McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

Last update: Friday January 9th, 2015
Total: 3664 fics in list
List admins: Andromeda, kimberlyFDR, Goddess47, mezzo_cammin, melagan

In any fandom (and, sometimes, cross-fandoms) some fic themes repeat themselves. They're fan favorites because they strike a chord or because they're fun. Some people love them, some others can't stand them. This page is an index of those fics.
This is NOT an archive, but an index. It means the stories are not archived there, but linked to external sites (archives, the author's sites or journals). If there's any broken link, please tell me. Thanks!

Stargate Atlantis Slash Index © & the Stargate Atlantis Slash Index project team 2006-2009. All rights reserved.
Stargate Atlantis is © MGM Television Entertainment . No infringiment is intended.