Tag: Brendan Dean (Thoughtcrimes)/Vincent (Dawson’s Creek)
2nd Avenue Bus by
Brendan tries to get dressed for work.
A Late Valentine by
Valentine's Day doesn't go as expected.
A Ring and a Prayer by
There's jealousy and misunderstandings but they figure out what's important. Each other.
A little something...Road Trip by
The guys find a way to stay warm
Changes in Attitudes by
Brendan thinks about family and relationships. Vincent helps.
Cuffed with Love by
It's the first time Brendan allows Vincent to handcuff him.
Eidetic by
Imagine the mixed blessings of a photographic memory...
Larger than Lifesize (We Become) by
When the past haunts Brendan, he finds out there's no place like home.
Leather by
Brendan in a leather skirt. Woo-boy.
Prequel:The Skirt
Let Me by
It's about secrets. It's about trust.
Part 2
Morning by
He blinked his eyes open and took a deep breath. The bed was warm and smelled of Vincent and last night's sex.
Rockland, Maine - 4:28 am by
He closes his eyes and tries to remember everything about the weekend, even the color of the dirty, stained carpet in the room, the name of the pizza place and the feeling of utter completeness at having Vince near him.
That Place... by
Written for the Shhhh-It's a Secret prompt.
The Man in the Mirror by
Brendan normally wouldn't feel awkward undressing in front of the mirrored closet doors. He did it every day, but Vincent specifically asked him to do this, Vincent was watching him do this.
The Nutcracker Suit by
He had an uncanny knack for knowing what turned Brendan on, what buttons to push and how to make Brendan do things he never thought he'd do, things he never thought he wanted to do.
The Secret by
He thinks the same thought every time: does Brendan really not know?
This Time by
He turned his head to find Vince slouched against the headboard, watching him.
Triple Overtime by
Just because Vince takes the long way around to get there, doesn't make the kissing any less sweet…
Unsaid by
Four times they didn't actually say I love you (but meant it) and one time they did.
Weekend by
It's a lazy Saturday morning and the boys don't want to get out of bed.
Whore's Pasta by
Freya comes to dinner and learns a few things