Tag: R
(Still) In Hollywood by
Sequel to In Hollywood. When the request comes in it specifically asks for Sheppard or Ronon. It makes sense for Ronon to go.
A Fear of Falling Under by
Waking up with John still sleeping soundly in his arms, holding on to Cam, was what Cam was most thankful for this Thanksgiving. It wasn’t often that he woke up before John, Cam could count the number of times it had happened on one hand. So he stayed very still, and kept his breathing slow and even, so he didn’t wake his husband up. Part of This Delicate Thing We've Made
A Late Valentine by
Valentine's Day doesn't go as expected.
After Midnight by
Sharing a bed offworld leads to something more.
All Hallow's Eve by
How John met Evan Lorne, tarot reader. Part of The Tarot Card Series (McKay/Sheppard).
All The Colours Came Out by
John and Ronon learns to deal with life on earth.
All Through the Night by
Ronon is having trouble sleeping, and so begins a project to help pass the time. John gets involved.
Ancient Fairy Godmothers (Can Be A Real Pain in the ...) by
Sleeping Beauty, Ancient style.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
And Every Breath We Drew 'verse: Drabble Set The First by
Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index, Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index
Archangel by
Based on Sharon Shinn's novels of Samaria.
John is an angel with more than his fair share of trouble.
Atlantis Manifest by
Part of the Dark Muse series (chapters not linked within the story. Follow the tags instead).
Beautiful by
Cam is turned on by the sight of John being all prim and proper in his dress blues and can't resist pushing him up the wall and just *wrecking* him.
Because we all know how well this worked out on Caprica by
“Okay, let’s get this straight,” Rodney says, clapping his hands together and staring hard at John. “Your name is John Sheppard and you’re a twenty year old exchange student from a nudist colony in Siberia.”
Blood In the Water by
Snippet adjunct to the Alpha Centauri series.
Bonding by
Aliens make John and Cam create an involuntary soulbond. Sequel: Next.
Breaking Clouds by
Sequel to Gray Skies Surround Me (preslash). John's first year on SG-5.
Butterscotch by
Links to all parts of the series can be found in the index.
Cam Mitchell's Guide To Sweet Seduction by
Cam is a good boy, sometimes.
Catharsis by
A tag to Bluflamingo's Trick of the Light (Daniel/Jack/John).
Caught by
When John wakes up, he's in a hive ship and tied to a chair.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Caved by
John and Ronon find themselves on the wrong side of a cave-in.
Christmas Trilogy by
The Atlantis team shares a little Christmas cheer.
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Comfort Food II by
Part of the Cafeteria Series. Follows closely after Comfort Food
Coming Up For Air by
Cam goes missing somewhere between Earth and another planet, and for John, this turns out to be his breaking point. Part of the Dysfunction Verse, but can stand on its own.
Comment Fic: Purple Haze by
Good color on you, man," John says to Daniel, and he's not sure if his voice actually rounds like it's in slow motion or if his ears just aren't working right.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Comment fic - "If anyone knew I was doing this with a former wraith" by
John goes to Michael.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Comment fic - hang-ups/expectations after past lovers by
Comment fic - third time's the charm by
If at first you don't succeed...
Comment fic - what happened after John talked to his brother at their father's funeral? by
Sequel to this comment fic. WARNING: Incest
Congrats, You've Met Your Match (The Space Captain Remix) by
Remix of Takes One To Know One. Kirk meets his match.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Connection by
John discovers an unsettling connection between himself and Todd.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Contamination by
John comes back from a particularly gruesome mission.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Domum Longinquo by
After contact is reestablished with the Atlantis Expedition, John and Cam find themselves embarking on a long journey. Part of the Excubiae Perpetua series.
Don't Feel Like Dancing by
Ronon's beginning to understand why he's never seen John dance before.
Don't believe everything you're told by
Lorne learns that he should pay more attention to the botanists.
Filling the Canvas by
Lorne needs a model. Sheppard volunteers.
Flight by
Part 1 of the Flight Cycle verse (Part 2, Part 3 ).
Flyboy's Guide to John, the Universe, and Everything by
Part of the Discontinuity Series
History by
There's a part of John's past that no-one knows, but that he needs Cam to know about. Part of the What Happens Next verse.
Hold On, Here We Go by
Mitchell never became the leader of SG1, and Sheppard never went to Atlantis. Instead they both worked on the F-302 project.
Holy Seed by
Having to watch two of her superior officers jerk each other off as a fertility ritual was definitely the most surreal experience of her career.
Home's a Lie by
Carson opts not to go back to Atlantis, and John realizes what he's lost.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
How John Sheppard Greets Cameron Mitchell When He Comes to Atlantis by
How To Deal by
Aiden helps John cope after their visit to the kid planet.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Human Condition by
The New Evolution (Lorne/Zelenka)
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Hunting Parties by
John is captured by slavers offworld, but that's only the beginning.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
I Want to be Your Last First Kiss by
John’s a bartender, Jonas is an ad-executive; this is their story.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
If We Make It Past The Judgement by
Atlantis needs Todd and Todd needs someone to feed on.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
In Hollywood by
So, uh, ladycat777 suggested the idea of a SGA/Jossverse crack fusion in which John is showing Ronon L.A. and they come across vamps being staked. It...didn't work out like that. I mean--yeah, it kinda did. But there's limited crack. Also, not much Jossverse. *hands*
In Which Ronon Journals by
Ronon journals about his camping trip with John.
In the Absence of a Place to Be by
Sequel: Stay Beside Me Where I'll Lie (John/Ronon, NC-17).
Inevitable by
Todd knew only three uses for his brethren; feed, protect, or mate.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Infirmary Series by
A series of short interludes chronicling Carson's emotional attachment to John.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
It All Goes Away When The Sun Comes Up by
It's six months after the disease spread through Atlantis, crippling or killing everyone in the CIty, and Cam's more than ready to get out there to help.
It's Character Forming by
Part of the Dramatic Exit series. This chapter follows directly on Reunion.
Just This Guy by
Phase one of getting over Major Lorne is easy...
Just for a Moment by
Sometimes there isn't anything John can do.
Knights in White Satin by
When Prince Radek's caravan is attacked by the Wraith, he's rescued by a mysterious mercenary who makes him rethink his future.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Knit One, Purl One by
John knits a little something for Ronon.
Life Is a Rollercoaster by
John and Carson deal with the aftermath of another Ancient screw up.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Like You Back by
The camping trip goes okay but the homecoming is better. Good things do happen sometimes.
Live While You're Alive by
Ronon realizes that he and John could have something great together.
Long Distance by
Cam attempts to have phone-sex with John.
Loosening the Knots by
Short codas can be found here and here.
Major Baiting by
Sheppard's thoughts as he tries to bed Major Lorne.
Medicate by
Sequel to Being A Girl. Just because Ronon's been turned back into a man doesn't mean that his problems are over.
More Than Plants by
Five things Lorne told Sheppard about Parrish before 'Remnants'.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
More Than Who We Are (I Won't Tell Them Your Name) by
"And now we're grown up orphans that never knew their names, we don't belong to no one--that's a shame. But if you could hide beside me, maybe for a while, and I won't tell no one your name."
Muffins Aren't by
Companion piece to And Heaven Laughed.
Need by
Jack gives a more pleasant spin to what happened to John on the mainland.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Never Not Easy by
This shouldn't be as easy as it is, shouldn't feel familiar when officially it ended years ago...
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Never Thought To Question Why by
Sometimes the binds would cut deep into Ronon's wrists...
Neverland by
Sequel to The Only One. Just because they're married doesn't mean that John's issues have magically disappeared.
Next by
Vala throws a party, and she loves glitter like whoa. Sequel to Bonding.
Normal by
It'd all be fine, if he could just get the message through to his dick to calm the fuck down.
Not Nothing by
John doesn't think of Atlantis right away, but hen he does, it seems like a good plan.
Of Sturgeons and Switches by
A misdirected email sparks an over-due discussion.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Older and Wiser by
They've maybe learned a few things since last time.
Paraphiliac by
urtication (use of stinging nettles), masochism, restraints, sadface
Parking Lot by
Sheppard's not exactly happy about being reassigned to SGC, but an encounter in the parking lot makes him think that it might not be so bad after all.
Parley by
John's got an eye-patch, and Cam's got a job offer.
Rainy Afternoon by
It's a rainy afternoon, and John's in a funk.
Redefining 'Long Distance' by
Cam finds that developing a psychic bond with the guy you have a secret crush on isn't as bad as it sounds.
Retrace The Steps (As If We Forgot) by
John showed up at Cam’s doorstep about an hour after Cam had finally fallen asleep. Cam hadn’t seen John Sheppard in more years than he could remember, but that didn’t change the fact that he would do anything for him. So Cam stepped aside and ushered John in out of the night.
Rules are made to be broken, Hearts are made to be mended. by
Richard Woolsey finds out that sometimes life won't let you play by the rules and that breaking rules sometimes brings its own rewards.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Say No to Velociraptors by
Two days after the Incident (and this is why John doesn’t like Lorne’s team. All the messed-up things happened wherever they were… Sure, his team isn’t perfect, but he much prefers being shot at to being… mutilated), John finally runs out of MREs and is forced to seek nutrition outside of his quarters.
Shattered Hearts by
The guys have a normal weekend including pizza, movies and other recreational activities. But when things go wrong, sometimes remembering the good times hurts.
Signals by
van’s prepared for a lonely Halloween night, when guess who shows up?
Snow Day by
John ends up with shovel duty, and Cam makes macaroons.
Solidarity by
Written for Kink Bingo's piercing/needle play square.
Spaces In The Light by
Part of the Shadows'Verse. Follows directly after Lines In The Dark.
Spar by
Teyla and Rodney are laid up in the infirmary, and John and Ronon deal with it in their own way.
Specialist First Class by
John has a thing for smart people, and Ronon is very smart.
Straight Down the Center by
O'Nell makes Cam babysit John while he's stuck on earth again after pulling his Atlantis-saving stunt in The Return.
Straight on Till Morning by
Maybe it was the Ancient bauble's doing.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Strangers When We Meet by
One day, a group of explorers from the city of the Ancestors arrive at Sateda. As military commander, it's Ronon Dex's job to deal with them.
Sunday Morning Laziness by
John makes breakfast. Cam does his best to distract him.
Taking Comfort by
Part of the Virus Verse. Evan and John take comfort in each other.
That Place... by
Written for the Shhhh-It's a Secret prompt.
The Best Days of My Life by
John and Ronon are in High School when they discover kink together.
The Hanging Gardens by
In which Richard is kind of evil and John squirms.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
The Pandora Effect by
Woolsey starts getting midnight visits from Sheppard, only, the colonel never seem to acknowledge their trysts during the daytime... (ends Woolsey/Zelenka, McKay/Sheppard)
Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index, Rare pairings slash index
The Pay is Certain (One Way or Another) by
Cam receives a crushing blow.
The Third Time by
Alien women like John. Evil Alien women really, really like Daniel.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
This Never Made It To The Mission Report by
Expanded version of the fic here: That
Three Days by
John proposes out of the blue; he's been planning it for ages and just...forgot to talk to the man he loves. Ronon: zero surprise but some surprising conditions before he accepts.
To Be With You by
John and Cam are the pleasure slaves of Jack O'Neill, but they are unwisely falling in love with each other. A little AU of John and Cam from the Telpa ‘verse AU.
Together Again by WIP
Marine Sergeant Dean Winchester-O'Neill finds himself on Atlantis.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Traveller's Debt (Uncertainty Reprise) by
Original version of Traveller's Debt
Triple Overtime by
Just because Vince takes the long way around to get there, doesn't make the kissing any less sweet…
Unnamed Comment Fic: Silence by
Prompt: John/any male, silent sex.
Unsaid by
Four times they didn't actually say I love you (but meant it) and one time they did.
Untitled by
A cross-country drive has an unexpected detour.
Untitled kink meme fill: Bathing, enemas. by
After years of living hard, now Ronon likes to keep himself and his partners squeaky clean.
Wanted by
A wild west AU set in about 1900, with added UST.
Wash Me Away by
Elizabeth takes a deep breath and says, “I’m sorry, John, your father passed away two days ago.”
We All Fall Down by
Part 12 of Strange Aeon. Lorne encounters a piece of ancient tech with embarrassing results. Cam is even less lucky with his mission.
Lists: Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
We Make a Sky Where We May Be by
John Sheppard doesn't believe in second chances, but it's possible that he might get one in Atlantis anyway.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
We're Chasing All Those Stars by
Everybody has a secret; John Sheppard has three.
What Friends Are For by
Ronon's still not sure what all the rules about sex are on Earth, but he seems to be doing something right.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index
What If I Told You by
John and Cameron comfort each other.
What It's Made by
Ronon has been on tour with the Satedan acting troupe for months. His friends celebrate his return with a party.
What Weight We Bear by
Companion piece to Fever Dreams. John’s good enough at hiding it that almost nobody knows.
Words by
Cam's mother comes for a visit. Part of This Delicate Thing We've Made.
Worthy of My Love by
Evan finds a new way to express how he feels about John.
sub!John vingette by
Part of the A Survivor series. Evan wants John, but he knows that he's off limits.