Tag: Cameron Mitchell working in Atlantis

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A New Beginning by rocklikebiscuits WIP

John and the newly minted Commander of Atlantis, Cameron Mitchell, share a beer and something more.

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Along Latitudes and Satellites by race_the_ace

Cam needs to stop going out into the field. He’s mostly retired, now, only on Atlantis because that’s where the rest of him is.

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Breakthroughs and Bureaucracy by Alistair WIP

There's a breakthrough at Atlantis, but how will it affect the 2 ranking military officers and their.....arrangement?

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Deep Water by Miss_zedem

Cam isn’t wounded in the battle over Antarctica, but that didn’t make him any less of a hero. When he’s offered any assignment he wants, his decision takes him further than he could have ever imagined.

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Deluded Effort by race_the_ace

Cam put all this effort into wooing John, too bad no one told him that John Sheppard was head over heels for him already.

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Domum Longinquo by broms_lullaby

After contact is reestablished with the Atlantis Expedition, John and Cam find themselves embarking on a long journey. Part of the Excubiae Perpetua series.

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Drawing Circles by kyizi

John thought he'd left Atlantis and the SGC behind him for good, but then one day Cam rolls into the sleepy little town where John's settled down.

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Ecclesiastes by somehowunbroken

When Cam comes home to find John sleeping on his couch, he has no idea what they're in for. AU from 'The Return' on.

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Falling Away by somehowunbroken

John is dying, and all Cam can do is watch, until they're presented with another option.

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First Date by SexyCazzy

Cam and John are on their first date, after Cam kissed John on a mission.

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High Incentive by abrokencompass

Atlantis is returning home with a little extra baggage, and Ronon reveals himself as a closet-romantic cum fairy godmother, determined to find happiness for Sheppard.

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Holiday Drabble by race_the_ace

ne of the things John loves about Cam, is the way they can be in the middle of the Pegasus Galaxy but Cam will still enthusiastically celebrate every holiday.

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Holiday Drabble by race_the_ace

Cam learns about John's private Christmas tradition.

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In a Dying Sun by Miss_zedem

This is an AU, set post-EatG, in a universe where John is the civilian commander of Atlantis, and Cam is a member of the Chaplain Corps. Yes, really. This Cam went a different route after listening to his grandma.

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It All Goes Away When The Sun Comes Up by somehowunbroken

It's six months after the disease spread through Atlantis, crippling or killing everyone in the CIty, and Cam's more than ready to get out there to help.

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Paper Unicorns by Bluflamingo

John tells himself, they'll come for us because the only other option is knowing that Cam can't take this much longer.

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Room Amenities by Slybrarian

Part of the Strange Aeon verse. Evan's busy, and John thinks he'll have to play on his own. He couldn't be more wrong. John/Ancient tentacle sex toy!

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Shadows Over Atlantis by Slybrarian

Part of Strange Aeon. : As the Atlantis Expedition settles into their new home, they discover that they may not be as safe as they believe. Something dangerous is lurking in the city, and worse yet, someone among them may have been compromised.

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Steal the Moment by Bluflamingo

John winds up in another galaxy, commanding 97 marines, with a memo giving permission for same sex relationships as long as they're discreet and his ex-boyfriend turned civilian deputy commander wanting to *talk* about who John sleeps with.

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The Deconstruction of Falling Stars by kyizi

Atlantis is stranded in a strange new galaxy with no way of returning to either Earth or Pegasus, John is missing and presumed dead, and just when Cam thinks that he's finally getting used to the status quo, things get worse.

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The Gravity of Tempered Grace by race_the_ace

Cam decides he’s done being alone and he wants to be done being alone with John.

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Thin Thread Left by Bluflamingo

People talk about this as a victory, but to John it feels like defeat; the end of their first decade in the city

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Through The Night by somehowunbroken

John thinks about how he’s going to write the mission report for this, comes up with it was a dark and stormy night, and laughs a little hysterically.

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War Widows by somehowunbroken

John/Cam in Atlantis, some mission-gone-wrong whump, and a happy ending.

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When Life Throws You A Curveball… by wavelikedeocean

Cameron Mitchell was not, by any means, an unlucky guy. Sadly, due to recent events, he may need to reassess his situation.

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