Tag: McKay/Keller

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A Fine Romance by Starry Diadem

If Katy Brown and Jennifer Keller do ever sit down to braid each other's hair and swap Life Lessons, they'll agree that Rodney is, on the whole, a bad boyfriend.

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And this the life I gave for you by Lunabee34

Late at night while much of Atlantis sleeps, Rodney brings his laptop to the control room and works, one eye on the Gate. Watching for Sheppard.

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Attention Seeking by Tarlan

Atlantis is heading home but, for once, Rodney's attention is caught elsewhere.

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Breaking the Mold by snowglow1275

This wasn’t like he’d simply been turned into a girl. That might be a little cool, for a while. But just knowing this body wasn’t his, that it had an original owner, one that would be getting it back, made him nervous about how he treated this body.

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Building a home by velocitygrass

The house was large enough for a family, but after half a year, John still felt as if he was stepping into a new house instead of a home.

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Busted by mezzo_cammin

Certain people should lock their doors if they don't want John to walk in on them.

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Chicks Dig Scars by argosy

Jennifer and Rodney get that beer. John is displeased.

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Consolation Prize by Goddess47

Getting the Earth news in real time had its disadvantages. Sequeal: Small Consolation

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Damned If You Do, and Damned If You Don’t by pir8fancier

Yes, there were signs, and if he hadn't been thinking with his dick he would have twigged to them immediately.

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Dandelion Clock by Bluflamingo

Things change; sometimes you just need a little faith.

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Dawn Will Break by darkmoore, Cassandra Pierson (ca_pierson)

When Atlantis - upon returning to the Pegasus Galaxy from Earth - breaks apart in hyperspace, only John is saved from the debris. The group of Ancients that retrieved him offer him a bargain: Either he helps them make corrections in some universes, where things have gone wrong, or they put him back where he was found. Reluctantly accepting, John embarks on a lonely journey through a multitude of universes until he finally reaches the place he could again call home.

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Destiny Revisited by lavvyan

Merlin/Arthur, McKay/Sheppard in a Merlin/SGA fusion.

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Dreaming With Open Eyes by rusty-armour

Often what is buried in the unconscious doesn’t stay that way.

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Dreams Are Never As They Seem by amy_thrace821

It's the twentieth time that John Sheppard has found himself in a cell, but it's the first time that his faith in his inevitable rescue has failed him.

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Dressed to Kill by velocitygrass

Rodney was a genius in all things that mattered. Dressing to impress hadn't been one of them until today.

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Every LIttle Thing by almostnever (Cesare)

John anticipated a lot of possibilities for disaster when Rodney invited John to his sister's place for his first Christmas after the breakup with Jennifer. Getting drafted into playing a plastic guitar wasn't one of them.

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Everything We Need Here by telesilla

The team spends a relaxing day at the beach. John and Ronon come to an understanding.

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Feliz Navidad by Tzzzz

For John's birthday, Jack gives him a secret.

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Forever Approaching Infinity by Tzzzz

To Rodney, all of time happens in an instant, but he still can't seem to grasp the future. SGA/Watchmen fusion.

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Forever Lost by Tarlan

In a city the size of lower Manhattan, it's easy to get lost....forever. (Not John or Rodney)

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Head of the Class by pir8fancier

Rodney McKay is a U.C. Berkeley physics professor who absolutely cannot stand the new faculty hire, John Sheppard.

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Here Every Language Is Silent by enigmaticblues

Sometimes, you don't know what you have until it's gone.

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Heroes With A Plan by monanotlisa

Being brave and reaping the benefits can be easy. Just, not this time.

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Home In Time For Jeopardy by shakespherical

Even the defeat of the Wraith and a bright future in the Pegasus galaxy doesn’t mean that the universe isn’t ultimately random and cruel. Or that love can’t be found in the ruins of your own life.

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Honor Guard series by mayachain (ms_jvh_shuh)

Earthside, a Pegasus veteran stands guard over her commanding officer, who got shot on his way to Dr McKay's wedding.

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Inevitable by Tarlan

John knew Rodney's relationship with Keller was doomed to failure...eventually.

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Interstitial by Lunabee34

Rodney has always lived in the spaces between.

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Jennifer by TeaAndCoffeOwl

It breaks Jennifer's heart when she realizes that Rodney's not in love with her.

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Kind Much Closer by omg_wtf_yeah

8 vignettes from different points in their relationship.

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Law of Martyrdom by pir8fancier

Post-season story. Rodney and Jennifer get engaged. The inevitable happens.

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Lifted by deltacephei

Something in John finally decides it's not worth waiting for any longer. Sequel: Alight

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Like You Back by keefaq

The camping trip goes okay but the homecoming is better. Good things do happen sometimes.

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Limiter by beachlass

In a way, it's easier once Rodney's dating Jennifer.

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Live While You're Alive by scrollgirl

Ronon realizes that he and John could have something great together.

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Lost Memory by annieb1955 (Annie Booker)

It’s cold when he wakes and he feels around for the covers, freezing as his hand encounters empty space next to him where Rodney should be.

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My Favorite Colonel by pir8fancier

AU based on the Cary Grant/Irene Dunne 1940s classic movie, "My Favorite Wife."

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Necessary Evil by Tarlan

Rodney recognized affection beneath the dry tone, and wondered why he had never bothered to study all the subtleties of human behavior before, especially Sheppard's.

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Next of Kin by danceswithgary

Somewhere along the line, she'd lost something important and it was time to get it back. Remix of: Honor Guard

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No Good Deed by blackchaps

Rodney makes a plan and waiting is the hard part.

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No Sacrifice by altyronsmaker

DADT is repealed; "What do we do now?"

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Not quite Benjamin Braddock by velocitygrass

He couldn't look at Rodney and think that he'd never loved him more and then go ahead and pretend that it didn't matter that he married someone else.

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One, Plus Two, Plus Two, Plus One by squidgiepdx

Set post-series as Atlantis gets prepared to go back to Pegasus, Keller resigns, Rodney follows her, and Rodney panics when he loses touch with John.

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Operation All’s Fair in Love And War by kHo

John realizes his feelings for Rodney when when Rodney decides to marry Jennifer.

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Paradigm Shift by scherryzade

How did a sweet kid like Keller turn John into such a- Followed by: Three Weeks Later and Served Cold

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Point Of No Return by Selenic (selenic76)

"Something wasn't right. Rodney felt it in his gut."

Rodney might stay behind on Earth with Keller when Atlantis heads back to Pegasus, and John realizes he doesn't want that to happen.

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Professional Jealousy by tex

Rodney is dissed by one of his colleagues. But John knows how to make it right. Remix of: Professional Jealousy

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Professional Jealousy (The Special Delivery Remix) by tex

Rodney is dissed by one of his colleagues. But John knows how to make it right.

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Promises by Bluflamingo

A year after John moved back to Earth to raise his son with Cam, things are mostly settling down for the three of them. Well, if you don't count childhood memories, estranged brothers, injured ex-colleagues and your best friend's wedding. Part of What Happens Next.

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QED by lilyleia78

John is stuck in the transporter with Keller. Keller tries to pass the time with games. John works on being less of a jerk. Rodney's just trying to get John out.

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Rebound by rosiepaw

John learned then that the most important rebound rule of all is: never get involved in with someone on the rebound if there’s any chance you might fall in love with that person.

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Seven Day Fool by reddwarfer

So, in the end, the only way to equal it out was to hurt them all.

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Sheppard’s Law of Martyrdom by pir8fancier

Rodney and Jennifer get engaged. The inevitable happens.

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Something in a Sunday by busaikko

After Enemy at the Gate, John has bad luck with a dating agency. Also, Rodney has issues.

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Sometimes... Love Just Happens by ru_salki99

With the repeal of DADT, comes some misunderstandings that lead to the breaking up of one couple and the coming together of another.

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Square Peg by Nell Howell

An AU that branches off after the events in "Brain Storm"; set thirteen months later on Earth when Rodney has left the SGC and settled down with Jennifer. John arrives for a visit.

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Surrogate by seekergeek

Rodney manages to save the team, but at a terrible cost to himself. When John later stumbles across an Ancient facility, he finds that it can give Rodney what the scientist had given up as a lost cause due to his sacrifice. But the facility is rapidly running out of power and John has to make a snap decision. How far is John willing to go to help a man that he loves far too much for his own good?

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Talking Points by pir8fancier

He managed to get out a raspy, "Congrats." It was the last word he spoke for months.

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That Kiss by velocitygrass

Sequel: After That Kiss.
She was his girlfriend and he should be honest with her. "I kissed Sheppard on the mission today."

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That Will Break You by mz_bstone

Life can break your bones. It can also stitch you back together.

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The Air That Angels Breathe by Keira Marcos

Mutant!Verse. John has hid his mutation all of his life and then everything changes in an instant.

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The Answer by velocitygrass

He knows what their reunion in less than an hour will be like. A wry comment from John. An eye roll from Rodney.

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The Chair by Goddess47

Sitting in the Chair changes more things than John would have thought.

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The Devil's Workshop by kisahawklin

John's always noticed hands.

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The Hardest Habit by Goddess47

John couldn't say "Go get the girl" again….

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The Last Word by neevebrody

Rodney has died and John goes to his Remembrance. Amazing Soundtrack to go with the story Here

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The Long Engagement by omg_wtf_yeah

McShep Steampunk!Atlantis AU. John is the leader of the Sheppard Circus Company. Lost in their travels, the troupe happens on the hidden city of Atlantis where McKay is the mistrustful leader of the Lanteans. McKay makes an agreement with the troupe wherein they'll stay on in the city and perform a number of shows. He also asks John for his adopted sister, Jennifer Keller's, hand in marriage. When John refuses to give them his blessing, Rodney proposes that the only way to change his mind is to get to know each other better. But as the two men become close, Rodney begins to question if marrying Jennifer is what he really wants or if what he wants could be something totally unexpected.

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Tonight. Tomorrow. Never Again by lil_jei

And that was how he found himself at the McKay household, just shy of being too tipsy to drive, and trying to celebrate the anniversary of when he’d lost everything.

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Triune by skinscript

Sheppard/Keller, McKay/Keller & McKay/Sheppard/Keller.

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Turn the world all which a way by Bluespirit

John doesn’t want to hear what Rodney has to say, and so he makes a strategic retreat… Okay, he runs away.

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Twice Blessed by chelle

McKay/Keller -> McKay/Sheppard/Keller -> McKay/Sheppard
Even when things are peaceful, John can't seem to keep from doing dangerous things.

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Waiting for My Real Life to Begin by toomuchplor

Rodney turns 40, dates Jennifer, kisses John and finds an Ancient weapons lab. Sequel: A Month Of

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What Kind of Voodoo Do They Teach in Medical School? by rosiepaw

Whatever was going on with Keller was getting weird, too weird for John’s tastes.

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Where to Start Over and How to Begin by lilyfarfalla

Post-Season 5, Atlantis is stuck on Earth. Teyla realizes she has to create the path to take Atlantis home. With the help of Woolsey, Ronon, John and Rodney, she's widely successful, but somewhere along the way, Rodney and John get a little lost.

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Words by es_skysurfer

Part 2. Rodney figures out what he really wants in life.

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Zombies and Blackouts -- Oh My by Catheights

Sometimes the Pegasus galaxy was the ultimate horror show, the fright never ended.

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