Tag: Flying
Beasts of War and Burden by
"Oh my God. We've landed on fucking Pern."
Breakaway by
Cam and Evan first meet when they end up housing together while they're both deployed stateside. Their relationship progresses from there.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Carpet Diem by
John's pretty sure his original assessment of the situation is correct when a loose half-circle of men holding guns surround them, but it's not as though he can crow about it, not when a quick glimpse over his shoulder shows a vine-covered ravine so deep that he can't see the bottom.
Come Again Some Other Day by
"Yesterday," John said, just in case Rodney was missing the point, "it was sunny."
Everything by
Cam is John's flight instructor. John is entranced by the planes; Cam is entranced by John. Part two: Realization. Part three: Nights Like Tonight.
Flyboys III by
Follows after Flyboys II, but can stand on its own.
Flyboys Will Be Flyboys by
Sheppard and Lorne. Alone in a jumper. Need I say more? Part of the Welcome Home series.
Gift Horses by
“How is this all my decision? He’s your son too.”
Hold On, Here We Go by
Mitchell never became the leader of SG1, and Sheppard never went to Atlantis. Instead they both worked on the F-302 project.
It's Times LIke These by
After being kicked out of Atlantis, John crashes on Cam’s couch and wonders why he’s still friends with him.
Lighter Than Air by
The Ml'suk have harbored a grudge for thousands of years, and they have no qualms about using Sheppard as a pawn in their manipulations. Teyla, Ronon, and Rodney have to play by the rules or risk forfeiting John's life.
My Favorite Colonel by
AU based on the Cary Grant/Irene Dunne 1940s classic movie, "My Favorite Wife."
North is East by
“That’s it, I am never, ever, letting you fly a city ever again,” Rodney said by way of a greeting.
Racing the Moon by
Post-EatG and declassification, John and Cam are sent on a press junket. Cam's the pretty one.
Retirement by
A simple off-world mission produces a most unexpected result which sends the friends of John Sheppard chasing him around the planet.
Somewhere Just Being Their Own by
John and Ronon find an enjoyable way to spend a long jumper-ride.
The Best Part of Waking Up by
He knew that he was necessary to their survival. He’d never been necessary to a person before.
The Year That Was by
Cam's never really been lonely, or felt abandoned. Not until he winds up in a whole new timeline with no way home.
World Without End by
There’s still a part of him that thinks, in some messed up backwards way, that they could be good, here, in the middle of a disaster that they can’t stop.