Tag: From Afar

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Above All by PurpleYin

Elizabeth wants one of them.

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Betrothed by Andromeda

Don't Ask Don't Tell is repelled. They come out to Elizabeth, who wants John.

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Desolation by Bronwyn

Radek wants Rodney, but finds the truth the hard way.

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The One About the Dog Tags by sgamadison

"I gave you those," Rodney heard himself say inexplicably. "That makes you mine."

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Unattainable by astheblackrosewilt

Drabble, Elizabeth wants John

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Vantage Point by Tarlan

Sam reflects on her past decisions and choices.

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Wishing for Horses by Barbara Thomas (url needed)

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With These Wings, I- by senket

Rodney (is a sex god) simply can't afford to sleep with John Sheppard.

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