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Results for search warning = Kink order by title
(2 chapters)
NC-17 // Established relationship //
Cheating, Kink //
0 words // 2005/09/22
- 2006/02/06
Spoilers: Runner, Duet, Trinity
Spoilers: Runner, Duet, Trinity
It begins as something basic, but what makes it something more? Rodney and Ronon fight over John's affections.
Beneath a Paper Moon
(8 chapters)
NC-17 // Angst, Futurefic //
AU, DubCon, Het UST, Kink, Violence //
0 words // 2007/09/13
- 2007/09/13
Spoilers: : Hatchery, Harbinger, Countdown, the Communicator.
Spoilers: : Hatchery, Harbinger, Countdown, the Communicator.
Stranded alone on a planet where war is outlawed and violence is punished by death, Reed and Hayes struggle to make a new life for themselves.
R // Angst //
AU, Het, Kink //
0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: The Siege, Defiant One, Runner, Instinct, the Brotherhood
Spoilers: The Siege, Defiant One, Runner, Instinct, the Brotherhood
Atlantis after Rodney leaves in the ‘Mau Loa’ Universe. Basically â€" Everett does all of the things John should have done if he’d really wanted Teyla.
Open Palm, Never Hang On
(5 chapters)
Cameron Mitchell, Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Sam Carter, Teal'c, Jennifer Hailey
NC-17 // Angst, crossover, Futurefic //
AU, Character Death, DubCon, femslash, Het, Kink //
0 words // 2007/09/13
- 2007/09/13
Spoilers: General SG1 and SGA, season four SGA casting spoilers
Spoilers: General SG1 and SGA, season four SGA casting spoilers
Five one-night stands Samantha Carter never had.
Sheppard/Kavanagh, McShep UST
Sheppard and Kavanagh get to know each other.
NC-17 // Angst, Established relationship //
BDSM, Kink //
0 words // 2006/05/07
Spoilers: Minor for 38 Minutes, Condemned, Runner, Duet
Spoilers: Minor for 38 Minutes, Condemned, Runner, Duet
Is there such a thing as too many blowjobs?
McKay/Sheppard,Sheppard/Kolya, Sheppard/Kolya/OFC
NC-17 // Angst //
AU, BDSM, Character Death, Dark, Kink, knifeplay, Violence //
0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: The Siege, Lost Boys, Poisoning the Well, Underground, Condemned, The Brotherhood, The Tower, Trinity, Coup d’etat, Phantoms, The Game, Countdown, Common Ground, Irresponsible, Hot Zone, Defiant One
Spoilers: The Siege, Lost Boys, Poisoning the Well, Underground, Condemned, The Brotherhood, The Tower, Trinity, Coup d’etat, Phantoms, The Game, Countdown, Common Ground, Irresponsible, Hot Zone, Defiant One
What if Kolya had lead the mission in ‘Underground’ instead of Cowen? Rodney takes a trip through the quantum mirror to find Atlantis allied with the Genii.