Tag: AU - Military!Rodney

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Alterations by eliade

John's a military doctor, Rodney is an USAF Major. Pre-slash

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Just Watch by Neth Dugan

John is a civilian scientist, Rodney is military

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N.O.R.W.I.C.H. by Kat Reitz, tzigane

Of course he'd be a dean or something, because he couldn't see, so he couldn't fly. And there Rodney was, in the Air Force and probably doing everything John had wanted to do. Fucker.

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Teamwork by Magus Minor, Methaya

John is a math doctor, Rodney is a RCMP Staff Master Sergeant, but they go to Atlantis all the same.

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True Peace by velocitygrass

Rodney waits and fears that the next letter will notify him of John's death.

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Welcome to Atlantis by lillyjk

John is a medical doctor trained in emergency medicine. Rodney is an USAF Major.

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