Tag: McKay/Carter
9 fics tagged
Finally Found Out by
McKay/Sheppard with minor Rodney/Sam, Rodney/Katie & John/OMC.
Lie to Me by
McKay/Carter implied, Sheppard/McKay. Dr. McKay's soon to be ex-wife Carter dissapear and he meets a strange guy in a bar.
Plan C, or How Rodney McKay Lost His Wife and Gained a Galaxy by
Billionaire Rodney learns that his soon-to-be ex-wife Sam Carter has a new boyfriend, John Sheppard. And who gets the cat in the divorce?
The Coanda Effect by
Also McKay/Carter, Carter/O'Neill, Sheppard/Jonas & Sheppard/OMC.
The Ten Commandments of Rodney McKay by
Sheppard/McKay, McKay/Carter past relationship.