Tag: Ronon's POV

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(Still) In Hollywood by Idyll

Sequel to In Hollywood. When the request comes in it specifically asks for Sheppard or Ronon. It makes sense for Ronon to go.

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A Litte Lesson by anorienparker

Ronon decides that what John needs is a hard and thorough spanking.

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Again by Jen Davis (jendavis)

When John was little, he dreamed of having wings and flying. He never realized that having one would mean losing the other.

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All Good by esteefee

Sheppard has a Swiss cheese memory. Ronon wonders
why he's been forgotten.

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Babies on the Mind by signedbs

Ronon doesn't even want a baby, so why is he suddenly thinking about what his and John's would look like?

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Before The Alarm by whiteraven1606

Ronon wakes up with a morning woodie and John's hole is right there, still loose and slick from last night. Who can blame him for taking advantage?

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Butterscotch by Bone (thisisbone)

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Clothes Make the Man by Anonymous

They're visiting a planet where nudity is expected, but John won't take his clothes off -- which just makes it harder for Ronon to take his eyes off him.

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Comment fic - ghosts from the past by smaragdbird

After the death of John's father, Ronon worries.

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Comment fic - it's just a flesh wound by scout_lover

Ronon is hurt and John worries.

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Damaged Goods by Jen Davis (jendavis)

Ronon's immune to the wraith. Detective John Sheppard doesn't die in the Las Vegas desert. It would probably be easier if the opposites of both were true.

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Delicatus by scrollgirl

Ronon wondered if John knew this was a date.

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Distillation by Bone (thisisbone)

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Don't Feel Like Dancing by gaffsie

Ronon's beginning to understand why he's never seen John dance before.

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Elegant by rubygirl29

Some words don't translate from Satedan to English.

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Falling by rubygirl29

Part 2 of the Flight Cycle verse (Part 1, Part 3).

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Feet In Your Shoes by busaikko

Ronon doesn't know exactly how old he was when he ran, and he's not sure how long it's been since he lived in a house with a family. It's kind of nice. He knows that technically Teyla's place is a temporary living facility, but it's the best he's ever been in.

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Fieldwork by Rheanna

Ronon starts his e-mail correspondence with Sheppard's brother more or less by mistake. Remix of Homework.

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Flesh and Bone by esteefee

Ronon is injured. John wants to help.

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Forgiven by rubygirl29

Part 3 of the Flight Cycle verse (Part 1, Part 2).

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His Place by Anonymous

The Wraith gives John to Ronon as a reward and Ronon "claims" him.

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Idiomatic by busaikko

John's all tied up today and can't get away.

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Implication by Bone (thisisbone)

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In Which Ronon Journals by wneleh

Ronon journals about his camping trip with John.

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Inexperience by earyn_black

Based on the prompt: 'John's never had sex before, and he's freaked out, not realizing his inexperience is a turn on for his partner'.

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Influences by Rivulet027

Ronon has to learn that being still doesn't always bring death, doesn't always mean he's given up, that and he has a hallucination or a ghost, he's not quite sure.

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Interest by farothiel

What would have happened if John and Ronon's little talk in Sunday had gone differently.

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Just Like Meditation by kathierif_fic

In order to escape, they have to pretend that John is Ronon’s slave �" and John learns something new about Pegasus galaxy.

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Keep the Home Fires Burning by SylvanWitch

**Wanted: One stoic warrior type for casual sex, maybe more. Must be passionate, occasionally submissive, always inscrutable, and patient with repression, military command protocol, and attempted martyrdom.** The series follows Season 2 throughout.

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Keeping Christmas by rubygirl29

Earth baffles Ronon, but he understands John Sheppard.

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Last Stand by esteefee

It was Dr. Zelenka's idea, and Ronon thought that must have really angered McKay, because it was working. But Ronon didn't care whose idea it was. Wraith were dying.

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Live While You're Alive by scrollgirl

Ronon realizes that he and John could have something great together.

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Love To Tease by Mirishka

Ronon and Shep starting to enjoy themselves together, Ronon decides it time to show his playmate how much fun he can be.

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Missing/Inaction by Crysothemis

Ronon's not good at waiting, but he does have some other skills.

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No Road Maps by penknife

Ronon's not sure where they're going, but there's only one way to find out.

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Not Alone by stormylullabye

On missions when they had to stay a night off-world, Sheppard positioned himself like he was desperately trying to protect everyone, even in sleep.

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Revelation by Bone (thisisbone)

Links to all parts of the series can be found in the index.

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Saturation by Bone (thisisbone)

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Snow Had Fallen Snow On Snow by penknife

John hurts his arm and Ronon provides comfort.

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Strangers When We Meet by Jen Davis (jendavis)

One day, a group of explorers from the city of the Ancestors arrive at Sateda. As military commander, it's Ronon Dex's job to deal with them.

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The Best Days of My Life by kanata, kyuuketsukirui

John and Ronon are in High School when they discover kink together.

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The Fallen by rustler

John and Ronon have a talk in the aftermath of 'Broken Ties'.

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The Path of Least Resistance by rubygirl29

After Common Ground, Ronon worries about John.

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The Pleaser District by cmds1025 WIP

While on a routine mission through the Gate John is captured and it's up to his team to save him and in doing so his and Ronon's relationship changes forever.

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The World Was All Playthings by cinaed

For the past few months, Ronon has been making up Satedan games, inventing ridiculous rules just to see if Sheppard will fall for them. Even when Sheppard doesn't believe him, his expressions are pretty amusing.

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There's No Point In Fighting It... by pinkstar1991

Sparring practice leads to a more ... satisfying form of exercise.

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This Could Be the Last Mistake by smaragdbird

Post Broken Ties, seeing Tyre again reopened old wounds that had never healed in the first place.

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This Time by Jen Davis (jendavis)

John and Ronon take comfort in each other.

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To the Victor Goes the Spoils by Anonymous

Sometimes Ronon gets horny when he runs. The obvious solution is to bend John over a convenient catwalk railing.

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Trapped by wesleysgirl

It's not every day that Sheppard gets captured and tortured without there being anything Ronon can do about it.

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Understanding the Passage of Time by whiteraven1606

Ronon didn't understand how it could be only a few hours for him but nearly six months for Sheppard.

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Untitled ficlet by Anonymous

John comes instantly from firm pressure against his prostate. One touch and it's all over. But he loves having his ass touched and fingered. His partner happily obliges.

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Untitled ficlet by Anonymous

John is cold and borrows a sweater from Ronon.

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Untitled kink meme fill: Bathing, enemas. by Anonymous

After years of living hard, now Ronon likes to keep himself and his partners squeaky clean.

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Untitled kink meme fill: cock and ball torture by Anonymous

Gay Satedan warriors practice a ritual cbt and Ronon wants to do it to John, who's not thrilled but lets him do it, anyway.

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Want You (to find me) by busaikko

John seduces Ronon with games, bad beer and strange conversations. The weird part is that it works.

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Warriors by rubygirl29

John and Ronon both work hard and play hard.

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Watch And See by secondsilk

John asks, so Ronon acquiesces, but he hadn't been expecting this.

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Weighty Ghost by Jen Davis (jendavis)

Written for hc_bingo prompt "Sensory Deprivation."

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What Friends Are For by penknife

Ronon's still not sure what all the rules about sex are on Earth, but he seems to be doing something right.

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What It's Made by Bluflamingo

Ronon has been on tour with the Satedan acting troupe for months. His friends celebrate his return with a party.

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When God Left the Ground by busaikko

Ronon thought his world had ended in the outbreaks, but then he was sent to Atlantis Academy.

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When The Night Comes by j_r_hartley WIP

Whilst on a trading mission, Sheppard and his team engage in some local customs. On their return to Atlantis, something is different, and Ronon finds that his growing feelings towards Sheppard might not be as one sided as he thought. However, the course of true love never did run smooth…

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You Just Might Get It All by race_the_ace

It takes a while, but Ronon eventually learns that good things come to those who wait.

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Zing by azure_chaos

Exploring Atlantis sometimes throws up surprises, occasionally it's not something that will kill them.

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kink meme fill: John/Ronon, cuddling, pet-names. by Anonymous

When he's in a relationship John becomes affectionate and demonstrative... though only when it's just him and his partner.

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kink meme fill: genderplay by gaffsie

Ronon loves how different John acts when he's wearing a skirt.

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untitled comment fic (beanie-j) by wesleysgirl (url needed)

URL needed.

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