Tag: Straight!John

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A Beautiful Lifetime Event by shalott

Sequels/In Same Universe: Surprise,Double Bed

There's also Parenting in the Pegasus Galaxy by Brighid, but it's in a locked post. That's the story about Hyp getting her period.

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As Deep Cries Out To Deep by race_the_ace

John Sheppard had served his country and just wanted to be left alone for the rest of his life. Too bad Rodney McKay had other ideas. So when John moves to Atlantis, at Rodney's behest, he discovers more than the City of the Ancients, he discovers Evan Lorne.

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Because that's what friends do by Merlin7 (url needed)

Published in the zine "1 Brm, Ocn Vu", not yet avaliable online

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Lapse of Memory by The Huntress

Implied Bates/Kavanagh, Teyla/Elizabeth, Grodin/Stackhouse, Zelenka/Miko & Ford/Heightmeyer.

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Lorne wants something, or someone by Morell

In which Lorne doesn't know how to pace himself, and John is okay with that.

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Mutual Misunderstandings by Ayama-chi

How high a price are you willing to pay to get your hands on everything Atlantis could have ever hoped for? A slip of a tongue during an off world visit and some help from Rodney and John and his second in command are about to find out.

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Open Your Eyes by parrotfic

John is hired as the new football coach. Rodney is subbing as physics teacher for his sister.

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Square Peg, Round Hole by sharkie335

When the Ori overrun Earth, some of the SGC evacuate to Atlantis, where they're just not fitting in. This causes serious issues.

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To Have & To Hold by ru_salki99

The IOA decide that because Rodney has never been in a successful long term relationship while on Atlantis, that he lacks certain leadership skills. John however, can't bare the thought of Rodney leaving, so comes up with a cunning plan.

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Together by Demand by shinchansgirl

Rodney's condition to work with the SGC again is to have a military husband of his choice.

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Trading Partners by FlyBoy

After a "seed-planting" ceremony off-world, John sees Evan in a new light.

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