Tag: Captured!Rodney

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Abscido by kellifer-fic

Sateda is a nation standing against the Wraith. Once mighty, they now rely on raids to other worlds to fill their military. On Ra-Yeda, circumstance leads to the capture of two men who may be their downfall.

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At Liberty by danceswithgary

John knows he's fighting a battle he's already lost.

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Chain Reaction by the_cephalopod

Rodney gets kidnapped and John comes to the rescue, but when they're both back home on Atlantis, it seems that things are only just beginning...

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Charting the Motion of Planets by Dasha

Rodney gets captured and gets into an anaphylactic shock on purpose.

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Contamination by kyrdwyn

John comes back from a particularly gruesome mission.

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Drawing Circles by kyizi

John thought he'd left Atlantis and the SGC behind him for good, but then one day Cam rolls into the sleepy little town where John's settled down.

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Excruciating by Madison

Both John and Rodney are captured.

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Expressing Gratitude by Zinnith

Rodney thought he was going to die. John might have thought so too.

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Fine by Rageprufrock (Glitterati)

Everybody kept telling Rodney that everything would be fine now that they were back in Atlantis.

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Folie a Deux by Mad Maudlin

It matters like a hole in the head, because that's what it is: a hole, a wound, a fissure. He can feel out the raw edges where his memories have been cut to pieces, the sudden blanks where the film breaks and he is left flailing on the edge of words.

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Forever Home by kassrachel

John and Rodney find themselves far from home, with people that don't know the Stargate.

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Found by lar_laughs

Rodney gets himself into and out of trouble but no one believes him.

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I, A Knife's Blade by lavvyan

Both John and Rodney are captured.

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In the Blood by Keira Marcos

"It really shouldn't be funny but you know I've always sort of suspected that we'd have a joint funeral."

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Inukshuk by murron

Another mission-gone-south isolates Rodney and John from the rest of the team. Forced to search for an Ancient outpost, they struggle to keep each other alive until the time their kidnappers prepare to sacrifice the one and purify the other.

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Nemesis by the_moonmoth

'It has been two days since your friends deserted you, Dr. McKay,' Atter tutted softly. 'No one is coming for you.' Sequel: The Fury

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No Contest by propinquitine

"The imperiled teammate bit was just a motivational technique."

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Old-Fashioned Fun by Devil Doll

Both of them are captured in a dark cell.

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Pink by Soraya

It's 'aliens made them do it' with a bit of syrup thrown in there.

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Spectator Sport by dustandroses

Rodney was tired of sleeping on hard, rock floors; if he didn't figure out how to get himself and Ronon out of this damned temple today, he'd lose his mind, he was sure of it.

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Square Peg, Round Hole by sharkie335

When the Ori overrun Earth, some of the SGC evacuate to Atlantis, where they're just not fitting in. This causes serious issues.

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The Providence of Stars by melagan

In the summer of 1942, young Dr. Rodney McKay steps off a train, eager to continue his work on the war effort. Nearly a year later, he's running for his life with Captain John Sheppard.

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The Sacred Lerq of Keldra by neevebrody

"I'm dressed in the Ceremonial Fur of the Sacred Lerq."

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Theory of Evolution by lavvyan

John survives, but he doesn't revert back to human. Stuck with a body he can't accept as his own, John withdraws - and Rodney lets him, certain that all John needs is time. But what if he's wrong?

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Three Times Rodney McKay had a Superpower; One Time He Was Just a Hero by sardonicsmiley

What it all adds up to is four times John thought he was going to lose Rodney.

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Tremblor by Chicklet

It's not that you haven't been held at gunpoint before.

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Unlocked by propinquitine

"Your husband here will be facing Kistos in his eleventh match. No one's lasted this long in living memory. Losing to Kistos will be an honorable death for your man."

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Welcome to Blaine by rabidfan

The invasion that everyone had known was coming and prayed wouldn’t. But no expected the developments in Blaine.

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What Might Have Been Series by Keira Marcos

Also past McKay/Quinn, McKay/Mitchell, Sheppard/Holland, Sheppard/Mitchell and present O'Neill/Carter, Dave Sheppard/Keller, Mitchell/OMC, Lam/OMC & OMC/OMC.
What if Rodney didn’t go to Atlantis and the city was lost again? Sheppard turns up as the second command of the SGC under Major General Jack O’Neill and after a year of watching the moody government contractor Dr. Rodney McKay… he decides to make some very personal changes in his life.

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White Lies by solvent90 (solvent)

Rodney and Ronon exchange lies and truths on the Wraith ship. Rodney loses track of which is which.

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he alone determines by thisissirius

Half-way through the celebration feast (there seemed to be one every three planets, now) a group of masked raiders had attacked the village.

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