Tag: AU - Quantum Stargate: Alternate realities

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2.473 billion to one by darkmoore

When the Ori destroyed Earth, a secret evacuation had been going on for several months. A few hundred thousand people had been sent through the Stargate into the Pegasus galaxy, settling into new lives on different planets all around.

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A Fear of Falling Under by race_the_ace

Waking up with John still sleeping soundly in his arms, holding on to Cam, was what Cam was most thankful for this Thanksgiving. It wasn’t often that he woke up before John, Cam could count the number of times it had happened on one hand. So he stayed very still, and kept his breathing slow and even, so he didn’t wake his husband up. Part of This Delicate Thing We've Made

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Abscido by kellifer-fic

Sateda is a nation standing against the Wraith. Once mighty, they now rely on raids to other worlds to fill their military. On Ra-Yeda, circumstance leads to the capture of two men who may be their downfall.

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And Hope by Sihaya Black

While on a mission, John Sheppard discovers a device, but he doesn't expect what's inside.

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As Deep Cries Out To Deep by race_the_ace

John Sheppard had served his country and just wanted to be left alone for the rest of his life. Too bad Rodney McKay had other ideas. So when John moves to Atlantis, at Rodney's behest, he discovers more than the City of the Ancients, he discovers Evan Lorne.

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At The Hour When We Are Trembling by Frostfire

The Wraith make it to Earth, and John and Daniel are left to pick up the pieces.

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Baby Boom by darkmoore

"You’re pregnant and you didn’t plan on telling me? You wanted to get rid of it without ever letting me know I could have been a father? Don’t you think this should be my decision, too?"

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Battlefield by elementalv

Lavvyan posted a quirky story called Cycle (which you should read first), and it tripped all sorts of wires in the collective fan brain. This is an authorized prequel to that story.

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Between the Darkness and the Light by kyrdwyn

John is the guardian of the secrets of the Stargate, and Radek comes looking for them.

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Breaking Shadows by seekergeek

After John ignores Mr. Woolsey's orders, Woolsey assigns Major Lorne as his disciplinary officer.

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Burn the Disco Down by Anonymous

Female!Sheppard knows that it's a terrible idea to get involved with SGC golden boy Cameron Mitchell, but she just can't resist him.

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By My Side by rinkafic

John's in recovery and Lorne's his caregiver.

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Candy Floss by Hesternic

Rodney runs away from the SGC to join the circus, instead of going on the Atlantis mission. Then he meets a handsome motorcycle stunt driver who teaches him that love can conquer fear.

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Cloudy, with Outbreaks of Sun by Bluflamingo

For the timestamp meme: Five years after Breaking Clouds. Yet another mission that ends with John waking up in the infirmary.

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Cold Warmth by kyrdwyn

While Carson had wanted to assess John's emergency care skills, being John's patient wasn't exactly how he would have planned it.

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Dawn Will Break by darkmoore, Cassandra Pierson (ca_pierson)

When Atlantis - upon returning to the Pegasus Galaxy from Earth - breaks apart in hyperspace, only John is saved from the debris. The group of Ancients that retrieved him offer him a bargain: Either he helps them make corrections in some universes, where things have gone wrong, or they put him back where he was found. Reluctantly accepting, John embarks on a lonely journey through a multitude of universes until he finally reaches the place he could again call home.

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Deep Water by Miss_zedem

Cam isn’t wounded in the battle over Antarctica, but that didn’t make him any less of a hero. When he’s offered any assignment he wants, his decision takes him further than he could have ever imagined.

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Domum Longinquo by broms_lullaby

After contact is reestablished with the Atlantis Expedition, John and Cam find themselves embarking on a long journey. Part of the Excubiae Perpetua series.

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Don't You Remember? by rubygirl29

Following exposure to an Ori virus, Cam wakes with no memory of John and the life they have together.

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Ersatz Void by Layton Colt (Nixa Jane)

Part two. Rodney was left behind by the Atlantis mission. Two years later, by a strange coincidence, he gets to join them, but things have changed a lot

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Evil Overlord Sheppard by GraceandFire

Rodney is captured by High Lord John of the Planet Leiath in the Pegasus Galaxy.

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Fight the Power by telesilla

A freak accident forces John into an encounter he doesn't want. Part of the Uni!John series.

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Genus by mklutz WIP

Rodney and Jeanie are genies. In bottles. Link is to part 6; links to other parts are on the page.

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Go West by Bluflamingo

Even with John having left the Air Force and Cam being stationed abroad, their friendship has stayed as strong as ever. Then, one day, John gets a phone call he didn't expect.

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Golden Opportunities by Tarlan

She thought it was a golden opportunity to show the council her true worth.

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Gone Native by Bluflamingo

In a reality where the Ancients were never attacked by the replicators after kicking out the earth expedition from Atlantis, John has a tough choice to make.

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Half a League Onward by Smitty

"I told you you'd warm up to me," John said with as much charm and as little guile as possible, "when you got to know me."

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Here is the secret that everyone knows by sabinelagrande

John stops wearing his uniform on the two thousand and second day after they arrive.

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His Bodyguard (series) by Soraya WIP

AU where John (and Ronon and Teyla) are bodyguards for one Dr. Rodney McKay. Link is to series page.

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Hold On, Here We Go by Bluflamingo

Mitchell never became the leader of SG1, and Sheppard never went to Atlantis. Instead they both worked on the F-302 project.

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How It Is by Atlantisphile WIP

Sheppard and his team have come through the Stargate to find themselves in Nottingham. Made guests of the castle, they slowly come to an understanding of how the Sheriff, with Sir Guy of Gisborne at his side, rules the realm. Despite this knowledge, there's an attraction between Sheppard and Gisborne that begins to grow. Crossover with BBC's Robin Hood (Sheppard/Gisborne).

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How Not to Fly by toomuchplor

Death and life, hope and hopelessness, aren't just for the Pegasus galaxy. Eventually, inevitably, it's going to happen on Earth. John and Rodney, loss and family and what it means to be home.

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In a Dying Sun by Miss_zedem

This is an AU, set post-EatG, in a universe where John is the civilian commander of Atlantis, and Cam is a member of the Chaplain Corps. Yes, really. This Cam went a different route after listening to his grandma.

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Lead The Way From All Is Lost by somehowunbroken

Originally for an sga_kinkmeme fill: 'John/Cam, slave!John: the punishment for disobeying direct orders in the military is to be sold as a slave to successful officers until they learn to obey without questioning their superiors. John is given to Cameron, who takes his duty as officer very seriously and is set in teaching John what he needs to learn in order to be re-instated, whatever the price.'

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Lord of the Sea universe by taste_is_sweet (Leah), seikaitsukimizu, lavvyan

Originally created by lavvyan in the story Lord of the Sea. Now all stories by her and other authors are available in the jaffa_for_hire community. John is host to the Goa'uld Mer'deth, who's something of an oddity.

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Make The Devil Feel Surprise by telesilla

In a dark mirror universe of our own, sixteen year old Rodney McKay is brought to Atlantis by the Chief Science Officer, his older sister Jeannie, after their parents die. While Jeannie has no real use for Rodney, Colonel Sheppard does. Now Rodney has to come to terms with the fact that not only is he Sheppard's boy toy, but also that Sheppard is a moody, paranoid sadist.

For his part, John isn't quite sure what to make of Rodney, who is an almost too perfect match for him. Just as he and Rodney carefully start to settle into a complicated relationship, a conspiracy begins to surface, forcing Rodney to take a stand.

Also Jeannie McKay/Ronon.

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Making A Baby by Bluflamingo

John and Cam try acting out a fantasy, but reality intrudes. Part of the What Happens Next series.

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Midnight Train by Miss_zedem

After his plane crash, Cam gets help with his rehabilitation by John Sheppard, physical therapist.

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Missing In/Action by busaikko

An AU John Sheppard married to Rodney McKay ends up in an alternate reality where John Sheppard's an enemy of the state. There is no way home. Part of the War Stories series.

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Morale Assignment by Anonymous

AU in which the the military are basically the lowest of the low, and Rodney chooses John to have sex with. Rodney is only concerned about getting off, but John has feelings for him and gets all angsty.

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Mother's Day by rock-mafia

A McShep AU wherein Meredith has always been a girl and John is in love with her now more than ever.

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My Favorite Colonel by pir8fancier

AU based on the Cary Grant/Irene Dunne 1940s classic movie, "My Favorite Wife."

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N.O.R.W.I.C.H. by Kat Reitz, tzigane

Of course he'd be a dean or something, because he couldn't see, so he couldn't fly. And there Rodney was, in the Air Force and probably doing everything John had wanted to do. Fucker.

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Neverland by race_the_ace

Sequel to The Only One. Just because they're married doesn't mean that John's issues have magically disappeared.

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No Good Deed by Forestgreen

John had only planned to infiltrate the SGC in order to steal some valuable information and then disappear without a trace the way he usually did, but instead he ends up getting attached; to his team, to McKay, and to Cam in particular. What is a master thief to do when common sense tells him to finish the job and run but his heart tells him to stay?

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No Refunds or Exchanges by shalott

Atlantis head scientist Rodney orders a mail-order bride. He gets ex-military pilot John instead.

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Nowhere Land by TheShadowPanther, Cassandra Pierson (ca_pierson)

About to be ripped apart by the psychic attack of a Wraith Queen, Telepath Rodney McKay does something no-one has ever done before: he reaches out.

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One Thousand and One Days by Tzzzz

Todd's hive has lived on Earth since the defeat of Ra. He wants John for his Companion, but John has his own agenda.

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Out of the Closet, Into the Fire by delphia2000

Jack knew things were going to happen when he greeted Daniel with a kiss while they were right in the middle of a hall in the Pentagon.

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Pegasus B by Various authors

An AU universe with several off-shots. One of them is Daniel/Rodney -> Daniel/Rodney/Sheppard -> Rodney/Sheppard & Jack/Daniel. See the Pegasus B Story Guide.

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Plan C, or How Rodney McKay Lost His Wife and Gained a Galaxy by toomuchplor

Billionaire Rodney learns that his soon-to-be ex-wife Sam Carter has a new boyfriend, John Sheppard. And who gets the cat in the divorce?

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Remember When (It Was Together) by race_the_ace

It’s not until he’s thirty-five that he realizes there’s something seriously fucked up about him. It’s way too late to care, though, and beyond too late to do anything about it. John tries, though, just a little.

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Retrace The Steps (As If We Forgot) by race_the_ace

John showed up at Cam’s doorstep about an hour after Cam had finally fallen asleep. Cam hadn’t seen John Sheppard in more years than he could remember, but that didn’t change the fact that he would do anything for him. So Cam stepped aside and ushered John in out of the night.

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Second Chance by sgamadison

Major Sheppard always wondered how his life would have turned out if he had only gone on the expedition to Atlantis instead of returning home at his father's request.

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Shadows Over Atlantis by Slybrarian

Part of Strange Aeon. : As the Atlantis Expedition settles into their new home, they discover that they may not be as safe as they believe. Something dangerous is lurking in the city, and worse yet, someone among them may have been compromised.

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Specialist First Class by me_ya_ri

John has a thing for smart people, and Ronon is very smart.

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Steal the Moment by Bluflamingo

John winds up in another galaxy, commanding 97 marines, with a memo giving permission for same sex relationships as long as they're discreet and his ex-boyfriend turned civilian deputy commander wanting to *talk* about who John sleeps with.

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Still With Me by Bluflamingo

Prequel: How to Survive the Far Reaches of the Milky Way Galaxy in 5 Easy Steps]]

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Strangers When We Meet by Jen Davis (jendavis)

One day, a group of explorers from the city of the Ancestors arrive at Sateda. As military commander, it's Ronon Dex's job to deal with them.

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Teamwork by Magus Minor, Methaya

John is a math doctor, Rodney is a RCMP Staff Master Sergeant, but they go to Atlantis all the same.

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The Air That Angels Breathe by Keira Marcos

Mutant!Verse. John has hid his mutation all of his life and then everything changes in an instant.

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The Beast In Me by Cede Lede

Conversion AU. With O'Neill on Atlantis, Teyla isn't the one John accosts.

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The Best Laid Plans by Bluflamingo

For the timestamp meme: Set one year after Gone Native. John and Ronon have joined forces with the Travelers to beat the Wraith.

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The Bribe by Fenchurch

Rodney given to John as a slave and they're on their way to Atlantis.

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The Crate by Rosemending (url needed)

Rodney didn't go to Atlantis. Some time later, he gets a crate with a mysterious creature inside...
JOURNAL PURGED. New source req.

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The Last Hail Mary You'll Ever Need by sly_bone

Earth-born John is the captain of an spaceship in the Pegasus Galaxy whose life changes forever the day his second in command, Ronon, captures Atlantis expedition scientist Rodney.

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The Providence of Stars by melagan

In the summer of 1942, young Dr. Rodney McKay steps off a train, eager to continue his work on the war effort. Nearly a year later, he's running for his life with Captain John Sheppard.

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The Sentinels of Atlantis by Keira Marcos

While the main focus of this series is the slash pairing of Sheppard/McKay there are secondary het pairings. The pairings that appear in the series: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, Cameron Mitchell/Vala Mal Doran, Jennifer Keller/Evan Lorne, Teyla Emmagen/Ronon Dex, Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson, Laura Cadman/Aidan Ford, James Stackhouse/Thomas Markham, and Radek Zelenka/David Parrish.
Sentinel John Sheppard thought he’d spend his life unbonded and then he met Dr. Rodney McKay. The mission to Atlantis is their mutual path and they will gather the strongest, brightest, and best for the mission that will take them to another galaxy.

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The Sweep of Easy Wind by blackchaps

John is a military prisoner under Colonel Caldwell's command. Controlled by Goa'uld technology, he is little more than a slave. Briefly stationed on Atlantis, his ATA gene is discovered by Rodney, who is a force to be reckoned with.

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There's No Such Thing as Daniel Jackson by eleveninches

Implied Sheppard/Holland.
Six months after a devastating attack against Earth, Sheppard gets a promotion and a reassignment to Russia, where he encounters evil aliens, Rodney McKay, SG-1, a possible plot against him -- and a series of unexplained visions.

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Through the Noise to the Sea by sherriaisling, sardonicsmiley

John has time to realize that those fingers are webbed and then the involuntary laughter about finding a mermaid interferes with his already questionable grip on breathing, and he passes out.

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To Serve And Protect by Lenore

John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir, Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, implied John Sheppard/everybody
Right or wrong, things had always been the way they were, the intelligentsia ruling and the military serving.

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Together by Demand by shinchansgirl

Rodney's condition to work with the SGC again is to have a military husband of his choice.

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Tongues of Men and Angels by Mad Maudlin

When SG-4 is ambushed offworld, an injured Major John Sheppard must put his trust in a Tok'ra agent named McKay to survive. But what secrets is McKay keeping about his mission, the planet, and his own motives for helping John?

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Trajectories of Two Moving Bodies by scrollgirl

Dr John Sheppard, the newest member of the SGC, has to deal with an embarrassing case of hero-worship when he finally meets Colonel Cameron Mitchell, leader of SG-1. But what if the attraction goes both ways?

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Trust Issues by sian1359

Kicked out the airforce, John works for The Trust, but he don't really trusts them. He's looking for a way out of it for himself and Rodney.

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Two Halves Don't Make a Whole by Welfycat

Evan Lorne wishes he'd never even heard of the Stargate program, let alone a mythic ancient city in another galaxy.

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Wear a Rainbow by busaikko

In an alternate reality, Captain Richard Holland earned a black mark in Afghanistan, Major John Sheppard lost the sky, and Rodney McKay remembers.

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Welcome to Atlantis by lillyjk

John is a medical doctor trained in emergency medicine. Rodney is an USAF Major.

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What Might Have Been Series by Keira Marcos

Also past McKay/Quinn, McKay/Mitchell, Sheppard/Holland, Sheppard/Mitchell and present O'Neill/Carter, Dave Sheppard/Keller, Mitchell/OMC, Lam/OMC & OMC/OMC.
What if Rodney didn’t go to Atlantis and the city was lost again? Sheppard turns up as the second command of the SGC under Major General Jack O’Neill and after a year of watching the moody government contractor Dr. Rodney McKay… he decides to make some very personal changes in his life.

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What's Love Got To Do With It? by admiralandrea

In this Alternate Universe version of the SGA pilot, Rising, Colonel Sumner is in charge of an expedition which is almost all male and all military. John Sheppard is a military pet - a submissive who has been trained to service others. Sumner decides he has to prove he is trustworthy before letting him go on the expedition, so has Sheppard come to his house to bond with the Marines. Later, he tells O'Neill he accepts Sheppard, but O'Neill has to see for himself first. Once they are in Atlantis, Sheppard is restricted to helping out in the labs, rather than going on missions, so Sumner gives control of him over to Rodney McKay, who is still head scientist on the expedition.

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You Belong With Me by Gamilaroi

John Sheppard and Darcy O'Neill have strong feelings for each other, but must surpress them due to both being in the USAF. When a machine is discovered off world everything changes for both men.

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life not a dream by somehowunbroken

Gene carriers are bound together, which would usually work if you didn't hate your bondmate.

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sub!John vingette by seekergeek

Part of the A Survivor series. Evan wants John, but he knows that he's off limits.

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