Tag: AU - Teenager!Ronon
4 fics tagged
A Pinnochio Story by
When Richard Woolsey's mother sends him to live with his dad for his senior year of high school, he is thrown into a completely new element and begins the process of becoming 'a real boy'.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Feet In Your Shoes by
Ronon doesn't know exactly how old he was when he ran, and he's not sure how long it's been since he lived in a house with a family. It's kind of nice. He knows that technically Teyla's place is a temporary living facility, but it's the best he's ever been in.
The Best Days of My Life by
John and Ronon are in High School when they discover kink together.
When God Left the Ground by
Ronon thought his world had ended in the outbreaks, but then he was sent to Atlantis Academy.