Tag: Outside looking in

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Blink by lavvyan

I am going to tell you a story. About Dr. McKay and how he bought an eye from me, and how that one small act led to the strangest night in my entire life.

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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Discretion by The Grrrl

During an alien visit, Elizabeth discovers something and finds something of her own, too.

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Everybody Here Is Out Of Sight by race_the_ace

That really cliché story of overhearing two people in love that you didn’t know were in love.

Lists: Rare pairings slash index

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No Vague Illumination by rubygirl29

Lorne's art reveals something about John and Ronon and something about himself, as well.

Lists: Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index

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Options by shaddyr

"Don't you guys have the slightest awareness of how you are pretty much constantly in each other's orbits?"

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Re:Re: by omg_wtf_yeah

Rodney and Jeannie try to iron out a misunderstanding via e-mail.

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Seen to be Believed and Experienced to Understand by gwyneth-valora

Lt Simon Plought is an upstanding soldier, and finally gets approval to transfer out to Atlantis. Only, it's not quite what he was expecting...

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Shine by Shule_Agra

When Atlantis returns to Earth, Amelia hopes to get with Ronon. However, he's interested in someone else, so Amelia has to find love elsewhere.

Lists: Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index

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The Walls of Atlantis by race_the_ace

Everyone on Atlantis know that John Sheppard is completely oblivious to anything that even resembles a come-on.

Lists: Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index

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