Tag: Sentient Atlantis
A Growing Connection by
(Prompt: Big Bang 2008. John is more Ancient than anyone realizes) With two new growing connections, can John Sheppard cope or will he give in?
A Sappy Country Love Song by
John long ago made the decision it would be his life for Rodney’s
As Deep Cries Out To Deep by
John Sheppard had served his country and just wanted to be left alone for the rest of his life. Too bad Rodney McKay had other ideas. So when John moves to Atlantis, at Rodney's behest, he discovers more than the City of the Ancients, he discovers Evan Lorne.
Cooperation by
Sequels: Matchmaker, Santa's Helper, What John Wants, Discovery, Yours. First fic is McKay/Sheppard, becomes McKay/Sheppard/Zelenka in the second.
Foreshock by
Elemental SGA ficlets. More in the series: To be mud instead of stars; It could move you like a wind; Aftershock; All I can do it hold you tight
Learning To Breathe by
John/Atlantis, McKay/Sheppard pre-slash
Point Of No Return by
"Something wasn't right. Rodney felt it in his gut."
Rodney might stay behind on Earth with Keller when Atlantis heads back to Pegasus, and John realizes he doesn't want that to happen.
Rebirth of Legend by
Minor Caldwell/Weir, implied Ronon/Teyla & Lorne/Parrish.
Sentience by
Open ended series: What if the city was sentient?
Symbiosis by
Sheppard gets sick, but in Atlantis, it's never as simple as a common cold.
The Chair by
Sitting in the Chair changes more things than John would have thought.
The Computer is Your Friend by
Part of the Dramatic Exit series.
We Now Return You To Your Regularly Scheduled Crisis by
Sequel to High As Heaven.