Tag: Pet Tales

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Checkmate (Series) by beadattitude

John gets turned into a cat by an Ancient device. Rodney takes care of him. Link is to index for the series of stories in this 'verse.

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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Dogged by lilyleia78

Rodney accidentally ends up with a dog. Unfortunately, Atlantis isn't exactly pet friendly.

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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Mincemeat by torakowalski

John rescues a cat from the Athosians.
McKay/Sheppard established, Beckett/Zelenka pre-slash.

Lists: Rare pairings slash index

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Rodney's Emo Cat by argosy

John is jealous of Rodney's blue cat. Sequel here: Normalcy

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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Stargate Atlantis is © MGM Television Entertainment . No infringiment is intended.