Tag: Torture
Dawn Will Break by
When Atlantis - upon returning to the Pegasus Galaxy from Earth - breaks apart in hyperspace, only John is saved from the debris. The group of Ancients that retrieved him offer him a bargain: Either he helps them make corrections in some universes, where things have gone wrong, or they put him back where he was found. Reluctantly accepting, John embarks on a lonely journey through a multitude of universes until he finally reaches the place he could again call home.
Five People John Sheppard Didn't Kill on P11-23R by
The boys get kidnapped, John gets them out. Told by five people he doesn't kill in the process.
Five Times John Sheppard Has Sex With Someone Other Than Rodney McKay by
Here There be Fractals by
Short interlude of the aftermath of a mission gone wrong. Sequel: Geometry of Damage
I Am The Weapon by
Short John/Ronon centric episode tags for all SGA episodes starting with "Runner".
I Would Like To Meet You All In Heaven by
Cam's an angel prince with a secret, John's a demon.
In the Blood by
"It really shouldn't be funny but you know I've always sort of suspected that we'd have a joint funeral."
Interfice Errorem, Diligere Errantem by
Cam's been through something terrible. He's released into John's care, but was it too soon?
Lieder Ohne Worte (Songs Without Words) by
Rodney loses his voice.
Like Heisenberg, Looking In, Uncertain by
McKay/Sheppard, McKay/Teyla, McKay/Sheppard/Teyla. Deals with the consequences of rape and mutilation.
Nemesis by
'It has been two days since your friends deserted you, Dr. McKay,' Atter tutted softly. 'No one is coming for you.' Sequel: The Fury
Never Give In by
They had tried almost every trick in the book to break him.
Parallel, But Not the Same by
Sheppard learns first-hand that while two things may look identical, on closer examination those things are sometimes as opposite as two things can possibly be.
Push Until It Holds by
Ronon has known all his life that the three pillars of victory are honor, loyalty, and unity. He's been a member of Sheppard's team for two years when the team to which he owes his first loyalty finds him again, during a time when Ronon must question whether his loyalty to Atlantis is returned. Torn, he chooses the team he believes needs him the most, but the price is more than just the home he's come to love, and the reward may be betrayal and death, or worse.
Random Chance by WIP
John and Evan are captured by the Wraith.
Rebirth of Legend by
Minor Caldwell/Weir, implied Ronon/Teyla & Lorne/Parrish.
Regions of Darkness and Light by
John and Rodney get sent to Earth to recover from a bad mission, while there Atlantis is partially declassified and someone has to do the press.
Second Verse by
The Pegasus expedition needed Rodney McKay. They just didn't know it yet.
Start the Bidding At... by
John is captured by slavers and ends up spending two horrifying years as a slave before he's finally rescued.
That Which I Should Never Say by
Part of the Return'verse.
Weighty Ghost by
Written for hc_bingo prompt "Sensory Deprivation."
he alone determines by
Half-way through the celebration feast (there seemed to be one every three planets, now) a group of masked raiders had attacked the village.