Author: rinkafic
Website: None
Abandon ‘ship by
Rodney decides that leaving would be the best thing for everyone
All Through the Night by
Ronon is having trouble sleeping, and so begins a project to help pass the time. John gets involved.
Because You Tell Me To by
Sometimes, it takes extreme measures to bring someone to the table… or desk.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Betrayal by
Prompts: Cam turning from the IOA so they think he's evil and he does evil to free (the ATA gene holders)… morally gray
By My Side by
John's in recovery and Lorne's his caregiver.
H is for Hostages by
Sequel to Upside Down. John is kidnapped together with his and Evan's daughter.
It's You I'm Worried About by
Prompt: HC Bingo “Experiments by Evil Scientists”
Keri by
John has to bond with Cameron Mitchell to be allowed to remain on Atlantis, but what started out as a ruse soon turns real.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Love Letters (of a kind) by
Notes: for the scifiland “love letters” challenge
Prompt: Kink Bingo Fill: “Phonesex/episilogy”
My Boyfriend's Face by
John goes to Eureka and meets someone who looks an awful lot like his boyfriend.
Never Give In by
They had tried almost every trick in the book to break him.
Rescue by
John's in trouble, and Lorne comes to the rescue.
To Be With You by
John and Cam are the pleasure slaves of Jack O'Neill, but they are unwisely falling in love with each other. A little AU of John and Cam from the Telpa ‘verse AU.