Tag: Outside looking in
Blink by
I am going to tell you a story. About Dr. McKay and how he bought an eye from me, and how that one small act led to the strangest night in my entire life.
Comment fic - John is hurt during one of the training sessions with Ronon and Ronon feels guilty. by
Revelations in the infirmary.
Comment fic: Outside POV by
Marie hadn’t even meant to watch.
Discretion by
During an alien visit, Elizabeth discovers something and finds something of her own, too.
Everybody Here Is Out Of Sight by
That really cliché story of overhearing two people in love that you didn’t know were in love.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Five Times Mr. Woolsey Thought He Saw Something and One Time He Did by
Missed Chances by
Danny has some regrets (Steve McGarrett/John Sheppard)
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
No Vague Illumination by
Lorne's art reveals something about John and Ronon and something about himself, as well.
Options by
"Don't you guys have the slightest awareness of how you are pretty much constantly in each other's orbits?"
Re:Re: by
Rodney and Jeannie try to iron out a misunderstanding via e-mail.
Seen to be Believed and Experienced to Understand by
Lt Simon Plought is an upstanding soldier, and finally gets approval to transfer out to Atlantis. Only, it's not quite what he was expecting...
Shine by
When Atlantis returns to Earth, Amelia hopes to get with Ronon. However, he's interested in someone else, so Amelia has to find love elsewhere.
The Walls of Atlantis by
Everyone on Atlantis know that John Sheppard is completely oblivious to anything that even resembles a come-on.