Tag: Episode Related - Season 1
Before the Fall by
For a place that was the Pegasus version of Neverland, M7G-677 had gone through some changes.
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Command and Conquer by
Colonel Sumner has commanded men like John Sheppard before.
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Discontinuity by
Main story in the Discontinuity Series.
First Kiss by
Aiden is chastised and rewarded by John for his heroics on Athos.
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Flyboys by
When Cameron Mitchell and John Sheppard met, they were going to fly planes. Little did they know how their lives would intersect over the years up to joining Stargate Command.
Give 'Em Hell by
Aiden says goodbye to his lover in the midst of the siege on Atlantis.
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Hero Worship by
John Sheppard has a crush on his second in command. It's mutual, but Ford keeps his feet on the ground and Sheppard's head in the clouds.
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How To Deal by
Aiden helps John cope after their visit to the kid planet.
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How To Survive The Far Reaches of the Milky Way Galaxy in 5 Easy Steps by
Sequel: Still With Me.
I Am The Weapon by
Short John/Ronon centric episode tags for all SGA episodes starting with "Runner".
I Have No Words: My Voice Is In My Sword by
John and Carson have some communication issues.
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It's Not Always About The Sex... by
To quote the author: "Five men, five times, five different reasons. All of them justified."
Lists: Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Just Be Careful by
Jack had a strange feeling that he knew his cocky pilot from somewhere...
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Last Chance To Be Greedy by
John gets a nice sendoff for Atlantis, and Jack gets something pretty good, too.
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Nothing Ventured by url needed)
(Shadows Over Atlantis by
Part of Strange Aeon. : As the Atlantis Expedition settles into their new home, they discover that they may not be as safe as they believe. Something dangerous is lurking in the city, and worse yet, someone among them may have been compromised.
Shayar by
Ford visits Sheppard in the infirmary after the events of 38 minutes.
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That's An Order by
Under a direct order, Ford confesses why he was upset after their visit to MSS224.
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Then And Now by
As he contemplates the actions being taken to find the spy in their midst, Aiden remembers a very different Sergeant Bates.
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To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before by
Set during "Rising". Jack O'Neill pays Major Sheppard a visit.
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Where The Heart Is by
Aiden tells John what he experienced on the mist planet.
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