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A Day in the Life Of
(2 chapters)
John has been watching too much TV.
We do what we can to survive
Cameron Mitchell, David Sheppard, Elizabeth Weir, Jack O'Neill, John Sheppard, Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan
PG-13 // Angst, Established relationship, Futurefic //
AU //
0 words // 2006/06/20
Spoilers: Atlantis: Trinity, Sanctuary, The Defiant One, The Brotherhood, The Storm, The Siege, Before I Sleep, Letters from Pegasus. SG1: Camelot, The Scourge, The Fourth Ho
Spoilers: Atlantis: Trinity, Sanctuary, The Defiant One, The Brotherhood, The Storm, The Siege, Before I Sleep, Letters from Pegasus. SG1: Camelot, The Scourge, The Fourth Ho
What if Project Arcturus had succeeded?
John is a bridge between Kako and Rodney, just as Atlantis is a bridge between Kako and John.
John wants to take Rodney skiing.
PG // Established relationship, Futurefic //
0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: Echoes, Grace Under Pressure, Poisoning the Well
Spoilers: Echoes, Grace Under Pressure, Poisoning the Well
Sequel to ‘A Thursday Morning Concerto for the City in the Sea.’ Kako’s coming of age ceremony.
Rodney made John mad.
Much has changed since John came to them through the portal, though he won't say where he came from or why.
PG-13 // Humor, Popcorn //
Fluff //
0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: TAO OF RODNEY, Epiphany, Sanctuary, The Tower, The Brotherhood, Inferno, Echoes, McKay and Mrs. Miller, Sateda
Spoilers: TAO OF RODNEY, Epiphany, Sanctuary, The Tower, The Brotherhood, Inferno, Echoes, McKay and Mrs. Miller, Sateda
John Sheppard is an Ascended People groupie.
Rodney has a bad day.
(2 chapters)
NC-17 // Established relationship //
Cheating, Kink //
0 words // 2005/09/22
- 2006/02/06
Spoilers: Runner, Duet, Trinity
Spoilers: Runner, Duet, Trinity
It begins as something basic, but what makes it something more? Rodney and Ronon fight over John's affections.
(10 chapters)
NC-17 // Angst //
Sad //
0 words // 2004/04/20
- 2004/04/20
Spoilers: Major for the entire Xindi War arc
Spoilers: Major for the entire Xindi War arc
After Archer leaves for Azati Prime, Trip falls apart. Malcolm is left with the pieces.
Beautiful People
(9 chapters)
Rodney has a theory about beautiful people and why you should never get involved with them.
Rodney has these ideas . . . they don't always work out.
This is a very messed up description/narration/POV thing with no particular significance other than me thinking about war history. Sorry.
John gets bitten by a snake.
R // Angst //
AU, Sad //
0 words // 2005/06/02
Spoilers: The Siege, Before I Sleep, Prophecy (SG1) and Threads (SG1).
Spoilers: The Siege, Before I Sleep, Prophecy (SG1) and Threads (SG1).
Siege Tag (sort of). If we could only know the future, we could change everything.
McKay/Sheppard, Sheppard/OC
Life after Atlantis.
Calvin Kavanagh, Carson Beckett, Elizabeth Weir, John Sheppard, Kate Heightmeyer, Laura Cadman, Mike Branton, Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, Miko Kusanagi
PG-13 // Angst //
Character Death //
0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: SUNDAY, TAO OF RODNEY, Sanctuary, Coup d’etat
Spoilers: SUNDAY, TAO OF RODNEY, Sanctuary, Coup d’etat
“The lives of the Elect are a mere shadow of that to come, and yet we might find glimpses of their infinity in passion.” The expedition members ponder the function of a mysterious device.
PG // Drabble //
AU //
0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: SGA: Rising, Runner SG1: Line in the Sand, Solitudes
Spoilers: SGA: Rising, Runner SG1: Line in the Sand, Solitudes
When Teyla Emmagen is put in charge of an interplanetary expedition to find the lost world of Earth, she does not expect to find herself stranded on an alien base, fighting an enemy of unbelievable power .
John's diary.
McKay/Sheppard, Teyla/McKay if you squint
Rodney struggles to write a 'Dear John' letter.
"Ford got arrested for public indecency," Rodney sing-songed.
Drabble's from a Tree
(9 chapters)
From the McShepSlash drabble trees. Check out the full trees: ;
R // Humor //
0 words // 2006/05/15
Spoilers: Major: Runner, Lost Boys, Fight Club (the movie/book). Minor: Hide and Seek, Poisoning the Well, The Storm/The Eye
Spoilers: Major: Runner, Lost Boys, Fight Club (the movie/book). Minor: Hide and Seek, Poisoning the Well, The Storm/The Eye
The first rule of the Enzyme is you do not talk about the Enzyme. The second rule is you don't talk about the Enzyme.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Five Ways Kate and Radek Don't Start the Revolution
(5 chapters)
PG-13 // Angst, Futurefic //
AU, Character Death, Dark, Het //
0 words // 2007/09/13
- 2007/09/13
Spoilers: Hotzone, Critical Mass, Trinity, Michael
Spoilers: Hotzone, Critical Mass, Trinity, Michael
Like the title says: Five shorts in which Kate and Radek start some kind of revolution.
From the Depths
(6 chapters)
McKay/Sheppard,Sheppard/M, McKay/F
R // Angst, Humor //
0 words // 2006/11/30
- 2006/11/30
Spoilers: Grace Under Pressure, the Defiant One, the Siege, Epiphany, Trinity, Conversion
Spoilers: Grace Under Pressure, the Defiant One, the Siege, Epiphany, Trinity, Conversion
John is really starting to hate the ocean and the things that come out of it. Post Grace Under Pressure.
Ford/OFC,McKay/Sheppard, Teyla/Everett
PG // Futurefic //
AU //
0 words // 2006/06/20
Spoilers: Atlantis – Hide and Seek, Home, Poisoning the Well, Underground, The Storm/Eye, The Defiant One, The Brotherhood, Runner, Condemned, Instinct, Rising, Duet, the Seige. SG1 - Morpheus, 48 Hours, Aval
Spoilers: Atlantis – Hide and Seek, Home, Poisoning the Well, Underground, The Storm/Eye, The Defiant One, The Brotherhood, Runner, Condemned, Instinct, Rising, Duet, the Seige. SG1 - Morpheus, 48 Hours, Aval
Companion piece for 'Mau Loa Means the Time We Have.' Rodney and Ford keep in touch.
Jonas finds out who he is, Daniel finds out who he was. The battle between good and evil rages on, but is there still hope good will triumph?
R // Angst, Established relationship, Preslash //
AU, genderfuck //
0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: Trinity
Spoilers: Trinity
John asks an ancient device to go home and ends up over the rainbow instead (assuming over the rainbow resembles suburbia, of course). Girl!John/Rodney.
Sequel to ‘Mau Loa Means the Time We Have.’ An afternoon seduction reveals Rodney’s past and what John’s gene can do to help.
He was not hiding. Most definitely not hiding
Acastus Kolya, Carson Beckett, Elizabeth Weir, John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan, Luscius Lavin
PG // Angst //
0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: Irresponsible, Irresistible, Underground, the Storm, the Eye, the Brotherhood, Common Ground
Spoilers: Irresponsible, Irresistible, Underground, the Storm, the Eye, the Brotherhood, Common Ground
Five little post-Irresponsible scenes, critique in fiction of the episode
T'Pol undergoes Pon Farr and must find a mate. Will she choose Archer or Tucker? What if her choosen mate is already promised?
It is Enough
(19 chapters)
Aiden Ford, Annie Parker, Calvin Kavanagh, Elizabeth Weir, John Sheppard, Oma Desala, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan
John Sheppard is having visions of Atlantis at its end. Will this be the key to defeating the Wraith or the major's undoing?
Acastus Kolya, Cameron Mitchell, Carson Beckett, Chaya, Daniel Jackson, Elizabeth Weir, Hermiod, Jack O'Neill, John Sheppard, Nick Lorne, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Sam Carter, Teyla Emmagan
NC-17 // Angst //
AU, Dark, Het, Incest, Threesome //
0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: Poisoning the Well, Michael, Flesh and Blood
Spoilers: Poisoning the Well, Michael, Flesh and Blood
“When John walked into the southern quarter depository of the 363rd city bank, Rodney McKay was on the univision for the third time that week. That was almost as many as Jack O’Neill and only marginally less than War Chancellor Thor himself. Not that John was keeping track or anything.” AU in which the Asgard run Atlantis, John and Vala are bank robbers, and Rodney is . . . well, Rodney.
Possible future for Trinityofone's Misery to Man. John is lover and protector. Teyla is mother.
Is there an ultimate 'right' to which all else is relative? Is deja vu just an echo of some destined future? A strange 'magical realism' piece in the context of theories of Special Relativity.
Rodney is not convinced that Cadman is completely gone from his head. She’s clearly responsible for turning him gay.
Carson Beckett, Elizabeth Weir, John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, , , , , , , Nick Lorne
John and Teyla deal. Rodney observes.
NC-17 // Angst, Humor, Preslash //
0 words // 2006/02/20
Spoilers: Duet, the Long Goodbye, Epiphany, Trinity.
Spoilers: Duet, the Long Goodbye, Epiphany, Trinity.
Hermiod gets a new body, Rodney and John test the line between physical and emotional attraction. It’s Frankenstein meets the body snatchers meets Romeo and Juliet, only with sex.
Enterprise destroys the Xindi weapon. Archer finally puts his lover first, but will that doom them both?
Archer/Tucker, Reed/Hayes preslash
PG-13 // Angst, Established relationship, Humor //
0 words // 2004/08/24
Spoilers: Countdown, Zero Hour, Harbinger
Spoilers: Countdown, Zero Hour, Harbinger
Prequel to 'What it Looks Like.' Anyone wonder what exactly happened in sickbay while Hayes was recovering from his chest wound? Drugged Hoshi and Hayes banter, Doctor mothering, a smattering of Archer/Tucker angst, and Malcolm-watching.
McKay/Sheppard, Sheppard/Mara
What if they really had made John king? AU tag to ‘The Tower.’
Rodney says, “What is with you and Ascended women?” But this is not his story.
R // Angst, Futurefic //
AU //
0 words // 2006/06/20
Spoilers: The Defiant One References to: Rising, Home, Underground, the Storm
Spoilers: The Defiant One References to: Rising, Home, Underground, the Storm
After Afghanistan, John gets kicked out of the Air Force. He and Rodney meet in Hawaii.
R // Angst //
AU, Het, Kink //
0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: The Siege, Defiant One, Runner, Instinct, the Brotherhood
Spoilers: The Siege, Defiant One, Runner, Instinct, the Brotherhood
Atlantis after Rodney leaves in the ‘Mau Loa’ Universe. Basically " Everett does all of the things John should have done if he’d really wanted Teyla.
, McKay/Sheppard preslash
Pain meds are evil incarnate.
Prequel to Beautiful People, but not quite part of the series. John helps Jack and Daniel connect.
All of the things Aiden Ford never needed to know. Aliens make them do it.
Nobody Remembers Nanjing but I Remember the Sunrise
(15 chapters)
Ford/OFC,McKay/Sheppard,Sheppard/Kolya, possibly Elizabeth/Teyla preslash
Acastus Kolya, Aiden Ford, Annie Parker, Elizabeth Weir, John Sheppard, Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan
R // Angst, Established relationship //
Dark, Het, Homophobia, Noncon, Violence //
0 words // 2006/02/19
- 2006/02/19
Spoilers: The Brotherhood, the Defiant One, the Storm/the Eye, 38 Minutes.
Spoilers: The Brotherhood, the Defiant One, the Storm/the Eye, 38 Minutes.
In war, when both territory and the body are conquests, people are pushed to new levels of darkness, but among it all, there is also connection. John and Rodney are captured, Teyla and Elizabeth stranded, and their subordinates left with the burdens of command.
Of all their Octobers . . .
, Weir/Lucius
Irresistible Tag. Elizabeth slept with Lucius.
Open Palm, Never Hang On
(5 chapters)
Cameron Mitchell, Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Sam Carter, Teal'c, Jennifer Hailey
NC-17 // Angst, crossover, Futurefic //
AU, Character Death, DubCon, femslash, Het, Kink //
0 words // 2007/09/13
- 2007/09/13
Spoilers: General SG1 and SGA, season four SGA casting spoilers
Spoilers: General SG1 and SGA, season four SGA casting spoilers
Five one-night stands Samantha Carter never had.
Sheppard is trapped in a closet. McKay and Beckett are very much not.
Archer/Tucker, Tucker/other
Enterprise visits a culture with a truly equitable way of life. Trip must face his hidden prejudices. Jon debates whether or not to reveal the only secret he has ever really kept from his best friend. T'Pol learns about the logic of love. Hoshi messes around with pronouns. The captain finds out how to win a war that is already written.
(2 chapters)
NC-17 // Angst //
Het //
0 words // 2004/12/06
- 2005/02/02
Spoilers: The Hot Zone, Storm and 38 minutes.
Spoilers: The Hot Zone, Storm and 38 minutes.
Elizabeth cannot allow John to disobey her. She'll do whatever it takes to ensure it never happens again.
NC-17 // Angst //
Noncon //
0 words // 2004/02/29
Spoilers: Unexpected, Shockwave, Similtude, Desert Crossing, First Flight.
Spoilers: Unexpected, Shockwave, Similtude, Desert Crossing, First Flight.
When Jon was awarded captaincy of Enterprise, he and Trip decided to end their fledgling relationship. Years later, tragic events in the expanse force Jon to remember their relationship and reconsider.
Semper Fi
(2 chapters)
Sheppard/Bates, McShep UST
NC-17 // Angst //
Dark //
0 words // 2005/05/18
- 2006/06/03
Spoilers: Sanctuary, Hot Zone, Rising, The Defiant One, The Storm/The Eye, Letters from Pegasus, The Siege, Runner, Trinity, Avalon (SG1)
Spoilers: Sanctuary, Hot Zone, Rising, The Defiant One, The Storm/The Eye, Letters from Pegasus, The Siege, Runner, Trinity, Avalon (SG1)
Bates is a good soldier. He takes the initiative.
, McKay/Sheppard preslash
Rodney was hot. No... actually, he'd surpassed hot and gone straight into sweltering, burning, searing, baking, and, his favorite, denaturing.
NC-17 // Angst, Established relationship //
BDSM, Kink //
0 words // 2006/05/07
Spoilers: Minor for 38 Minutes, Condemned, Runner, Duet
Spoilers: Minor for 38 Minutes, Condemned, Runner, Duet
Is there such a thing as too many blowjobs?
(5 chapters)
McKay/Sheppard,Sheppard/OC, McKay/OC
R // Angst, Futurefic //
Dark, DubCon, Incest //
0 words // 2006/06/20
- 2006/06/20
Spoilers: Atlantis: Duet, the Storm, Sanctuary, Childhood\'s End, Hide and Seek, the Defiant One, the Siege II; SG-1: Proving Ground, Fragile Balance, Redemption.
Spoilers: Atlantis: Duet, the Storm, Sanctuary, Childhood\'s End, Hide and Seek, the Defiant One, the Siege II; SG-1: Proving Ground, Fragile Balance, Redemption.
Sequel to 'La Dulce Espera.' John and Rodney grow up together. In some futures they rekindle what they had, in others they fight the burden of who they once were.
NC-17 // Angst //
Het, Threesome //
0 words // 2005/08/26
Spoilers: The Siege I-III, Runner, Duet, Condemned, Sanctuary, Hot Zone, Underground.
Spoilers: The Siege I-III, Runner, Duet, Condemned, Sanctuary, Hot Zone, Underground.
After Ford leaves, the other members of the team deal in their own separate, but intersecting ways.
How do you measure the worth of a man?
How many ways can I compare John Sheppard to a cat?
The Coanda Effect
(14 chapters)
Aiden Ford, Carson Beckett, Combs, Daniel Jackson, Elizabeth Weir, Jack O'Neill, Jay Felger, John Sheppard, Jonas Quinn, Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay, Sam Carter, Teal'c, Teyla Emmagan, , , , , , , , , , , , , , Lieutenant Hailey
R // Angst, Established relationship, Futurefic //
AU, Character Death, Cheating, Het //
0 words // 2006/01/30
- 2006/01/30
John and Rodney move on. Except they really don't.
The Lazarus Curse
(3 chapters)
Carson Beckett, Hermiod, John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Sam Carter, Stephen Caldwell, Teyla Emmagan, Harry Potter
R // Angst, crossover, Established relationship, Futurefic, Humor, Preslash //
AU //
0 words // 2007/09/13
- 2007/09/13
Spoilers: Childhood’s End, Conversion, The Game, Common Ground, the Siege
Spoilers: Childhood’s End, Conversion, The Game, Common Ground, the Siege
John Sheppard is not who he seems. Crossover with Harry Potter.
PG // Angst //
0 words // 2006/05/14
Spoilers: Letters from Pegasus, The Seige, Runner, Trinity, Avalon (SG1)
Spoilers: Letters from Pegasus, The Seige, Runner, Trinity, Avalon (SG1)
Bates wakes up.
Aiden Ford, Carson Beckett, Elizabeth Weir, John Sheppard, Nick Lorne, Radek Zelenka, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan
R // Futurefic //
AU, Dark //
0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: Irresponsible, Common Ground, The Hive, Progeny
Spoilers: Irresponsible, Common Ground, The Hive, Progeny
"John scooted closer, resting his head on Rodney's shoulder. There was something very right about this. But then again, maybe it was just the moons. Freedom, too, was unfamiliar." Post-apocalyptic version of 'Lady and the Tramp.'
McKay/Sheppard,Sheppard/Kolya, Sheppard/Kolya/OFC
NC-17 // Angst //
AU, BDSM, Character Death, Dark, Kink, knifeplay, Violence //
0 words // 2007/09/13
Spoilers: The Siege, Lost Boys, Poisoning the Well, Underground, Condemned, The Brotherhood, The Tower, Trinity, Coup d’etat, Phantoms, The Game, Countdown, Common Ground, Irresponsible, Hot Zone, Defiant One
Spoilers: The Siege, Lost Boys, Poisoning the Well, Underground, Condemned, The Brotherhood, The Tower, Trinity, Coup d’etat, Phantoms, The Game, Countdown, Common Ground, Irresponsible, Hot Zone, Defiant One
What if Kolya had lead the mission in ‘Underground’ instead of Cowen? Rodney takes a trip through the quantum mirror to find Atlantis allied with the Genii.
Archer/Tucker, Tucker/Reed friendship
Trip and Malcolm have another shuttlepod adventure. Fighting a concussion, Trip makes some interesting confessions.
Castle in the Clouds: Redux. Sacrifice and suffering can change people, but is it always for the worse? After ten years in Pegasus, Rodney returns to find John.
McKay/Sheppard, McKay/Beckett implied
After ten years in Pegasus, John returns to Earth to confront his parents and to heal all the wounds they've inflicted upon him.
Protect and serve, emphasis on the serve.
A day of shore leave in the great outdoors
brings Reed and Hayes to finally act on their mutual attraction, even if the forces of nature have other plans. Trip finally manages to out himself and the captain with the help of an ‘enlightened’ member of the Kingdom Fungi. Everyone else (and Porthos) has a
wild old time.
brings Reed and Hayes to finally act on their mutual attraction, even if the forces of nature have other plans. Trip finally manages to out himself and the captain with the help of an ‘enlightened’ member of the Kingdom Fungi. Everyone else (and Porthos) has a
wild old time.
Rodney will admit he's attracted to John when pigs fly - a pretty dangerous statement in the Pegasus Galaxy.