Tag: Misunderstanding
17.5 by
He had never in his life thought that another guy had a pretty mouth; he wasn’t going to start now.
A Little Misunderstanding by
Rodney is accused of raping John.
A Two-Player System by
McKay/Sheppard first kiss, pre-McKay/Sheppard/Zelenka implied.
Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index, Threesomes and moresomes master list
A Way Of Holding On by
John and Ronon give Rodney one last time with them before he fades away completely.
Lists: Threesomes and moresomes master list, Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index
An Uncomplicated Choice by
Atlanis is cut off from Earth. Sequel to Slow Side of Indifference
Another one, really? by
John gets hit on by another princess. Lorne decides it's time to cool things off with John.
Aphorism by
There were some duties John would rather avoid.
Baby Boom by
"You’re pregnant and you didn’t plan on telling me? You wanted to get rid of it without ever letting me know I could have been a father? Don’t you think this should be my decision, too?"
Boys Gone Wild by
Rodney is John's tutor; Spring break happens.
Burn Out Bright by
John and Cam accidentally activate a set of matching Ancient bracelets, and as a result they can't move more than 200 yards from each other. Since it's Christmas, this means that John has to accompany Cam to a Very Mitchell Christmas back in Kansas.
Busted by
Certain people should lock their doors if they don't want John to walk in on them.
Causality by
Rodney ogles the chieftan's daughter's rear and gets them into trouble.
Checkmate (Series) by
John gets turned into a cat by an Ancient device. Rodney takes care of him. Link is to index for the series of stories in this 'verse.
Dark Places, Deep Water, Crowds, and Ducks. by
Rodney was sure he'd never seen the stranger before, he'd remember that smile. And the hair.
Dearest by
Once a pet is fully mature, he or she is assigned to an owner; a person they are programmed to love and obey until they die.
Deprivation (Rewrite) by
Things go wrong and Rodney gets blamed.
Directional Theory by
Rodney does something stupid and pays with his heart.
Dis/Connect by
Taking another person's life wasn't what Rodney had signed up for.
Distractions by
Rodney's upset that John doesn't trust him.
Dogged by
Rodney accidentally ends up with a dog. Unfortunately, Atlantis isn't exactly pet friendly.
Frail And Fragile Bars by
John leaves Rodney and Earth behind, and suffers for it when his Cycle goes haywire. Part of the John_Farr Universe
Funny Little Secret by
Having a secret admirer was a lot more complicated than Rodney had expected.
Glass Houses by
Rodney looked back and forth between John and the man on the doorstep. A slow sinking feeling started in the pit of his stomach as he began to realize why the ears had seemed familiar. And the hair, now that he thought about it.
Good Things Come to Those who Wait by
John thinks that Cam betrayed him back in Antarctica. Drama!
Home Is Where Comfort Is by
Cam tries to cheer Lt Col Sheppard up.
Home on the Range by
John and Cam have guests over to their house in South Dakota.
Hunting Parties by
John is captured by slavers offworld, but that's only the beginning.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
I Am Kirk, Deal With It! by
John is tired of Rodney's "Kirk!" references and decides to deal with it.
Indoor Fireworks by
"Look, we're going to be dysfunctional anyway, can't we -- be dysfunctional with the sex?"
Keep Going by
Sequel to Trick of the Light (which is Daniel/Jack/John).
Kill the lights and lock the door by
No kisses, but no lies either, Rodney thinks. He keeps telling himself there won’t be a next time.
Knot that Kind of Sheppard by
Jeannie was going to have to rethink the 'two grown men can manage one little girl for three or four hours' hypothesis.
Lifted by
Something in John finally decides it's not worth waiting for any longer. Sequel: Alight
Mediocre Passions by
John and David becomes friends. They both want more, but all is not easy sailing.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Midnight Shakes the Memory by
Sheppard doesn't remember who he is, but he remembers Rodney.
Might as Well Live by
John was sure he was going to be re-assigned elsewhere...
Misunderstandings by
Carson and Rodney are acting strangely. John grows suspicious.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Mutual Misunderstandings by
How high a price are you willing to pay to get your hands on everything Atlantis could have ever hoped for? A slip of a tongue during an off world visit and some help from Rodney and John and his second in command are about to find out.
No Contest by
"The imperiled teammate bit was just a motivational technique."
No Damsels by
Cam comes to John's rescue. Or so he thinks...
No Good Deed by
Rodney makes a plan and waiting is the hard part.
No Longer All Right by
He can remember the times they used to stand side by side on the balconies, watching the weather, the sun, the rain, the clouds. Remix of And I say It's Alright
Not Where I Thought You Were Going With That by
John didn't see that coming.
Nothing So Fragile by
Good intentions go awry and make things worse.
Old Enough to Know Better by
Methos blinked. He was reasonably certain he'd just been asked out on a date. By John Sheppard. (John Sheppard/Methos)
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Paradigm Shift by
How did a sweet kid like Keller turn John into such a- Followed by: Three Weeks Later and Served Cold
Peace Offerings by
They'd almost tortured one of their own - even if he was one of their own no one liked and that doesn't sit well with John Sheppard. But assuaging that guilt, led somewhere no one could have foreseen.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Piece by Piece by
John gets interrogated mentally by telepaths and is forced to relive some very personal moments of his life in the Pegasus galaxy. Rodney doesn't leave his side and tries to come up with a plan to free John.
Plan C, or How Rodney McKay Lost His Wife and Gained a Galaxy by
Billionaire Rodney learns that his soon-to-be ex-wife Sam Carter has a new boyfriend, John Sheppard. And who gets the cat in the divorce?
Push Until It Holds by
Ronon has known all his life that the three pillars of victory are honor, loyalty, and unity. He's been a member of Sheppard's team for two years when the team to which he owes his first loyalty finds him again, during a time when Ronon must question whether his loyalty to Atlantis is returned. Torn, he chooses the team he believes needs him the most, but the price is more than just the home he's come to love, and the reward may be betrayal and death, or worse.
Rescuing Rodney by
Rodney's not quite all there because of an accident with -- what else -- Ancient tech. John can't really do anything for him but wait. During the waiting comes the despair, writing and hoping.
Ripples by
Cavemen and ipods and astronauts and could it be magic? Retellling of the fairy tale Tam Lin.
Sing to Me by
John is about as broken as a person can be, but Cam's still fascinated by him.
Slept Too Long by
Jingle Bells had been stuck in his head as he waited for the ten o'clock train, and Deck the Halls had kept him up until almost two in the morning as his mind repeated falalalala lalalala about a thousand times a minute. "While you were Sleeping" done McShep.
Slide by
A stargate malfunction (another one!) sends the team to a parallel Atlantis. While Rodney works to find them a way home, John has to keep Woolsey distracted from using Teyla or Ronon by agreeing to be his submissive and discovers a new side of himself as slips deeper and deeper into his role.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Snakeheads: A Love Story by
Wherein John Sheppard is host to Mer'deth, a brilliant, arrogant, and not-entirely fearsome Goa'uld.
Speak Of This by
Part of the Return'verse. Follows after That Which I Should Never Say.
Steal the Moment by
John winds up in another galaxy, commanding 97 marines, with a memo giving permission for same sex relationships as long as they're discreet and his ex-boyfriend turned civilian deputy commander wanting to *talk* about who John sleeps with.
Lists: Threesomes and moresomes master list, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Stick Around (I'll Make It Worth Your While) by
John thought he had a chance with Cam, but that was before he saw the way he acted around Sam Carter.
The Complement of Hell by
Life goes on after your military boyfriend breaks up with you. Sort of.
The Innocent's Dark Seduction by
"Pregnant? Yes," Rodney snarled. "Now that Dave's devious plan has worked, you know about it. Yes, it's yours. No, you don't have to have anything to do with it... her......"
The Journey Home: John's Story by
Rodney protests John's discharge after "The Return" by quitting SGC and going back to Earth with him.
The Pandora Effect by
Woolsey starts getting midnight visits from Sheppard, only, the colonel never seem to acknowledge their trysts during the daytime... (ends Woolsey/Zelenka, McKay/Sheppard)
Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index, Rare pairings slash index
Wanted by
A wild west AU set in about 1900, with added UST.
War of the Roses by
Rodney needs a new room, John's is convenient.
What Kind of Voodoo Do They Teach in Medical School? by
Whatever was going on with Keller was getting weird, too weird for John’s tastes.
With Wings Spread Wide by
The SGC invites Teyla and Ronon to visit Earth. Cam seems intent on showing them the sights. Including the dragons.