Tag: Romance

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1000 Cranes by melagan

“You’re trying to make a wish come true by, what, thinking about it? What happened to the actual paper folding?”

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2.473 billion to one by darkmoore

When the Ori destroyed Earth, a secret evacuation had been going on for several months. A few hundred thousand people had been sent through the Stargate into the Pegasus galaxy, settling into new lives on different planets all around.

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A Fine Romance by Starry Diadem

If Katy Brown and Jennifer Keller do ever sit down to braid each other's hair and swap Life Lessons, they'll agree that Rodney is, on the whole, a bad boyfriend.

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A Kiss So Sweet by melagan

Passion, hunger, desperate need -- those were sort of things Rodney had thought about.

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Accidents Happen by melagan

Almost made it to when, oh fuck, he realized he'd just kissed John Sheppard.

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And Hope by Sihaya Black

While on a mission, John Sheppard discovers a device, but he doesn't expect what's inside.

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Another one, really? by bridgie0202

John gets hit on by another princess. Lorne decides it's time to cool things off with John.

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Apastron by Tarlan

It's almost winter and Rodney's cold and cranky. John can fix that.

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Archangel by czarinakathryn

Based on Sharon Shinn's novels of Samaria.
John is an angel with more than his fair share of trouble.

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Ardhanarishvara by Auburn, monanotlisa

"Tell me, Colonel, did you take a look around and think, hey, it's the Planet of Sex Changes?"

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At Ease by melagan

Leave it to Rodney to bypass casual and go straight to cherished.

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At Sunset by ShayaSar

Carson and John celebrate their anniversary.

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Atlantis Summer Camp by snowglow1275 WIP

Atlantis is a summer camp and Rodney gets talked into being a counselor. Part 2

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Backyard by fawkesielady-ed

John came home early to surprise Rodney - he's the one who is surprised.

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Battery Operated by somehowunbroken

Atlantis goes into lock-down and John's plans for the evening go FUBAR.

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Bedtime by Goddess47

"Time for bed, sweetie," John said softly, mentally crossing his fingers.

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Between the Darkness and the Light by kyrdwyn

John is the guardian of the secrets of the Stargate, and Radek comes looking for them.

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Bleak Midwinter by rubygirl29

John and Ronon have a white Christmas together. Sort of.

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Blue by lilyleia78

Rodney hates not knowing everything, and even simple questions can lead to big truths.

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Come Again Some Other Day by julietink

"Yesterday," John said, just in case Rodney was missing the point, "it was sunny."

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Coming Out Sideways by rosiepaw

"Let me clarify. What’s in it for me that I’m not already getting?"

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Concussions from Butterflies by kHo

It’s shocking and remarkable how easily John says "I love you" when they start messing around.

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Conversations and Consequences by shao_fu

After John comes back from Earth, Rodney wants to talk.

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Counterpoint by Nestra

Rodney writes and conducts symphonies and needs someone to manage the other parts of his life. Other stories in the series: Cadence; Continuo; Caesura

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Cover Me by psychicvanity

"Oh, guard my soul, and deliver me! Let me not be put to shame, for I take refuge in you." Psalm 25:20, ESV

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Crossing the Line by Ayama-chi

Lorne was royally screwed. Not because he had just found out that his commander has a thing for him and he didn't return his feelings, it was because he did. The only thing that stood in the way was Lorne's integrity, and he wasn't sure he was such an honorable man

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Curb Appeal by neevebrody

Rodney stopped the car and gazed out of the windshield. The house had that abandoned look about it, dark, frowning windows and covered over by layers of time. Sequel: All I Have

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Dark Clouds and Silver Linings by Prinzessn

John and Carson discuss dark clouds, finding their silver lining, and there's bowling involved too.

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Delicatus by scrollgirl

Ronon wondered if John knew this was a date.

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Desolate Dreamscape by Catheights

John can't sleep. Rodney offers comfort by being Rodney.

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Entwined to Perfection by race_the_ace

Sometimes John thinks Connor doesn’t get it, but sometimes he’s pretty fucking sure he does. Part of Becoming Connor Sheppard-Davids.

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Everything We Need Here by telesilla

The team spends a relaxing day at the beach. John and Ronon come to an understanding.

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Feeling Right by Titti

It's their first Christmas on Atlantis.

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Figuring It All Out by bridgie0202

When Lorne walks in by accident, Sheppard gets outted. When Lorne admits to the same, the question becomes how they will deal with each other now.

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First Monday by flyakate

Everyone was happy and smiling. It was creepy.

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Flesh and Bone by esteefee

Ronon is injured. John wants to help.

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Forgetful by outsideth3box

John knows he's forgotten something important.

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Had Joys No Date Nor Age No Need by altyronsmaker

Rodney turned and looked at John. “You know,“ he said, “I'm ready to go.“ John turned to face him, and he knew right away that Rodney was talking about more than just leaving the remnants of the festival.

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Hanging By A Moment by Damion Starr

They're taking a huge risk to be together like this.

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Head Veg by sheafrotherdon

"I would very much like to see the effect of a vegetable on your head," Teyla offered.

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Head of the Class by pir8fancier

Rodney McKay is a U.C. Berkeley physics professor who absolutely cannot stand the new faculty hire, John Sheppard.

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Here I Am (Come and Take Me) by dogeared

One of them bets the other one that they can't go a whole day without kissing them

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Holiday Drabble by race_the_ace

ne of the things John loves about Cam, is the way they can be in the middle of the Pegasus Galaxy but Cam will still enthusiastically celebrate every holiday.

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Holiday Drabble by race_the_ace

One of John’s favorite things about Christmas is the way Connor was all his for the day.

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Holiday Drabble by race_the_ace

Evan had never imagined that John would turn out to be everything he wanted.

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Home In Time For Jeopardy by shakespherical

Even the defeat of the Wraith and a bright future in the Pegasus galaxy doesn’t mean that the universe isn’t ultimately random and cruel. Or that love can’t be found in the ruins of your own life.

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How Much? by psychicvanity

How much suction does it take to get Nutella off one's hand?

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I Believed What You Said by smaragdbird

After the events of Broken Ties John realizes that he can't risk losing Ronon without telling him how he feels

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I Don't Ask For Much by psychicvanity

Then on a whim, John burst out, "Will you marry me?"

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Icicle by fancyformosa

"Oh don't be stupid, I obviously meant you shouldn't touch me *now*, with those icy clammy fingers and no, no, go away, no frozen stubble either."

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Indoor Fireworks by julietink

"Look, we're going to be dysfunctional anyway, can't we -- be dysfunctional with the sex?"

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Inexperience by earyn_black

Based on the prompt: 'John's never had sex before, and he's freaked out, not realizing his inexperience is a turn on for his partner'.

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Interstitial by Lunabee34

Rodney has always lived in the spaces between.

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Joyful, Joyful by Mirabile Dictu

"Tell him, McKay, before you both get too old to get it up."

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Juiced Up by velocitygrass

Under the influence of alien beverage, John reveals his feelings to Rodney. Not that he's capable of actually talking about it.

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Keep the Home Fires Burning by SylvanWitch

**Wanted: One stoic warrior type for casual sex, maybe more. Must be passionate, occasionally submissive, always inscrutable, and patient with repression, military command protocol, and attempted martyrdom.** The series follows Season 2 throughout.

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Kind Much Closer by omg_wtf_yeah

8 vignettes from different points in their relationship.

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Kiss Me, Arthur by

John and Rodney singing Camelot on Broadway.


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Kiss Me. Arthur by

It had always been Elizabeth Weir's dream to produce a revival of Camelot on Broadway. She finally had the chance to do so and had cast Rodney McKay " primarily an opera singer but also currently down on his luck " as Arthur. Two weeks before Opening Night, a serious accident takes out Broadway-favorite Daniel Jackson, who had been cast as Lancelot, and Elizabeth's now desperate for a replacement. Fate intervenes and John Sheppard, mega-star and lead of John Sheppard and Friends pop fame is available. But is there more than fate involved?


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Knights in White Satin by zillah_fic

When Prince Radek's caravan is attacked by the Wraith, he's rescued by a mysterious mercenary who makes him rethink his future.

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Life by sheafrotherdon

What a judge and a court and two witnesses and a son have joined together, no one gets to break apart.

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Lightening by velocitygrass

After six years, it's love at first sight.

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Like a Coin by yesj

They’ve been in Atlantis for a few months when Rodney decides that John Sheppard has made it his personal mission to drive Rodney nuts.

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Linger by Zinnith

It presents certain difficulties to have an illicit affair with a person who gets up at the same time you go to bed.

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Lost Team Member by SGA_LOVER, Mercutio, mercuriosity

While on a mission Major Lorne, loses a member of his team. He is having a hard time dealing with it and finds help from a friend.

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Magnetism by Damion Starr

A trip through the Gate gone wrong leads John to evaluate just what his young Lieutenant means to him.

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Moebius by esteefee

John owns a coffee shop; one guess who is best customer is. Set in the Fair Trade universe.

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Moving Day by altyronsmaker

"He’s a buddy of mine from the service. Recently discharged, looking to meet new people Trust me, McKay. You’ll get along." Sequel: Handy Man

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Mutual Misunderstandings by Ayama-chi

How high a price are you willing to pay to get your hands on everything Atlantis could have ever hoped for? A slip of a tongue during an off world visit and some help from Rodney and John and his second in command are about to find out.

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One, Plus Two, Plus Two, Plus One by squidgiepdx

Set post-series as Atlantis gets prepared to go back to Pegasus, Keller resigns, Rodney follows her, and Rodney panics when he loses touch with John.

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Orchestration by Pollitt

Only John Sheppard could shrug with his shoulders, eyebrows *and* his hair, and look both devious and innocent at the same time.

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Plain White Tee (The Three Musketeers' Remix) by mayachain (ms_jvh_shuh)

T-shirts worry when their shelf-mates don't come back from the laundry. Remix of Plain White Tee

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Plan C, or How Rodney McKay Lost His Wife and Gained a Galaxy by toomuchplor

Billionaire Rodney learns that his soon-to-be ex-wife Sam Carter has a new boyfriend, John Sheppard. And who gets the cat in the divorce?

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Plausible Deniability by altyronsmaker

John enjoys a little plausible deniability - until he can't.

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Professional Jealousy by tex

Rodney is dissed by one of his colleagues. But John knows how to make it right. Remix of: Professional Jealousy

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Proof of Intimacy by mezzo_cammin

John really should have known better than to challenge Rodney, especially when it involved their sex life.

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Quiet Halls by SGA_LOVER

Major Lorne has found himself in a abusive (hitting/rape)relationship, Col. Sheppard finds out. Can the Col save him (the man he secretly loves) or will he be lost.

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Redefining 'Long Distance' by blueskypenguin

Cam finds that developing a psychic bond with the guy you have a secret crush on isn't as bad as it sounds.

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Remember When by danceswithgary

John tells a story about two men, a chair, and an orange fleece jacket.

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Repal of DADT by Morell WIP

DADT is repealed and Jack makes his relationship with John official.

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Sheppard's sense of snow by rosiepaw

"Very funny. What are you wearing as the outermost layer on your upper body?"

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Sheppardology 101 by neevebrody

He's practically made a science of knowing where to touch, when to linger and when to move on.

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Slept Too Long by fawkesielady-ed

Jingle Bells had been stuck in his head as he waited for the ten o'clock train, and Deck the Halls had kept him up until almost two in the morning as his mind repeated falalalala lalalala about a thousand times a minute. "While you were Sleeping" done McShep.

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So Many Possibilities by asyouleft

"Appendix, Sheppard, appendix. I shouldn’t have been surprised, I mean you’ve broken every bone in your body-"

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Spoiling for... (a kiss) by elizaria

"Nah, I just... I can do this now." And Sheppard stops. Rodney barely manages to not walk right smack into him.

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Steady State by thedeadparrot

Things that can be found in the apartment of M. Rodney McKay Ph.D. Ph.D. Remix of Catalysis for Dummies

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Stealing It Back by melagan

That was John’s pout damnit. When had Rodney taken his pout?

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Sunrise, Sunset by Pollitt

"Just because I'm sleeping with you doesn't mean you're allowed to wake me up at ungodly-- Oh. Oh."

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The Bare Necessities of Life by Pollitt

"Uncle John, come too," Madison says sleepily, lifting her arm from Rodney's shoulder and reaching toward John.

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The Best Part of Waking Up by Lady Anne

He knew that he was necessary to their survival. He’d never been necessary to a person before.

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The Morning After by Damion Starr

John and Aiden talk the morning after their first night together.

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The Tangler and the Hunter by Master Elayna

Rodney's a disgraced para-archaeologist-physicist; John's a famous movie star with secrets; they live on a planet called Harmony.

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The Things We Do For Love by race_the_ace

John wants to have sex, Connor wants… something else. AKA: John is so fucking whipped and loves it.

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There's No Point In Fighting It... by pinkstar1991

Sparring practice leads to a more ... satisfying form of exercise.

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To See You Naked is to Recall the Earth by rubygirl29

John had seen Ronon naked in the showers, in the infirmary, but he had never seen him like this, all golden and spangled in the sunlight; his skin like warm silk, a faint flush on his cheeks, his lips soft with a half-smile.

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Unnamed Comment Fic by somehowunbroken

Do you want the truth or something beautiful?
Just close your eyes and make believe
"Do you want the truth or something beautiful?
I am happy to deceive you

Sacred lies and telling tales
I can be who you want me to be
But do you want me? "

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Unsaid by mezzo_cammin

Four times they didn't actually say I love you (but meant it) and one time they did.

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Valentine by psychicvanity

John and Rodney find a way to say what they mean without saying a word.

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Waiting is hell by rosiepaw

Blankets. Thick, fleecy blankets. The one that his team-mates were apparently bargaining for was exactly the same colour as his orange fleece.

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Watching by velocitygrass

John is not reading now though. He's watching Rodney.

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Wedding Duty by Goddess47

John is his usual, articulate self. Good thing Rodney's a genius. Sequel: Uninvited Guests

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What Might Have Been Series by Keira Marcos

Also past McKay/Quinn, McKay/Mitchell, Sheppard/Holland, Sheppard/Mitchell and present O'Neill/Carter, Dave Sheppard/Keller, Mitchell/OMC, Lam/OMC & OMC/OMC.
What if Rodney didn’t go to Atlantis and the city was lost again? Sheppard turns up as the second command of the SGC under Major General Jack O’Neill and after a year of watching the moody government contractor Dr. Rodney McKay… he decides to make some very personal changes in his life.

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Wordless by somehowunbroken

John isn’t sure when he internalized don’t ask don’t tell so deeply that it became don’t speak, but he knows he has.

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You Belong With Me by Gamilaroi

John Sheppard and Darcy O'Neill have strong feelings for each other, but must surpress them due to both being in the USAF. When a machine is discovered off world everything changes for both men.

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Yours, Mine and Ours by neevebrody

"I just thought it would be nice to have one of our family's genes carry on after us."

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Zombies and Blackouts -- Oh My by Catheights

Sometimes the Pegasus galaxy was the ultimate horror show, the fright never ended.

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