Tag: Timeline: Post-series

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20 September by enviropony

It's just past midnight on 20 September, 2011, in the middle of the northern ocean on New Lantea II.

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A First Kiss by velocitygrass

Someone takes a chance in a motel room on a road trip.

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Abandon ‘ship by rinkafic

Rodney decides that leaving would be the best thing for everyone

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Abracadabra! by gaffsie

Cam is laid up with a broken leg and John tries to take care of him.

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Attention Seeking by Tarlan

Atlantis is heading home but, for once, Rodney's attention is caught elsewhere.

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Auld Lang Syne by rubygirl29

Sam makes sure that Evan, John, Ronon and Cam get a happy new year.

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Babies on the Mind by signedbs

Ronon doesn't even want a baby, so why is he suddenly thinking about what his and John's would look like?

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Balancing Act by Perryvic, Zaganthi

He knocked again, and there was a long wait, the sort of wait that made John wonder. And a hesitation -- he heard the step behind the door, and waited before it swung open. Will looked... okay, not like he'd aged a decade in four years like John felt, but not great. Angry and tense across the eyes -- the black eye stood out impressively. Part 3 of the Desperate Tranquility verse.

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Been Five Years by Bluflamingo

It’s not often fate works for them instead of against them. Evan's planning on making the most of the one time it does.

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Between a Rock and a Hard Place by omg_wtf_yeah

On the run from angry aliens with golfcarts, John and Rodney hide in the husk of a large tree and something arises that confuses Rodney and embarrasses John. (Past tense Keller/McKay.)

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Black Flag by jade_1459

“Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats.” -- H.L. Mencken

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Boys Will Be Boys by mific

In which John and Cam are bored and horny, Landry's got a headache, and Vala's got a zat.

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Breaking the Mold by snowglow1275

This wasn’t like he’d simply been turned into a girl. That might be a little cool, for a while. But just knowing this body wasn’t his, that it had an original owner, one that would be getting it back, made him nervous about how he treated this body.

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Building a home by velocitygrass

The house was large enough for a family, but after half a year, John still felt as if he was stepping into a new house instead of a home.

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C. Pegasi by mezzo_cammin

Atlantis is on their own now. They have new rules, new relationships, and an ace up their sleeve.

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Catharsis by kimberlite

A tag to Bluflamingo's Trick of the Light (Daniel/Jack/John).

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Caught in the Gravitational Pull of Onderon. by reddwarfer

Rodney is sure of only two things when Jeannie decides to come back to Atlantis for a short research project: the city is not big enough for both of them and he's grateful for his accrued vacation time.

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Chance by velocitygrass

"I can't believe you didn't want to have sex with her," Rodney said, looking as if the world had stopped making sense.

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Change of plans by kHo

When they leave the San Francisco Bay and take to the skies on their way back to Pegasus, Rodney is angry. Angry, and bitter, and sad. He’s withdrawn, keeping to himself and ignoring anyone and everyone that tries to speak to him.

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Christmas Lights by rubygirl29

John and Ronon's first Christmas on earth isn't quite what they had expected.

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Christmas Vacation by Bluflamingo

While on Christmas vacation in Pegasus with Ronon, John gets stabbed by a unicorn, but there's still a happy ending (in that sense too).

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City in Flight by Goddess47

They weren't a new threat to Atlantis but they now came at them with a vengeance. John knew they needed help. What they got was more than they had hoped for.

McKay/Sheppard, O'Neill/Jackson, Beckett/Emmagen, Carter/Mitchell, Lorne/Davis

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Clean Start by penknife

Ronon introduces John to some Satedan New Year traditions.

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Coming Up For Air by Bluflamingo

Cam goes missing somewhere between Earth and another planet, and for John, this turns out to be his breaking point. Part of the Dysfunction Verse, but can stand on its own.

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DADT and PDAs by mischief5

By the time the new president finally got around to repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Atlantis was already back in Pegasus and settled into her new (old) home.

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Damned If You Do, and Damned If You Don’t by pir8fancier

Yes, there were signs, and if he hadn't been thinking with his dick he would have twigged to them immediately.

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Dandelion Clock by Bluflamingo

Things change; sometimes you just need a little faith.

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Deluded Effort by race_the_ace

Cam put all this effort into wooing John, too bad no one told him that John Sheppard was head over heels for him already.

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Discoveries by colls, swannee

A surprise visit turns into a surprise of a different sort.

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Do I Dare Disturb the Universe by vaguely_concerned

"When Faith Lumsbred disobeys the decree of Queen Harmony and goes into the forbidden part of the woods, she expects to discover something cool, or at least something suitably unsettling. Finding instead an ageing astrophysicist and his cat she decides to get to the bottom of the things. How did McKay end up here? Why has the queen gone to such lengths to keep him hidden? And what exactly has he been doing out here all by himself?"

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Don't Ask, Do Tell by skypilot_dlm

Cam wants to tell the world about his relationship, John does not.

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Drawing Circles by kyizi

John thought he'd left Atlantis and the SGC behind him for good, but then one day Cam rolls into the sleepy little town where John's settled down.

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Earthside by penknife

In which John and Ronon are temporarily assigned to the SGC, and experiment with life on a weird planet.

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Every LIttle Thing by almostnever (Cesare)

John anticipated a lot of possibilities for disaster when Rodney invited John to his sister's place for his first Christmas after the breakup with Jennifer. Getting drafted into playing a plastic guitar wasn't one of them.

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Everything We Need Here by telesilla

The team spends a relaxing day at the beach. John and Ronon come to an understanding.

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Fascinating by Welfycat

When John Sheppard and Sherlock Holmes go back to Sherlock's apartment one night, the result isn't something either of them expected.

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Fast Cars by colls, swannee

John's not looking for love. Nope, not even a little bit.

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Flesh and Bone by esteefee

Ronon is injured. John wants to help.

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Flip Side by skieswideopen

Dean heads to Republic, Washington to hunt down a trio of monsters whose young victims all appear to have died of old age.

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Forget by somehowunbroken

Atlantis is stuck on earth, John's been reassigned and his team is scattered to the wind. Lonely and depressed, he does what he can to forget.

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Geeks' Night Out by telesilla

Rodney wants to talk about ex-girlfriends but Ronon's more interested in Star Trek.

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General Inspection by Goddess47

General Stanley A. McChrystal got himself relieved of duty in Afghanistan on purpose. He has other problems to solve and the answer to at least one of them seems to be in Pegasus.

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Gift by snowglow1275

Radek's got a special gift for John.

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Good food, Good Wine, Good Company by flubber2kool

John discovers that good food, good wine and great company can lead to something unexpected.

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Had Joys No Date Nor Age No Need by altyronsmaker

Rodney turned and looked at John. “You know,“ he said, “I'm ready to go.“ John turned to face him, and he knew right away that Rodney was talking about more than just leaving the remnants of the festival.

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Hand Gestures by Tarlan

Atlantis makes a quick stop on the way home to Pegasus.

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Heroes With A Plan by monanotlisa

Being brave and reaping the benefits can be easy. Just, not this time.

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High Incentive by abrokencompass

Atlantis is returning home with a little extra baggage, and Ronon reveals himself as a closet-romantic cum fairy godmother, determined to find happiness for Sheppard.

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Home by kyrdwyn

John's home is on Atlantis, and Radek's home is wherever John is.

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Home In Time For Jeopardy by shakespherical

Even the defeat of the Wraith and a bright future in the Pegasus galaxy doesn’t mean that the universe isn’t ultimately random and cruel. Or that love can’t be found in the ruins of your own life.

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Honor Guard series by mayachain (ms_jvh_shuh)

Earthside, a Pegasus veteran stands guard over her commanding officer, who got shot on his way to Dr McKay's wedding.

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In Sickness and Hotel Rooms by taste_is_sweet (Leah)

"You wouldn't know 'okay' if it came running at you with a pitchfork." Rodney smacked his hand against John's forehead and left it there through John's growling dissent. "First of all, your lungs sound like a carburetor. And second, I'm surprised you haven't burst into flames."

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In The Aftermath by vipersweb

A sense of home and family bring them together, even if 'home' is still a galaxy away.

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Into the Dark by Anonymous

John lets himself be picked up by a stranger in a bar.

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It's a Small World After All by pir8fancier

FUBAR happens on Atlantis, John disappears, two years later Rodney takes a vacation to Disneyland, and who do you think is working at Soaring Over California?

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Jennifer by TeaAndCoffeOwl

It breaks Jennifer's heart when she realizes that Rodney's not in love with her.

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Jinx by neenz

Post-series, the reason behind John's suicidal tendencies becomes apparent.

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Just So Long and Long Enough by busaikko

Dave Sheppard learns more about his brother and gets drawn into a tangle of secrets and truths.

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Keep On Rollin' by Slybrarian

Cam decides that a road trip is just what John needs to get out of his funk.

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Keeping Christmas by rubygirl29

Earth baffles Ronon, but he understands John Sheppard.

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Last Stand by esteefee

It was Dr. Zelenka's idea, and Ronon thought that must have really angered McKay, because it was working. But Ronon didn't care whose idea it was. Wraith were dying.

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Leave No One Behind by kimberlite

John finds himself drawn to an Ancient warship, and it's up to Lorne to pull him out of the interface when things go pear-shaped.

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Lighter Than Air by trillingstar

The Ml'suk have harbored a grudge for thousands of years, and they have no qualms about using Sheppard as a pawn in their manipulations. Teyla, Ronon, and Rodney have to play by the rules or risk forfeiting John's life.

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Local Custom by busaikko

Aliens make them... have to talk about their feelings.

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Long Enough by abrokencompass

Every once in a while, a love so easy, so true comes along, that it’s practically effortless. This was not one of those times. OR: Oblivious!Sheppard stumbles along the path of love. Slowly. And with the aid of some restless natives.

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Making It Work by gaffsie

Relationships don't have to be difficult.

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Message in a Bottle by colls, swannee

They hadn’t planned on the world ending. Set shortly after the events of the Atlantis episode 5.22: 'Enemy at the Gate'. The world ends, people die, and Cam and John keep going.

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New Roads by Tarlan

Rodney discovers that, sometimes, the end of one road is just the start of another.

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No Problem With That by icantbelieveitsnotjohnsheppard

"Major." With a nod of his head, that was the way Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard had greeted his XO and Evan had had no problem with that. But now two hours had passed and he was getting worried.

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No Road Maps by penknife

Ronon's not sure where they're going, but there's only one way to find out.

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North is East by Pollitt

“That’s it, I am never, ever, letting you fly a city ever again,” Rodney said by way of a greeting.

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Not Nothing by somehowunbroken

John doesn't think of Atlantis right away, but hen he does, it seems like a good plan.

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Not The Protocol In All Cultures by karmageddon, prehistoric_sea

When Ronon shows up, laundry night suddenly gets a lot more interesting.

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Not quite Benjamin Braddock by velocitygrass

He couldn't look at Rodney and think that he'd never loved him more and then go ahead and pretend that it didn't matter that he married someone else.

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Not quite a regular day by Bluespirit

It started out just like any other day but then events happen that will change Rodney's life forever.

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Nothing Else Matters by sian1359

Atlantis goes back, but John returns to Earth for Dave.

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Ocean by Gigi

John has left the SGC and is living on a beach some where. When someone moves next door.

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Offer me Solutions by Tarlan

When the Trust try to destroy the ZPM room, leaving Atlantis adrift between the two galaxies on the way back to Pegasus, Rodney and Radek work hard to get it repaired. When exhaustion leads to mistakes being made, John has the right solution.

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One, Plus Two, Plus Two, Plus One by squidgiepdx

Set post-series as Atlantis gets prepared to go back to Pegasus, Keller resigns, Rodney follows her, and Rodney panics when he loses touch with John.

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Operation All’s Fair in Love And War by kHo

John realizes his feelings for Rodney when when Rodney decides to marry Jennifer.

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Options by shaddyr

"Don't you guys have the slightest awareness of how you are pretty much constantly in each other's orbits?"

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Personal History by Tarlan

After all the years of denial, now it was time for John to find happiness--for both of them.

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Pinned Down by Perryvic, Zaganthi, zaganthi (Kat Reitz)

He noted some of the things that John had done to him, very expertly, and on the principle that you give something on the lines of what you would like, he had noted the focus on lack of control, the vulnerability of the genitals and sensation to breaking point. Part 4 of the Desperate Tranquility series.

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Point Of No Return by Selenic (selenic76)

"Something wasn't right. Rodney felt it in his gut."

Rodney might stay behind on Earth with Keller when Atlantis heads back to Pegasus, and John realizes he doesn't want that to happen.

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Professional Jealousy (The Special Delivery Remix) by tex

Rodney is dissed by one of his colleagues. But John knows how to make it right.

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Racing the Moon by esteefee

Post-EatG and declassification, John and Cam are sent on a press junket. Cam's the pretty one.

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Resetting the Parameters by spacedogfl

Evan comes to terms with his behavior.

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Retirement by FlyBoy

A simple off-world mission produces a most unexpected result which sends the friends of John Sheppard chasing him around the planet.

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Rising Tide by scrollgirl

John and Cam are sentenced to death by drowning, which brings out a phobia and a confession. Fortunately, they both have very competent teammates who can save the day.

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Second Chances Lost by somehowunbroken

As far as John was concerned, a hail of gunfire ended Pegasus' last chance for peace.

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Seven Day Fool by reddwarfer

So, in the end, the only way to equal it out was to hurt them all.

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Sheppard’s Law of Martyrdom by pir8fancier

Rodney and Jennifer get engaged. The inevitable happens.

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Sky's Falling by scrollgirl

John and Ronon are driving through the rain to Dave's wedding at Corfe Castle in Dorset, England.

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Small Comforts by heeroluva

John, with Ronon in tow, meets up with an old friend with connections he couldn't imagine. Crossover with Transformers.

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Snow Had Fallen Snow On Snow by penknife

John hurts his arm and Ronon provides comfort.

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Something in a Sunday by busaikko

After Enemy at the Gate, John has bad luck with a dating agency. Also, Rodney has issues.

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Sometimes a Great Notion by curia_regis

Rodney McKay once said that humans have a saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Todd agrees.

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Sometimes... Love Just Happens by ru_salki99

With the repeal of DADT, comes some misunderstandings that lead to the breaking up of one couple and the coming together of another.

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Stand to Feel a Storm by monanotlisa (url needed)

Two US government employees meet in a bar. John Sheppard/Lincoln Lee (Fringe).

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Stargazing by suicidallemoneater

The city’s back in Pegasus, and John and Rodney have been watching the stars together for months when Rodney floors John with a simple observation.

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Stay Out of Trouble by FlyBoy

Only John Sheppard could stumble into trouble in the most simple of circumstances.

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Syrup Dreams by Anonymous

Written for the prompt: John/Todd, running into each other off-world, John ends up drugged. Todd bends him over something and fucks him, and John is watching him do it in a mirror, window, reflective surface. Dubcon/noncon - John's turned on, but everything's dreamlike and he doesn't really get that it's real.

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That Time on P3X-999. by Cottontail

While Atlantis is parked on Earth, John gets assigned to SG-1 for a few missions. On this particular mission Mitchell takes him on a detour through the woods. They compare Pegasus and the Milky Way and get caught in a torrential downpour.

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That Will Break You by mz_bstone

Life can break your bones. It can also stitch you back together.

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The Answer by velocitygrass

He knows what their reunion in less than an hour will be like. A wry comment from John. An eye roll from Rodney.

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The Devil's Workshop by kisahawklin

John's always noticed hands.

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The Hardest Habit by Goddess47

John couldn't say "Go get the girl" again….

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The Ingenious Dr. Rodney McKay of Atlantis by propinquitine

Who would have thought that defeating the Wraith was the least of Rodney's worries?

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The List by ru_salki99

Rodney can't understand why all his beautiful, blonde girlfriends keep breaking up with him.

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The Measure of Your Touch by skieswideopen

Either Cam is going crazy, or John is really a ghost (or something like it).

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The silence of the stars and of the sea by Anonymous

Rodney threatens to go back to Earth. John will do anything to make him stay, and Rodney's not above taking advantage.

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Third From The Sun by gaffsie

Ronon shows John a good time.

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Throwing out your frown and just smiling at the sound by less_star

John is always careful. After all these years it’s second nature, something he does without thinking and never lets himself forget. They never talk about it, there’s no need to.

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To Have & To Hold by ru_salki99

The IOA decide that because Rodney has never been in a successful long term relationship while on Atlantis, that he lacks certain leadership skills. John however, can't bare the thought of Rodney leaving, so comes up with a cunning plan.

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To See You Naked is to Recall the Earth by rubygirl29

John had seen Ronon naked in the showers, in the infirmary, but he had never seen him like this, all golden and spangled in the sunlight; his skin like warm silk, a faint flush on his cheeks, his lips soft with a half-smile.

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Today and Tomorrow by Bluflamingo

John and Ronon take a day off in San Francisco.

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Trade-Off by Anonymous

John needs to keep General O'Neill happy so that O'Neill will keep the IOA off his back. Jack thinks John has a pretty mouth and a nice ass. He offers resources for Atlantis in return for John being a willing hole whenever Jack feels like using him.

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Turn the world all which a way by Bluespirit

John doesn’t want to hear what Rodney has to say, and so he makes a strategic retreat… Okay, he runs away.

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Unlabeled by colls, swannee

Five things that happened while John was on Earth (post EatG).

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Until it's All You're Holding on Too by skitz_phenom

After tragedy strikes, Rodney's friends watch as he tries to do everything in his power to find a way to set things right. Sometimes the lengths Rodney McKay would go to on behalf of John Sheppard amazed even him; especially when those lengths included not being able to tell a single person about what he'd done.

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Waiting for My Real Life to Begin by toomuchplor

Rodney turns 40, dates Jennifer, kisses John and finds an Ancient weapons lab. Sequel: A Month Of

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Waking by somehowunbroken

John wakes first the morning after.

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Want You (to find me) by busaikko

John seduces Ronon with games, bad beer and strange conversations. The weird part is that it works.

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Wedding Duty by Goddess47

John is his usual, articulate self. Good thing Rodney's a genius. Sequel: Uninvited Guests

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When Life Throws You A Curveball… by wavelikedeocean

Cameron Mitchell was not, by any means, an unlucky guy. Sadly, due to recent events, he may need to reassess his situation.

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Where to Start Over and How to Begin by lilyfarfalla

Post-Season 5, Atlantis is stuck on Earth. Teyla realizes she has to create the path to take Atlantis home. With the help of Woolsey, Ronon, John and Rodney, she's widely successful, but somewhere along the way, Rodney and John get a little lost.

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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Words by es_skysurfer

Part 2. Rodney figures out what he really wants in life.

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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You Just Might Get It All by race_the_ace

It takes a while, but Ronon eventually learns that good things come to those who wait.

Lists: Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index

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kink meme fill: bruises by gaffsie

John gets off on knowing that Ronon's left marks on his skin even though he's careful not to let anyone else see them.

Lists: Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index

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kink meme fill: first kiss by gaffsie

The first time John kissed Ronon, they were both drunk.

Lists: Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index

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kink meme fill: genderplay by gaffsie

Ronon loves how different John acts when he's wearing a skirt.

Lists: Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index

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Stargate Atlantis is © MGM Television Entertainment . No infringiment is intended.