Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Just As Good by
During The Return, John gets to know his former XO a little better.
Just This by
Lorne makes a gamble that pays off, for both him and Sheppard.
Just This Guy by
Phase one of getting over Major Lorne is easy...
Just for a Moment by
Sometimes there isn't anything John can do.
Laundry by
John and Evan have some fun while doing much-needed laundry.
Leave No One Behind by
John finds himself drawn to an Ancient warship, and it's up to Lorne to pull him out of the interface when things go pear-shaped.
Life on Earth by
After working together for eighteen months they'd gotten repression down to a fine art. But Sheppard isn't playing by the rules anymore.
Like A Good Soldier by
John Sheppard was special even among the special people Evan had worked with.
Long Enough by
Every once in a while, a love so easy, so true comes along, that it’s practically effortless. This was not one of those times. OR: Oblivious!Sheppard stumbles along the path of love. Slowly. And with the aid of some restless natives.
Lorne Learns the Art of Shibari by
Set in an AU where BDSM relationships are the norm and everyone is graded on a sub/Dom scale.
Lorne and his sub Sheppard need some R&R and Lorne wants to practice Shibari.
Lorne Learns the Art of Shibari (John's POV) by
Set in an AU where BDSM relationships are the norm and everyone is graded on a sub/Dom scale.
This is Johns POV of the events in 'Lorne Learns the Art of Shibari'
Lorne wants something, or someone by
In which Lorne doesn't know how to pace himself, and John is okay with that.
Lorne's Memoirs by
Lorne is held captive by a more advanced civilization who allows him to live out his days, but will not allow him to leave. He begins to write about Atlantis, but does so making specific "mistakes" hoping a story will get passed on somewhere an Atlantean will hear it.
Lost Team Member by
While on a mission Major Lorne, loses a member of his team. He is having a hard time dealing with it and finds help from a friend.
Lunch Break by
Major Lorne brings a stressed-out Colonel Sheppard some lunch.
Lying In the Mud But I'm Looking at the Stars by
Aliens make them mud-wrestle in psychedelic mud.
Major Baiting by
Sheppard's thoughts as he tries to bed Major Lorne.
Measure of a Man by
Cam and Lorne commits a survey throughout the multiverse.
Lists: Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Moonlight on Atlantis by
John walks along the outskirts on Atlantis and finds Evan at the end of one pier.
More by
John wants his new Major to relax which leads to friendship and more.
Movie Night and First Moves by
Sheppard and Lorne know each other. But do they know ABOUT each other?
Moving On Or Not by
Sheppard and Lorne are serious. In fact, they've been serious for a while now. But, if they never leave Atlantis they'll have to hide forever. Maybe it's time to leave?
Multiplication by
A few extra Lornes running around will come in handy for... paperwork.
Mutual Misunderstandings by
How high a price are you willing to pay to get your hands on everything Atlantis could have ever hoped for? A slip of a tongue during an off world visit and some help from Rodney and John and his second in command are about to find out.
My Boyfriend's Face by
John goes to Eureka and meets someone who looks an awful lot like his boyfriend.
Never Would by
Evan stakes his claim by bending John over a table in the mess.
Nightmares in the Darkness by
Sequel to Life Is Not A Dream. Evan has had enough.
No Lighter Burden, Nor More Agreeable by
When SG-1 comes to Atlantis, it brings an old relationship back into Lorne's life.
No Problem With That by
"Major." With a nod of his head, that was the way Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard had greeted his XO and Evan had had no problem with that. But now two hours had passed and he was getting worried.
Not Nothing by
John doesn't think of Atlantis right away, but hen he does, it seems like a good plan.
Nowhere To Go by
John looks so pretty all tied up that it's almost a shame to do him, so Evan takes his time.
On Loving a Geek (A Non-Traditional Romance) by
John wants Rodney, but Rodney is happy with Zelenka. With John turned into a woman, will Lorne help him forget about Rodney?
On the Bright Side by
"Oh, come on, Parrish. I'm not stupid enough to touch the weird alien plant life again."
Paperwork by
Evan's secret to being so efficient at paperwork is that he usually keeps John tied up, plugged up, gagged and blindfolded at his side as an incentive while doing the backlogs.
Parallel, But Not the Same by
Sheppard learns first-hand that while two things may look identical, on closer examination those things are sometimes as opposite as two things can possibly be.
Peril by
John and Evan are trapped in a room with electrified walls that are closing in on them. It's just another day in the Pegasus galaxy.
Playing Catch Up by
They so shouldn't be doing this, John knows. They're off-world, in the middle of a mission, and he's worked too damn hard in his life to endanger everything by this particular brand of recklessness.
Practice Makes Perfect by
All sorts of things can happen in the communal showers.
Promises by
Part of the Cafeteria Series. Takes place directly after Comfort Food II
Put to the Touch by
Lorne is a member of the military expedition to Atlantis and John is a former USAF pilot, permanently disabled in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan. After getting his PhD in mathematics, he is invited to join the expedition and is assigned to Lorne's team.
Quiet Halls by
Major Lorne has found himself in a abusive (hitting/rape)relationship, Col. Sheppard finds out. Can the Col save him (the man he secretly loves) or will he be lost.
Random Chance by WIP
John and Evan are captured by the Wraith.
Rash by
John's got a rash . . . wonder where that come from?
Recurrence by
A visit to a new set of allies in the Pegasus Galaxy leaves John Sheppard and Rodney McKay struggling to overcome the effects of an alien device, while Evan Lorne and the other members of their teams try to help in any way they can.
Rescue by
John's in trouble, and Lorne comes to the rescue.
Rescue Me by
The rescue mission doesn't go exactly as planned.
Resetting the Parameters by
Evan comes to terms with his behavior.
Retirement by
A simple off-world mission produces a most unexpected result which sends the friends of John Sheppard chasing him around the planet.
Revealing Truths by
John is forced to reveal certain truths, as are other key members of the expedition, when John looses his temper, and Rodney cops the fallout, before taking refuge with Lorne.
Room Amenities by
Part of the Strange Aeon verse. Evan's busy, and John thinks he'll have to play on his own. He couldn't be more wrong. John/Ancient tentacle sex toy!
Rumour Mill by
He was as deep as he could get inside his XO when Lorne suddenly said, "You know, everybody thinks you're fucking Rodney."
Samhain by
Lorne finds his deepest fears and deepest desires combine on All Hallows’ Eve.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index
Say It by
Who's really the one in charge here...
Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index
Season's Headaches by
John brings a Christmas tree through the gate. Evan isn't amused. Much.
Second Chances Lost by
As far as John was concerned, a hail of gunfire ended Pegasus' last chance for peace.
Segments by
John Sheppard and Evan Lorne struggle with being military officers in a burgeoning relationship with each other
Serious Ink Job by
Lorne writes a report about a mission he'd prefer to forget.
Shades of Attraction by
Evan envisions a painting he'll never see in real life. Part of the Shades Verse.
Shadows Over Atlantis by
Part of Strange Aeon. : As the Atlantis Expedition settles into their new home, they discover that they may not be as safe as they believe. Something dangerous is lurking in the city, and worse yet, someone among them may have been compromised.
Showing Restraint (Is Never Necessary) by
John loves to be restrained, and Evan loves to give him what he loves.
Side A by
Evan loves going off world, and if he’s being honest, he loves John as well, but the two together? They don’t mix well at all.
Sides by
Thirty-one stories written in thirty-one days. Each one is part of one verse, and each one is in some way Sheppard/Lorne.
Signals by
van’s prepared for a lonely Halloween night, when guess who shows up?
So Pretty by
Just because Evan calls John "sir" doesn't mean that he's the one in charge...
Spiraling Towards Disaster by
Part of the Dramatic Exit series.
Start the Bidding At... by
John is captured by slavers and ends up spending two horrifying years as a slave before he's finally rescued.
Surprise, Surprise by
John finds a novel way to shut up Rodney.
Taking Comfort by
Part of the Virus Verse. Evan and John take comfort in each other.
Taking It by
After fucking John, Evan plugs him up and makes him walk to his own quarters with Evan's spunk still inside him.
Taking Orders by
Followed by Fragile Chains. Lorne makes a point.
Terrible Idea by
This is why you shouldn't get drunk with your CO.
The Atlantis Mentalist by
John touches something he shouldn't. Again.
The Closer We Stand by
When a bad case of "space mono" all but shuts down Atlantis, John Sheppard takes it upon himself to look after her citizens.
The Computer is Your Friend by
Part of the Dramatic Exit series.
The Do Not Touch List by
When Lorne falls ill and John is injured, the true nature of their relationship becomes apparent for their friends.
The Greatest Compliment by
God forbid John would make things easy and ask for what he needs.
The Light is What Guides You Home, the Warmth is What Keeps You There by
A mission to the moon does not go as planned.
The One With The Blowjob by
Who knew cleaning a puddlejumper could be such a turn on? Sheppard/Lorne
The Ones That Break You by
An altercation with another military officer brings up Lorne's painful history of coming out to his family. Sheppard tries to help, but he can barely get Lorne to speak about it. Sequel to Breathing Room.
The Quest for Power by
Todd kidnaps Lorne. John wants him back.
The Strangeness of Things by
There were people who believed that John Sheppard was incapable of settling down with one person.
The Virgin Dialogues by
Inspired by the fact that Sheppard acts so completely... virginal when it comes to knowing what to do with women who throw themselves at him-- willing, but inexperienced and just a little freaked out.
Thoughts on DADT by
The Atlantis expedition gets some good news.
Tin Can Telephone Party Line by
Evan’s mouth was hot; hotter still when his tongue did that… that tongue swirly thing.
Today and Yesterday and Tomorrow by
Evan didn't mean to end up in a relationship with John Sheppard.
Trading Partners by
After a "seed-planting" ceremony off-world, John sees Evan in a new light.
Two Halves Don't Make a Whole by
Evan Lorne wishes he'd never even heard of the Stargate program, let alone a mythic ancient city in another galaxy.
Under His Wing by
McKay persuades Lorne to give this thing with Sheppard a chance. Part of the sub!John - A Survivor series.
Under the Covers by
: From across the room, John spotted Evan, the shivering man standing out like a brightly lit distress beacon. "Evan!” He called out, reaching an arm up to mark out his position.” “Over here!” Letting out a relieved sigh, Evan made his way over to the row of smaller couches and stood awkwardly at the end. “Hey, get over here.” John patted the space beside him. “And don't worry, I've got plenty of space," John said innocently (well, as innocent as he ever got), patting the space beside him.
Unnamed Comment Fic by
"What day is it? And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time
Cause it's you and me and all of the people
With nothing to do, nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you"
Untitled by
A cross-country drive has an unexpected detour.
Untitled ficlet by
Evan stakes his claim by bending John over a table in the mess.
Unusual Circumstances by WIP
Part 1 of 4 (unfinished WiP). Chapters not linked.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4.
Wake-Up Call by
Lorne gives John a wake-up call. Part of the Strange Aeon verse.
Walk Softly and Carry a Big Stick by
John slipped off the bed and stood up, motioning for Evan to lift up his legs. John made quick work of stripping him the rest of the way. After dropping his own pants and underwear, John took a moment to look Evan over with an admiring gaze.
Want by
Sequel to Just This. John fantasizes about Lorne's plans for him.
We All Fall Down by
Part 12 of Strange Aeon. Lorne encounters a piece of ancient tech with embarrassing results. Cam is even less lucky with his mission.
Lists: Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Welcome Home by
John finds a surprise waiting for him in his quarters. First part of the Welcome Home series.
Welcome Home by
Though he wouldn't tell it to anyone, one of John Sheppard's favorite pastimes was watching his lover sleep.
What Once Was Lost by
John's first night back on Atlantis after having been abducted.
What Weight We Bear by
Companion piece to Fever Dreams. John’s good enough at hiding it that almost nobody knows.
Where to Go from Here by
Part of the Moving Forwards series.
Worthy of My Love by
Evan finds a new way to express how he feels about John.
You Know You're No Better by
John Sheppard is a Sentinel, Evan is his Guide, and Ronon is his Lover.
Lists: Threesomes and moresomes master list, Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index
You Saved Me by
Evan is in a abusive relationship and John finds out and saves him.
http://bluflamingo.livejournal.com/179034.html by
Lorne/Sheppard, Sheppard/Mitchell, Lorne/Colby, and Dex/Mitchell.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
life not a dream by
Gene carriers are bound together, which would usually work if you didn't hate your bondmate.
sub!John vingette by
Part of the A Survivor series. Evan wants John, but he knows that he's off limits.