Tag: Shower Sex
Christmas Vacation by
While on Christmas vacation in Pegasus with Ronon, John gets stabbed by a unicorn, but there's still a happy ending (in that sense too).
Five things John has learned about the Wraith (that he’s not sharing) by
There is some information John Sheppard is privy to about the Wraith he's not exactly keen to share.
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Free Fallin by
Lorne learns to deal when John requires his own *private* examinations.
I Am The Weapon by
Short John/Ronon centric episode tags for all SGA episodes starting with "Runner".
In Sun And Shower by
Carson's looking forward to getting back to Atlantis, but John surprises him first.
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Lorne wants something, or someone by
In which Lorne doesn't know how to pace himself, and John is okay with that.
Once More With Feeling (It's Not Enough To Be A Genius Remix) by
Rodney doesn't know what to do with failure. Remix of: Once More With Feeling
Practice Makes Perfect by
All sorts of things can happen in the communal showers.
Rebirth of Legend by
Minor Caldwell/Weir, implied Ronon/Teyla & Lorne/Parrish.
Respite and Absolution by WIP
John needs someone to make decisions for him for a change, and Caldwell is willing to help.
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SGA Academic AU Snippet by
"You look suspiciously happy for a man who's supposed to have spent the afternoon writing an exam," John commented.
Should Have Done This Sooner by
Ronon forcibly encourages a relationship with Sheppard.
Sides by
Thirty-one stories written in thirty-one days. Each one is part of one verse, and each one is in some way Sheppard/Lorne.
Slide by
A stargate malfunction (another one!) sends the team to a parallel Atlantis. While Rodney works to find them a way home, John has to keep Woolsey distracted from using Teyla or Ronon by agreeing to be his submissive and discovers a new side of himself as slips deeper and deeper into his role.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Sweet is Pleasure After Pain by
John has a migraine. Cam makes it better.
The Bribe by
Rodney given to John as a slave and they're on their way to Atlantis.
The Cave by
They have to take refuge in a cave. Shower sex in chapter two.
The Demolition Man Returns by
Lieutenant Ford has some 'splaining to do.
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The End Of The Day by
John goes for a swim in the cold ocean. Carson warms him up.
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To Saveguard the Future by
Beware of Ancients bearing gifts.
Untitled kink meme fill: Bathing, enemas. by
After years of living hard, now Ronon likes to keep himself and his partners squeaky clean.
Watershed by
Linked to the McShepSlash list archive because it's not posted anywhere else.
What Happened Before, and After, and a Little Bit During by
Coda to I Can Kill You With My Brain.