Tag: Timeline: Season 5
A Way Of Holding On by
John and Ronon give Rodney one last time with them before he fades away completely.
Lists: Threesomes and moresomes master list, Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index
A Whole Other Level by
Atlantis gets a visit from Jack O'Neill. John finds himself distracted by Jack's uniform.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Again by
When John was little, he dreamed of having wings and flying. He never realized that having one would mean losing the other.
All I Want For Christmas by
Christmas never goes according to plan at Atlantis.
Almost Free by
John Sheppard was almost free. But everyone knows, almost doesn't count.
Because You Tell Me To by
Sometimes, it takes extreme measures to bring someone to the table… or desk.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Bones in the Closet by
Part of the A Survivor series. Aliens make Evan prove his authority over John.
Breaking Clouds by
Sequel to Gray Skies Surround Me (preslash). John's first year on SG-5.
Breakthroughs and Bureaucracy by WIP
There's a breakthrough at Atlantis, but how will it affect the 2 ranking military officers and their.....arrangement?
Lists: Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Call Me Out of Dust by
It began, John thinks, the way so many of these things have in his life, with a botched mission. The beer only made an appearance much, much later.
Cash Out by
John is recruited by Cam Mitchell and Jack O'Neill. Their methods of persuasion prove to be unusual to say the least.
Lists: Threesomes and moresomes master list, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Caught by
When John wakes up, he's in a hive ship and tied to a chair.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Comment fic: Valentine's Day by
This is what John and Woolsey did last Valentine's Day.
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Damaged Goods by
Ronon's immune to the wraith. Detective John Sheppard doesn't die in the Las Vegas desert. It would probably be easier if the opposites of both were true.
Dreaming With Open Eyes by
Often what is buried in the unconscious doesn’t stay that way.
Field Trip by
Cam invites John to accompany SG-1 on a routine off-world gig and they wind up trapped in a cave.
Fieldwork by
Ronon starts his e-mail correspondence with Sheppard's brother more or less by mistake. Remix of Homework.
Gravity (all the roads have lead us here) by
As usual, all bets are off.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Gray Skies Surround Me by
He still thinks he’s maybe dreaming, because there’s a man, sitting by his bed. A man in Air Force dress blues, smart, blond, head bent, still pretty, even half turned away.
His Place by
The Wraith gives John to Ronon as a reward and Ronon "claims" him.
Homework by
For some reason, after his father's funeral Dave Sheppard keeps getting e-mail from Ronon Dex.
Houseplants by
John maybe likes David even more than his favorite houseplant. Part of The Lost Language of Flowers series.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
I Am The Weapon by
Short John/Ronon centric episode tags for all SGA episodes starting with "Runner".
I Believed What You Said by
After the events of Broken Ties John realizes that he can't risk losing Ronon without telling him how he feels
I Feel Your Pain by
Aliens make John feel all the accumulated pain of his team members.
It's Growing Day by Day by
During a routine mission to check out an off-world Ancient lab, team Shep is cut off from Atlantis when the stargate is buried beneath a ton of rubble. There's another way off the planet, but getting there will not be easy.
John Sheppard's Adynaton by
Swine flu gives John reason and opportunity to ponder the future of his and Cam's relationship.
Live While You're Alive by
Ronon realizes that he and John could have something great together.
More Than Plants by
Five things Lorne told Sheppard about Parrish before 'Remnants'.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Mutual Misunderstandings by
How high a price are you willing to pay to get your hands on everything Atlantis could have ever hoped for? A slip of a tongue during an off world visit and some help from Rodney and John and his second in command are about to find out.
Need by
Jack gives a more pleasant spin to what happened to John on the mainland.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Need You by
Ronon and Shep have had their first experience together and enjoyed it immensely. They just can't seem to keep their hands off each other.
Professional Jealousy by
Tyson may have the fame, but Rodney's got something special of his own.
Rebound by
John learned then that the most important rebound rule of all is: never get involved in with someone on the rebound if there’s any chance you might fall in love with that person.
Season's Headaches by
John brings a Christmas tree through the gate. Evan isn't amused. Much.
Shine by
When Atlantis returns to Earth, Amelia hopes to get with Ronon. However, he's interested in someone else, so Amelia has to find love elsewhere.
Solitary Man by
John never thought he’d actually meet someone as messed up as him. Apparently, he was dead wrong (John/Dean Winchester).
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
That Kiss by
Sequel: After That Kiss.
She was his girlfriend and he should be honest with her. "I kissed Sheppard on the mission today."
The Atlantis Five Step Plan for Getting Rid of Richard Woolsey by
The Color of a Burning Brook by
Taken captive Sheppard is forced to relive memories, some painful, others not so much.
The Pandora Effect by
Woolsey starts getting midnight visits from Sheppard, only, the colonel never seem to acknowledge their trysts during the daytime... (ends Woolsey/Zelenka, McKay/Sheppard)
Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index, Rare pairings slash index
The Rules by
Richard had always followed the rules. He didn’t always understand them, but he tried his best.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
This Could Be the Last Mistake by
Post Broken Ties, seeing Tyre again reopened old wounds that had never healed in the first place.
To the Victor Goes the Spoils (or The Way to a Man's Heart is Through His Stomach) by
Unnamed Comment Fic: Adultery by
Written for the kink meme prompt: Vegas!verse. Cameron is a rich, married district attorney and John is his dirty little secret.
We Make a Sky Where We May Be by
John Sheppard doesn't believe in second chances, but it's possible that he might get one in Atlantis anyway.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
What Once Was Lost by
John's first night back on Atlantis after having been abducted.
With the Morning Sun by
John and Cam dream of regrets, lost love, and second chances.
Worth the wait by
It's been three days. Three days since John overheard Keller breaking up with Rodney.
[ N.T.B.D.W.B. ] or, How John Sheppard Learned to Stop Deluding Himself by
sub!John vingette by
Part of the A Survivor series. Evan wants John, but he knows that he's off limits.