Tag: Clueless

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A Fine Romance by Starry Diadem

If Katy Brown and Jennifer Keller do ever sit down to braid each other's hair and swap Life Lessons, they'll agree that Rodney is, on the whole, a bad boyfriend.

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A Not So Modest Proposal by recca

"I'm pretty much left with you as the only reasonable person to assume the mantle of protecting my mind in perpetuity. So we should get married before I'm speared to death by some alien with rudimentary weapons and statistically improbable aim."

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Abandon ‘ship by rinkafic

Rodney decides that leaving would be the best thing for everyone

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Bad Hair Day by almostnever (Cesare)

Rodney never even noticed Sheppard's hair until it was already some kind of bizarre running joke on Atlantis. He certainly never thought he'd care if it changed.

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Basement cat has infiltrated heaven by kisahawklin

There was an unkempt, fluffy, obnoxious black cat in Atlantis.

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Beware of Wraith Bearing Gifts by madness_infused

In which John is clueless, Todd is confused, and everyone else is both amused and bemused at the same time.

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Breaking the Mold by snowglow1275

This wasn’t like he’d simply been turned into a girl. That might be a little cool, for a while. But just knowing this body wasn’t his, that it had an original owner, one that would be getting it back, made him nervous about how he treated this body.

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Clarity by Pollitt

"You needed me." It's probably one of the most honest statements John has ever said.

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Coping with John by kassrachel

Rodney's not attracted to John. Oh, no, not at all.

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Courtship by Karen Mcfadyyon

"Somehow, I'm not sure that our diplomatic efforts should include the Magical Mystery Tour," Rodney said.

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Crush by Soraya

The dangers of eavesdropping

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Cultural Exchange by lamardeuse

"What does he think we are, Fine Arts majors?" Rodney grumbled.

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Deluded Effort by race_the_ace

Cam put all this effort into wooing John, too bad no one told him that John Sheppard was head over heels for him already.

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Glass Houses by MistoKitt

Rodney looked back and forth between John and the man on the doorstep. A slow sinking feeling started in the pit of his stomach as he began to realize why the ears had seemed familiar. And the hair, now that he thought about it.

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Got My Signals Crossed by mckays_girl

"Since when are relationships about obeying, Sheppard," Rodney argues. "And . . . wait, what?"

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His Bodyguard (series) by Soraya WIP

AU where John (and Ronon and Teyla) are bodyguards for one Dr. Rodney McKay. Link is to series page.

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Inarticulate by mific

John's better with actions than with words

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Interstitial by Lunabee34

Rodney has always lived in the spaces between.

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Intuition by solvent90 (solvent)

John is watching Rodney; it makes him uncomfortable.

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I’ll See It Through (The Texas Two-Step Mix) by dee_laundry

"You really can get anything online these days," Rodney thought as he finished the form on MatchYourType.com. Any special requests? was the last item. "English speaker willing to relocate to Romania."

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Kiss Me. Arthur by

It had always been Elizabeth Weir's dream to produce a revival of Camelot on Broadway. She finally had the chance to do so and had cast Rodney McKay " primarily an opera singer but also currently down on his luck " as Arthur. Two weeks before Opening Night, a serious accident takes out Broadway-favorite Daniel Jackson, who had been cast as Lancelot, and Elizabeth's now desperate for a replacement. Fate intervenes and John Sheppard, mega-star and lead of John Sheppard and Friends pop fame is available. But is there more than fate involved?


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Making It Work by gaffsie

Relationships don't have to be difficult.

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Options by shaddyr

"Don't you guys have the slightest awareness of how you are pretty much constantly in each other's orbits?"

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Parking Lot by colls, swannee

Sheppard's not exactly happy about being reassigned to SGC, but an encounter in the parking lot makes him think that it might not be so bad after all.

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Re:Re: by omg_wtf_yeah

Rodney and Jeannie try to iron out a misunderstanding via e-mail.

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Set Fire to Our Bed by someidiothasice

He just wants to get through this weekend without the four of them burning the house down. And without his stepbrotherâ€" ex-stepbrotherâ€" whatever, Rodneyâ€" throwing him off the roof.

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Sheppard’s Law of Martyrdom by pir8fancier

Rodney and Jennifer get engaged. The inevitable happens.

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Subtle by Nel

John is missing something.

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The 'Oh' Thing by chelle

It's nice to have a friend to come home to. Until it's more.

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The .hrngo Files by 9zanite

Ancient devices and Harlequin romances do not mix well.

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The Courtship of Colonel Sheppard, or, The One With the X-Wing by uraneia

McKay builds Sheppard an X-Wing. Sheppard swoons, in his own very Sheppardy way.

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Walk the line by Soraya

A long walk leads John to a startling revelation

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Where to Start Over and How to Begin by lilyfarfalla

Post-Season 5, Atlantis is stuck on Earth. Teyla realizes she has to create the path to take Atlantis home. With the help of Woolsey, Ronon, John and Rodney, she's widely successful, but somewhere along the way, Rodney and John get a little lost.

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Wisdom of Youth by morena donn

McKay/Sheppard, Beckett/Ford and unrequited Beckett/McKay.

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