Tag: Slice of Life

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Blue by lilyleia78

Rodney hates not knowing everything, and even simple questions can lead to big truths.

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Laundry by crazywriter10

John and Evan have some fun while doing much-needed laundry.

Lists: Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index

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Life Gives You Lemons by bard_mercutio

John's team (and the rest of Atlantis) have their own opinions about the Lemon Incident.

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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Mother's Day by rock-mafia

A McShep AU wherein Meredith has always been a girl and John is in love with her now more than ever.

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Not The Protocol In All Cultures by karmageddon, prehistoric_sea

When Ronon shows up, laundry night suddenly gets a lot more interesting.

Lists: Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index

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Patterns by

A slice of life snippet, on Earth. Prequel: Changes


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Rodney McKay and the Hot-Blooded Pilot by Fabula Rasa

Amazon doesn't make shipments to the Pegasus Galaxy. What's a Harry Potter fan to do? (On the Wayback Machine)

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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Skips a generation by velocitygrass

As it turns out, John and Rodney's grandfathers knew each once once...

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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Sky's Falling by scrollgirl

John and Ronon are driving through the rain to Dave's wedding at Corfe Castle in Dorset, England.

Lists: Sheppard/Dex thematic fic index

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The Strangeness of Things by 1000traenen

There were people who believed that John Sheppard was incapable of settling down with one person.

Lists: Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index

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These Childish Things by Anyanka

Watching Rodney's eye twitch as he tried to keep his temper and decipher Torren's weirdly logical but truly baffling requests was a joy. Followed by: Deep are the thoughts of a Child

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