Tag: Character Piece - Rodney
A Fine Romance by
If Katy Brown and Jennifer Keller do ever sit down to braid each other's hair and swap Life Lessons, they'll agree that Rodney is, on the whole, a bad boyfriend.
Five Reasons Why Rodney is good in bed... by
...But so very bad at everything else to do with relationships
Four Things Rodney Did For John That John Never Knew About (And One That He Did) by
In the early days of the expedition, in between mapping the city, scouring every Podunk town for ZPMs, and repairing ancient tech with silly putty and pantyhoseâ€"Rodney would go down to the firing range and attempt shooting a gun.
Interstitial by
Rodney has always lived in the spaces between.
Recurrence by
A visit to a new set of allies in the Pegasus Galaxy leaves John Sheppard and Rodney McKay struggling to overcome the effects of an alien device, while Evan Lorne and the other members of their teams try to help in any way they can.
Sensory by
This is a set of five drabbles (from Sheppard, Ford, McKay, Ronon, and Caldwell's perspectives) that I think of as being about what it means to be members of the same team.
The Ten Commandments of Rodney McKay by
Sheppard/McKay, McKay/Carter past relationship.