Tag: Pining

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Accidents Will Happen by Tarlan

Accidents do happen but John is determined to fix this one, and gains more than he ever dreamed in return.

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Ancient Solutions by aqualegia

A return visit to a trading partner starts a new chapter in John and Rodney's relationship.

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Baby Boom by darkmoore

"You’re pregnant and you didn’t plan on telling me? You wanted to get rid of it without ever letting me know I could have been a father? Don’t you think this should be my decision, too?"

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Beau of the Ball by velocitygrass

Sheppard wanted them to go into the ballroom together, with Rodney as his companion for the evening, a spot normally reserved for high society ladies who combined beauty, grace and intelligence, not to mention one honest-to-god European princess three years ago. This couldn't be happening to him.

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Been Five Years by Bluflamingo

It’s not often fate works for them instead of against them. Evan's planning on making the most of the one time it does.

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Cast Between Worlds by phoenix catcher

Harry Potter loses his magic, goes to Atlantis, and hooks up with John Sheppard.

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Catalyst by the_cephalopod

(Entry f'locked) Really, there is something seriously wrong when the highlight of their respective days is a game of chess. The mere idea that the attraction lies in something other than the challenge of the game is something on which Rodney steadfastly refuses to dwell.

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Clarity by Pollitt

"You needed me." It's probably one of the most honest statements John has ever said.

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Close Enough to Flying by skieswideopen

John and Teyla accompany Cam to his parents' house in Kansas to help with some home repairs.

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Crossing the Line by Ayama-chi

Lorne was royally screwed. Not because he had just found out that his commander has a thing for him and he didn't return his feelings, it was because he did. The only thing that stood in the way was Lorne's integrity, and he wasn't sure he was such an honorable man

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Destiny Revisited by lavvyan

Merlin/Arthur, McKay/Sheppard in a Merlin/SGA fusion.

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Dreams Are Never As They Seem by amy_thrace821

It's the twentieth time that John Sheppard has found himself in a cell, but it's the first time that his faith in his inevitable rescue has failed him.

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Everything by somehowunbroken

Cam is John's flight instructor. John is entranced by the planes; Cam is entranced by John. Part two: Realization. Part three: Nights Like Tonight.

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Feliz Navidad by Tzzzz

For John's birthday, Jack gives him a secret.

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Four Things Rodney Did For John That John Never Knew About (And One That He Did) by kristen999

In the early days of the expedition, in between mapping the city, scouring every Podunk town for ZPMs, and repairing ancient tech with silly putty and pantyhoseâ€"Rodney would go down to the firing range and attempt shooting a gun.

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Getting It Right by victoriaely

Carson wished he could just forget everything and spend an hour or two talking to John about simple things, like favourite colours, or food, or roller-coasters, but somehow, all they got to talk about was death and pain.

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Hands by mific

John had always liked watching Rodney’s hands.

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Here Goes Nothing by gottalovev

Then he leans up a bit and kisses John right on the mouth.

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Holiday Drabble by race_the_ace

David makes sure he’s in his lab every morning at 0624, because that’s when the Colonel runs by.

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How He Is by somehowunbroken

Accidental seduction.

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Infirmary Series by miera

A series of short interludes chronicling Carson's emotional attachment to John.

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Infokiss by melagan

It was a guilty pleasure, but he could get over the guilt later

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Just Breathe by Crysothemis

John's lips were icy against Rodney's, but at least he'd remembered to straighten John's head and pinch his nose shut. Remix of Not So Artificial

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Kiss Me, Arthur by

John and Rodney singing Camelot on Broadway.


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Kiss Me. Arthur by

It had always been Elizabeth Weir's dream to produce a revival of Camelot on Broadway. She finally had the chance to do so and had cast Rodney McKay " primarily an opera singer but also currently down on his luck " as Arthur. Two weeks before Opening Night, a serious accident takes out Broadway-favorite Daniel Jackson, who had been cast as Lancelot, and Elizabeth's now desperate for a replacement. Fate intervenes and John Sheppard, mega-star and lead of John Sheppard and Friends pop fame is available. But is there more than fate involved?


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Little Victories by wickedwords

Thinking of Atlantis still hurt, but not as much as it used to. Every day was a little better, or so everyone said. Personally, John thought they were all full of shit.

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Make it All Count by WritinginCT (CJ)

Cam goes to a gay bar for the first time to get Sheppard out of his head but he gets a surprise instead.

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Morning Comes With The Dark by Paian

Sheppard has to work for it. O'Neill enjoys that. O'Neill makes him work for it. O'Neill likes to see the other guy break a sweat.

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My Heart is Yours by camshaft22

Cam is hopelessly in love with one of his pilots.

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Not quite Benjamin Braddock by velocitygrass

He couldn't look at Rodney and think that he'd never loved him more and then go ahead and pretend that it didn't matter that he married someone else.

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Play Crack the Sky by Titti

John feared ignorance, because what Rodney didn't know could usually kill them.

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Point Of No Return by Selenic (selenic76)

"Something wasn't right. Rodney felt it in his gut."

Rodney might stay behind on Earth with Keller when Atlantis heads back to Pegasus, and John realizes he doesn't want that to happen.

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Resetting the Parameters by spacedogfl

Evan comes to terms with his behavior.

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Ripples by scarlettandblue

Cavemen and ipods and astronauts and could it be magic? Retellling of the fairy tale Tam Lin.

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Rosemary, for Rememberance by Mhalachai

And then there was the time John Sheppard turned into a girl and no one thought it was strange but Rodney McKay.

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Shades of Punishment by Atlantisphile

A year after he assisted Robin Hood and SGA-1 in the overthrow of the Sheriff and subsequently sought refuge on Atlantis, Guy of Gisborne â€" along with Sheppard and his team â€" returns to Nottingham only to be captured by King Richard's soldiers. Crossover with BBC's Robin Hood (Sheppard/Gisborne).

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Sheppard/Woolsey drabble by ariadne83, Lunabee34

Woolsey's making the most of things.


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Sheppard’s Law of Martyrdom by pir8fancier

Rodney and Jennifer get engaged. The inevitable happens.

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Sometimes A Bath Is Just A Bath by Helenkacan (aka Helena K)

John feels as if his team is splintering. He prowls around the city until he finally ends up at Rodney's door.

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Stuck On You by trillingstar

On the team's day off, John and Rodney brave quicksand, caves, water traps, and matchmakers. Rodney admits to something life-changing, and sometimes John feels as though he's just along for the ride.

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Tables Turned by Tzzzz

"That's it, I am not giving the kangaroos and the bees talk to the two of you. Go traumatize Carson instead!" Prequel: Once There Was a Man Named Holland. Sequel: Not a Henry

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Talking Points by pir8fancier

He managed to get out a raspy, "Congrats." It was the last word he spoke for months.

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The Bribe by Fenchurch

Rodney given to John as a slave and they're on their way to Atlantis.

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The Chair by Goddess47

Sitting in the Chair changes more things than John would have thought.

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The Shape of His Dream by Fluffyllama/runningmate

It is the only time her courage has failed her in years.

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The Soldier's First Tattoo by roaringmice

How Rodney gave John his first tattoo. Well, sort of.

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Tonight. Tomorrow. Never Again by lil_jei

And that was how he found himself at the McKay household, just shy of being too tipsy to drive, and trying to celebrate the anniversary of when he’d lost everything.

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Turn the world all which a way by Bluespirit

John doesn’t want to hear what Rodney has to say, and so he makes a strategic retreat… Okay, he runs away.

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Two men and a baby by tex, lamardeuse

The natives give Rodney a gift: a baby clone of himself made with Ancient technology. Sequels: Second Watch, Fatherly Advice, Creation Myth

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Unthought of, Unlooked for by rosiepaw

Pi is irrational and Rodney McKay is not interested in guys. Deal with it, Sheppard. Then Théo shows up.

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Until it's All You're Holding on Too by skitz_phenom

After tragedy strikes, Rodney's friends watch as he tries to do everything in his power to find a way to set things right. Sometimes the lengths Rodney McKay would go to on behalf of John Sheppard amazed even him; especially when those lengths included not being able to tell a single person about what he'd done.

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What Dreams May Come by ferret_kitty

Linked to part five, which has the links to the previous parts.

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What is Lost by kiku65

John's damaged goods, but Todd still can't let go.

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Words by es_skysurfer

Part 2. Rodney figures out what he really wants in life.

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You Belong With Me by Gamilaroi

John Sheppard and Darcy O'Neill have strong feelings for each other, but must surpress them due to both being in the USAF. When a machine is discovered off world everything changes for both men.

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