Tag: Pining!Cam

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Age of Minority by Bluflamingo

Cam finds that being turned into a teenager isn't what it's cracked up to be.

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Close Enough to Flying by skieswideopen

John and Teyla accompany Cam to his parents' house in Kansas to help with some home repairs.

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Deep Water by Miss_zedem

Cam isn’t wounded in the battle over Antarctica, but that didn’t make him any less of a hero. When he’s offered any assignment he wants, his decision takes him further than he could have ever imagined.

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Deluded Effort by race_the_ace

Cam put all this effort into wooing John, too bad no one told him that John Sheppard was head over heels for him already.

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Everything by somehowunbroken

Cam is John's flight instructor. John is entranced by the planes; Cam is entranced by John. Part two: Realization. Part three: Nights Like Tonight.

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Fast Cars by colls, swannee

John's not looking for love. Nope, not even a little bit.

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Fireworks Not So Much by camshaft22

Cameron Mitchell wasn't quite sure just how it all started.

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It's Still A Symphony by somehowunbroken

The List Of Things Cam Isn't Thinking About gets Cam into trouble sometimes.

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Lead The Way From All Is Lost by somehowunbroken

Originally for an sga_kinkmeme fill: 'John/Cam, slave!John: the punishment for disobeying direct orders in the military is to be sold as a slave to successful officers until they learn to obey without questioning their superiors. John is given to Cameron, who takes his duty as officer very seriously and is set in teaching John what he needs to learn in order to be re-instated, whatever the price.'

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Make it All Count by WritinginCT (CJ)

Cam goes to a gay bar for the first time to get Sheppard out of his head but he gets a surprise instead.

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My Heart is Yours by camshaft22

Cam is hopelessly in love with one of his pilots.

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On a Good Day by skieswideopen

Guard duty in alien temples passes a lot more quickly when you have someone to discuss football scores with.

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Polymorphs by kimberlite

John wants Cam, but Cam is straight. Or, at least the Cam in this universe. It's just too bad that the other universe's Cam is a tad unstable.

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Quality of Memory by dossier

After screwing up every relationship he's ever been in, John decides to find himself a robot companion instead.

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Redefining 'Long Distance' by blueskypenguin

Cam finds that developing a psychic bond with the guy you have a secret crush on isn't as bad as it sounds.

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Sports as a Metaphor by etain

John and Cam's basketball games during The Return turns into something else.

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Sunday Morning Coming Down by dizzydame

John is drunk and Cam picks him up from the bar.

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The Deconstruction of Falling Stars by kyizi

Atlantis is stranded in a strange new galaxy with no way of returning to either Earth or Pegasus, John is missing and presumed dead, and just when Cam thinks that he's finally getting used to the status quo, things get worse.

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The Gravity of Tempered Grace by race_the_ace

Cam decides he’s done being alone and he wants to be done being alone with John.

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The Sexy Nerd and the Rocket Jockey by colls, swannee

AU where John is a scientist, Cam is still a flyboy. They meet in a gay bar - John just wanted sex, but Cam wants a boyfriend. Cameo appearances by several other characters. Lots of eye rolling.

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With the Morning Sun by scrollgirl

John and Cam dream of regrets, lost love, and second chances.

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