Tag: Drugged

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All I Want For Christmas by Bluflamingo

Christmas never goes according to plan at Atlantis.

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Always by Jo

Rodney gets shot and drugged

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Any Given by jade_1459

An average week in the City of Atlantis.

Lists: Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index

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Battle by theeverdream

Aliens drug John as part of a ceremony, and Evan battles with his conscience.

Lists: Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index

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Breaking Up is Hard to Do by Amireal

Rodney's drugged and goes into hypoglycemic shock. Not what it seems by the title.

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Discretion by The Grrrl

During an alien visit, Elizabeth discovers something and finds something of her own, too.

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Message Drift by Bluflamingo

Part of the Return Verse. John finds out that Rodney used Lucius' drug on him.

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Ow! by Goddess47

"See my ow!" Rodney held up his bandaged index finger proudly.

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Palms and Eyes Open Wide by race_the_ace

Aliens made them drink, the drinking made them do pretty much everything else. Part of the Being Connor Sheppard-Davies series.

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Results May Vary by sabinelagrande

Four parts. 1st Sheppard/Zelenka, 2nd McKay/Zelenka, 3rd McKay/Sheppard, 4th McKay/Sheppard/Zelenka

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Serious Ink Job by ashtakra

Lorne writes a report about a mission he'd prefer to forget.

Lists: Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index

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Short and Stout by Xela

I was the best goddamned little teapot in the history of teapots, and everyone loved me!

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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Syrup Dreams by Anonymous

Written for the prompt: John/Todd, running into each other off-world, John ends up drugged. Todd bends him over something and fucks him, and John is watching him do it in a mirror, window, reflective surface. Dubcon/noncon - John's turned on, but everything's dreamlike and he doesn't really get that it's real.

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The Pleaser District by cmds1025 WIP

While on a routine mission through the Gate John is captured and it's up to his team to save him and in doing so his and Ronon's relationship changes forever.

Lists: Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index

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The Slave Trade by Punk

Aliens think Sheppard is Rodney's slave.

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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Today and Yesterday and Tomorrow by somehowunbroken

Evan didn't mean to end up in a relationship with John Sheppard.

Lists: Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index

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Truth Will Out by azure_chaos

John rescues Ronon only to discover he’s been doped with a truth drug. While under the influence, Ronon’s revelations could have permanent ramifications on their friendship.

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Under the Influence by rustler

Rodney darted his eyes around the room even though there was no one else present to witness this new level of peculiar behavior. He'd only ever had Sheppard pressed against him like this semi-conscious and bleeding from a gunshot wound. Even after a few beers, hell, even after more than a few beers, Sheppard wasn't... snuggly.

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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Well, isn't this bloody Fantastic! by Azilver

The team become the Fantastic Four: John = Mr. Fantastic, Rodney = Human Torch, Teyla = Invisible Woman & Ronon = The Thing.

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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À Cheval by kimberlite

Sheppard and Ronon aren't that good at talking about their feelings.

Lists: Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index

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