Tag: Cold/flu/virus
Bleak Midwinter by
John and Ronon have a white Christmas together. Sort of.
Comfort Food by
Part of the Cafeteria Series. Follows directly after Pegasus Cake Baking 101.
Faint Is the Proper Medical Term by
Carson faints. He doesn't pass out, he doesn't swoon, he faints. Because that's the proper medical term. He's okay with that.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Falling Away by
John is dying, and all Cam can do is watch, until they're presented with another option.
In Sickness and Hotel Rooms by
"You wouldn't know 'okay' if it came running at you with a pitchfork." Rodney smacked his hand against John's forehead and left it there through John's growling dissent. "First of all, your lungs sound like a carburetor. And second, I'm surprised you haven't burst into flames."
John Sheppard's Adynaton by
Swine flu gives John reason and opportunity to ponder the future of his and Cam's relationship.
Not Looking So Good by
This was really not the way John had envisioned his time filling in for Elizabeth. But Carson makes it better in the end.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Please Be Okay by
Twelve stupid hours, the gate would be offline. And all the while John Sheppard was coughing his lungs out thanks to some alien swamp virus.
Symbiosis by
Sheppard gets sick, but in Atlantis, it's never as simple as a common cold.
The Closer We Stand by
When a bad case of "space mono" all but shuts down Atlantis, John Sheppard takes it upon himself to look after her citizens.
The Do Not Touch List by
When Lorne falls ill and John is injured, the true nature of their relationship becomes apparent for their friends.
When God Left the Ground by
Ronon thought his world had ended in the outbreaks, but then he was sent to Atlantis Academy.