Tag: Coming Out

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A Christmas smooch by mayachain (ms_jvh_shuh)

In short, everything is as close to perfect as things come, so naturally, Rodney feels a lump of dread form in his stomach when a nervous-looking Lorne sidles up to their table.

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A Family by Constant Vigilance

Also implied Lorne/Parrish. An injured Lorne comes out to Rodney & John comes out to Lorne.

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Aiden Ford's Bad Day by torakowalski

A drugged John outs himself and Rodney to Ford.

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An Object In Motion by crazy-obsessed

Rodney breaks up with John. John dates an OFC and gets engaged. But he still loves Rodney.

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Apology Accepted by DeniseV

They come out to Elizabeth (everybody else already knew).

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Baby Steps by gottalovev

Don't Ask Don't Tell is history and it throws John for a loop. If he's going to come out of the closet, he'll do it at his pace.

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Betrothed by Andromeda

Don't Ask Don't Tell is repelled. They come out to Elizabeth, who wants John.

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Better Days by somehowunbroken

Vacations aren't really the best when you're staying with family.

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Don't Ask, Do Tell by skypilot_dlm

Cam wants to tell the world about his relationship, John does not.

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Evidence by kalimyre

An accident needing a visit to the infirmary outs them to Carson.

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Figuring It All Out by bridgie0202

When Lorne walks in by accident, Sheppard gets outted. When Lorne admits to the same, the question becomes how they will deal with each other now.

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First Day by denyce WIP

John's first day at his new school.

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Go West by Bluflamingo

Even with John having left the Air Force and Cam being stationed abroad, their friendship has stayed as strong as ever. Then, one day, John gets a phone call he didn't expect.

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I Lost Him by SexyHugh88/Jessica

Aftermath of Rodney on morphine…

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Just So Long and Long Enough by busaikko

Dave Sheppard learns more about his brother and gets drawn into a tangle of secrets and truths.

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Kill the lights and lock the door by less_star

No kisses, but no lies either, Rodney thinks. He keeps telling himself there won’t be a next time.

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Memories of Afghanistan by

"This is wonderful news, John," Teyla says evenly. After studying John, she cocks her head to the side and adds, "So why is it you still appear unhappy?"


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One Man's Luck (The Commonalities of Tense Structure in Seven Ancient Languages Remix) by lalejandra

Michael Wendell is the first man John Sheppard ever has sex with. Michael Wendell is really really lucky. Remix of Long Way to Fall (McKay/Sheppard).

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Out in the Open by xparrot

It's Situation Normal for the team when they're caught in an avalanche, but digging themselves out uncovers more than they counted on.

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Out of the Closet, Into the Fire by delphia2000

Jack knew things were going to happen when he greeted Daniel with a kiss while they were right in the middle of a hall in the Pentagon.

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Out of the Equation by race_the_ace

Rodney's POV on DADT being repealed on Atlantis... and the surprise he's in for.

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Precedent by altyronsmaker

The mess hall was alive with chatter in a way it hadn’t ever been before. John smiled to himself at the charged atmosphere.

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Repal of DADT by Morell WIP

DADT is repealed and Jack makes his relationship with John official.

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Scenes from a Lesser War by Amireal

Don't Ask Don't Tell is repealed.
They come out to everybody, eventually

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Scratched an Itch by mckays_girl

Rodney outs them to Carson, unthinkingly.

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Throwing out your frown and just smiling at the sound by less_star

John is always careful. After all these years it’s second nature, something he does without thinking and never lets himself forget. They never talk about it, there’s no need to.

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Under One Moon by skieswideopen

Sequel: With Bloodied Swords. A companion piece by lirielviridian can be found here (gen, Jack-centric).

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Under the Influence by rustler

Rodney darted his eyes around the room even though there was no one else present to witness this new level of peculiar behavior. He'd only ever had Sheppard pressed against him like this semi-conscious and bleeding from a gunshot wound. Even after a few beers, hell, even after more than a few beers, Sheppard wasn't... snuggly.

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Unexpected But Appreciated by skieswideopen

Landry does seem to be showing an awful lot of interest in Cam's love life.

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Wishing for Horses by Barbara Thomas (url needed)

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