Tag: Timeline: Future

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A Long and winding Road by kathierif_fic

John is Ronon and Teyla's slave. He's taking it better than they do.

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A Summer Yet To Come by Severusslave

A story about the lives of John Sheppard and Radek Zelenka years after the Atlantis mission.

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Beautiful by somehowunbroken

Cam is turned on by the sight of John being all prim and proper in his dress blues and can't resist pushing him up the wall and just *wrecking* him.

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Been Five Years by Bluflamingo

It’s not often fate works for them instead of against them. Evan's planning on making the most of the one time it does.

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Beware of Wraith Bearing Gifts by madness_infused

In which John is clueless, Todd is confused, and everyone else is both amused and bemused at the same time.

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Bonding by somehowunbroken

Aliens make John and Cam create an involuntary soulbond. Sequel: Next.

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Breakdown by somehowunbroken

It’s three in the morning when Cam’s phone rings.

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Building a home by velocitygrass

The house was large enough for a family, but after half a year, John still felt as if he was stepping into a new house instead of a home.

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Burn Out Bright by Miss_zedem

John and Cam accidentally activate a set of matching Ancient bracelets, and as a result they can't move more than 200 yards from each other. Since it's Christmas, this means that John has to accompany Cam to a Very Mitchell Christmas back in Kansas.

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Christmas Surprise by spacedogfl

Evan's empty office is too much to resist.

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Countdown by NeoVenus22

John and Ronon go out in a blaze of glory.

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Deluded Effort by race_the_ace

Cam put all this effort into wooing John, too bad no one told him that John Sheppard was head over heels for him already.

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Drawing Life by victoriaely

Six years after Carson left Atlantis, John visits him in Scotland.

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Familial Love by kyrdwyn

They had made several attempt to return him to Earth after the accident.


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Ginger Ale by somehowunbroken

John and Cam go to general O'Neill's wedding, and John gets maudlin.

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Good Clean Fun by madness_infused

An USAF Colonel, a Wraith Commander and a hot spring. Need I say more?

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Heisenberg's Wedding by justhuman

In January 2009, Atlantis landed in the Pacific Ocean and was moved to a location near San Francisco. John Sheppard and Cam Mitchell took advantage of being in the same galaxy and began sharing an apartment near the SGC â€" well, sharing more than just an apartment. By May 2009, they decided that they needed something more. They told and retired from the Air Force to start Sheppard-Mitchell Aviation in South Dakota. Why South Dakota? You'd have to ask John, but it sounded like a better idea to Cam than John's other top pick, Alaska. Life moves on.

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Homecoming by somehowunbroken

Cam and John visit Auburn, where John is immediately pronounced "Uncle Cam's," to the amusement of all.

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I'll Be What I Am by Darkrose

One month after John almost died in the desert, his old partner tracks him down.

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In a Dying Sun by Miss_zedem

This is an AU, set post-EatG, in a universe where John is the civilian commander of Atlantis, and Cam is a member of the Chaplain Corps. Yes, really. This Cam went a different route after listening to his grandma.

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Last Stand by esteefee

It was Dr. Zelenka's idea, and Ronon thought that must have really angered McKay, because it was working. But Ronon didn't care whose idea it was. Wraith were dying.

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Long Enough by abrokencompass

Every once in a while, a love so easy, so true comes along, that it’s practically effortless. This was not one of those times. OR: Oblivious!Sheppard stumbles along the path of love. Slowly. And with the aid of some restless natives.

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Message in a Bottle by colls, swannee

They hadn’t planned on the world ending. Set shortly after the events of the Atlantis episode 5.22: 'Enemy at the Gate'. The world ends, people die, and Cam and John keep going.

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Moonlight on Atlantis by SexyCazzy

John walks along the outskirts on Atlantis and finds Evan at the end of one pier.

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Museum Piece by Riva (url needed)

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Necessary Precautions by Bluflamingo

Written for the prompt: Cam/John, clandestine.

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Next by somehowunbroken

Vala throws a party, and she loves glitter like whoa. Sequel to Bonding.

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Not Nothing by somehowunbroken

John doesn't think of Atlantis right away, but hen he does, it seems like a good plan.

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Ocean by Gigi

John has left the SGC and is living on a beach some where. When someone moves next door.

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Parley by wojelah

John's got an eye-patch, and Cam's got a job offer.

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Promises by Bluflamingo

A year after John moved back to Earth to raise his son with Cam, things are mostly settling down for the three of them. Well, if you don't count childhood memories, estranged brothers, injured ex-colleagues and your best friend's wedding. Part of What Happens Next.

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Reception by Bluflamingo

Prompt: John/Cam + Colby/Lorne, being around fellow canon characters and not having to hide their relationship. Part of the What Happens Next verse.

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Reckless by csichick_2

You'd kill for me and die for me, but I just want you to live for me.

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Repal of DADT by Morell WIP

DADT is repealed and Jack makes his relationship with John official.

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Ringing in the New Year by lar_laughs

John arrives just in time to be able to kiss his lover as the new year begins.

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Something More by jenn

Epilogue: Catch Your Breath. Rodney goes back to find John three years after John left Atlantis.

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Thin Thread Left by Bluflamingo

People talk about this as a victory, but to John it feels like defeat; the end of their first decade in the city

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Truth Will Out by Forestgreen

When WikiLeaks informs the U.S. government and the IOA that it's going to release thousands of reports and documents about the Stargate Program and its Atlantis operations, the SGC recalls General John Sheppard back to Earth so that he can warn his family before the press starts harassing them.

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Unnamed Comment Fic by somehowunbroken

"Now here's the sun, come to dry the rain
Warm my shoulders and relieve my pain
You're the one thing that I'm missing here
With you beside me I no longer fear"

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World Without End by Bluflamingo

There’s still a part of him that thinks, in some messed up backwards way, that they could be good, here, in the middle of a disaster that they can’t stop.

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