Tag: Going to Earth - To Stay
Affaire du Coeur by
John had shown up at his apartment all of three weeks ago with his suitcases and his fucked up face wearing his dress uniform.
Building a home by
The house was large enough for a family, but after half a year, John still felt as if he was stepping into a new house instead of a home.
Curb Appeal by
Rodney stopped the car and gazed out of the windshield. The house had that abandoned look about it, dark, frowning windows and covered over by layers of time. Sequel: All I Have
Dis/Connect by
Taking another person's life wasn't what Rodney had signed up for.
Edges by
In one way or another Rodney has always known he was going to lose John.
Exile by
Beginning of the Cabin series. Sequel: Reinstatement
Fault Lines by
Before he knew it, a year passed, then another, then another, and one day he woke up and realised the likelihood of seeing any of them again was pretty much nil.
Girlfriend by
Five years after Atlantis, John and Rodney meet someone interesting.
How Not to Fly by
Death and life, hope and hopelessness, aren't just for the Pegasus galaxy. Eventually, inevitably, it's going to happen on Earth. John and Rodney, loss and family and what it means to be home.
In The Aftermath by
A sense of home and family bring them together, even if 'home' is still a galaxy away.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
In the Absence of a Place to Be by
Sequel: Stay Beside Me Where I'll Lie (John/Ronon, NC-17).
Kiss and Tell: A conversation with the great Dr. Rodney McKay by
Out magazine reporter Arthur Stewart is fortunate enough to be granted an interview with Dr. Rodney McKay.
Last Stand by
It was Dr. Zelenka's idea, and Ronon thought that must have really angered McKay, because it was working. But Ronon didn't care whose idea it was. Wraith were dying.
Little Victories by
Thinking of Atlantis still hurt, but not as much as it used to. Every day was a little better, or so everyone said. Personally, John thought they were all full of shit.
Lost, Not Found by
Sequel to That Which Will Not Die. Continued in : Just Around This Bend.
Mau Loa Means the Time We Have by
Companion piece: Goodnight, Chesty, Wherever You Are. Sequel: Timestamp.
Rainy Days by
When it's rainy and cold and he misses the halls of Atlantis and the way she'd turn up the heat for his morning shower; Rodney's POV: When the Rain Lets Up
Such Fools & Not Quite A New Beginning by
Sequel: Not Quite A New Beginning. Sheppard/Weir, McKay/Sheppard.
The Answer by
He knows what their reunion in less than an hour will be like. A wry comment from John. An eye roll from Rodney.
The Coanda Effect by
Also McKay/Carter, Carter/O'Neill, Sheppard/Jonas & Sheppard/OMC.
The Journey Home: John's Story by
Rodney protests John's discharge after "The Return" by quitting SGC and going back to Earth with him.
The Progression of Things by
Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index, McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index
Tonight. Tomorrow. Never Again by
And that was how he found himself at the McKay household, just shy of being too tipsy to drive, and trying to celebrate the anniversary of when he’d lost everything.
Touch Dominance by
Sequels: While You Were Dreaming, Untitled Table Porn & In Words This Time. Post-series.
What Happens Next by
Sequels: Snow Day and What Happens Next: Interlude by Dossier.
When I'm 64 by
It's kind of a first time fic and an established relationship fic.