Tag: Once It Was...
400% by
Sequel to Rodney and Cadman Go Down and Rodney and Cadman Get It On. McKay/Cadman, Cadman/Beckett, McKay/Sheppard.
Atlantis's Gift by
John isn't happy when Evan comes back. He wants to know why Evan left three years ago.
Breakthroughs and Bureaucracy by WIP
There's a breakthrough at Atlantis, but how will it affect the 2 ranking military officers and their.....arrangement?
Lists: Sheppard/Lorne thematic fic index, Sheppard/Mitchell thematic fic index
Broken Series by
Don't Ask Don't Tell is repealed, but only in Atlantis. Mostly McKay/Sheppard, but with Beckett/Zelenka scenes. Also past McKay/Zelenka.
Cell Mates by
When only one other man on Atlantis is gay, how lonely do you get before you run to him?
Cold Warmth by
While Carson had wanted to assess John's emergency care skills, being John's patient wasn't exactly how he would have planned it.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Corridor in the light of a Wraith Stunner by
A meeting in a corridor.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Drawing Life by
Six years after Carson left Atlantis, John visits him in Scotland.
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High Incentive by
Atlantis is returning home with a little extra baggage, and Ronon reveals himself as a closet-romantic cum fairy godmother, determined to find happiness for Sheppard.
Jinx by
Post-series, the reason behind John's suicidal tendencies becomes apparent.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Momentary Weakness by
Part 1 is McKay/Kavanagh.
Part 2 is McKay/Sheppard
Parsus by
Quiet the Roar by
Sequel: Stop Pointing Fingers and Lend a Hand. Sheppard/Teyla -> Sheppard/McKay.
Recovering An Old Footing by
John, Cam and the original crew of the alternative reality drive equipped Daedalus are stranded in the wrong universe. John and Cam set out to find their way home.
Retrace The Steps (As If We Forgot) by
John showed up at Cam’s doorstep about an hour after Cam had finally fallen asleep. Cam hadn’t seen John Sheppard in more years than he could remember, but that didn’t change the fact that he would do anything for him. So Cam stepped aside and ushered John in out of the night.
Such Fools & Not Quite A New Beginning by
Sequel: Not Quite A New Beginning. Sheppard/Weir, McKay/Sheppard.
Than a Feather by
Sheppard/Ford -> McKay/Sheppard
Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index, Rare pairings slash index
Then And Now by
As he contemplates the actions being taken to find the spy in their midst, Aiden remembers a very different Sergeant Bates.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Together Again by WIP
Marine Sergeant Dean Winchester-O'Neill finds himself on Atlantis.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
With the Morning Sun by
John and Cam dream of regrets, lost love, and second chances.