Tag: Outed
Busted by
"I'm very aware of how much you want me." He shifted his grip.
John moaned again.
"I have the evidence in my hand."
Headline News by
Cam realized that secret make-out spots didn't necessary stay secret for twenty years right about the time his bare ass ended up on the internet.
I Tell You, You Tell Me by
When John's hospitalized, Dave pays his brother a visit.
Implication by
Links to all parts of the series can be found in the index.
Keep the Home Fires Burning by
**Wanted: One stoic warrior type for casual sex, maybe more. Must be passionate, occasionally submissive, always inscrutable, and patient with repression, military command protocol, and attempted martyrdom.** The series follows Season 2 throughout.
Last Drop of Sun by
1) earth-based apartment 2) coming out of the closet? 3) happy ending
Moments of Revelation by
Part of the Discontinuity Series
Sentience by
Open ended series: What if the city was sentient?
Staring at the Sun by
A look at the darwinian adaptations of sex pollen.
That Which I Should Never Say by
Part of the Return'verse.
The Do Not Touch List by
When Lorne falls ill and John is injured, the true nature of their relationship becomes apparent for their friends.
Today and Yesterday and Tomorrow by
Evan didn't mean to end up in a relationship with John Sheppard.
Unnamed Comment Fic by
"What day is it? And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time
Cause it's you and me and all of the people
With nothing to do, nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you"
Untitled (mahoni) by
Written before "Outcast". Tag to Nuclear Family (gen).