Tag: Alien Technology
17.5 by
He had never in his life thought that another guy had a pretty mouth; he wasn’t going to start now.
A Wolf at Your Door by
He has no idea what they look like as wolves, knows only what they smell like, how their bodies feel pushed up against his, and what their fur tastes like under his tongue.
Advantage by
An alien mark makes John want to please Rodney any way possible.
Age of Minority by
Cam finds that being turned into a teenager isn't what it's cracked up to be.
And Hope by
While on a mission, John Sheppard discovers a device, but he doesn't expect what's inside.
As You Wish by
An alien device makes Rodney want to please John.
Cardiogenesis (The Heart of the Matter) by
It was the stupidest way to die in any galaxy.
Carpet Diem by
John's pretty sure his original assessment of the situation is correct when a loose half-circle of men holding guns surround them, but it's not as though he can crow about it, not when a quick glimpse over his shoulder shows a vine-covered ravine so deep that he can't see the bottom.
Chain Reaction by
Rodney gets kidnapped and John comes to the rescue, but when they're both back home on Atlantis, it seems that things are only just beginning...
Ellis by
John is hurt offworld and the cure is not quite what they expected.
Found by
Rodney gets himself into and out of trouble but no one believes him.
General Inspection by
General Stanley A. McChrystal got himself relieved of duty in Afghanistan on purpose. He has other problems to solve and the answer to at least one of them seems to be in Pegasus.
Happy Tails To You (Until We Meet Again) by
The first thing Woolsey said was, "Is that contagious?"
Illusion by
Part 2, Part 3. John and Cam are trapped in a shared illusion by an alien race.
Leavenworth by
John and Rodney are implanted alien devices.
Lighter Than Air by
The Ml'suk have harbored a grudge for thousands of years, and they have no qualms about using Sheppard as a pawn in their manipulations. Teyla, Ronon, and Rodney have to play by the rules or risk forfeiting John's life.
Recurrence by
A visit to a new set of allies in the Pegasus Galaxy leaves John Sheppard and Rodney McKay struggling to overcome the effects of an alien device, while Evan Lorne and the other members of their teams try to help in any way they can.
Rescuing Rodney by
Rodney's not quite all there because of an accident with -- what else -- Ancient tech. John can't really do anything for him but wait. During the waiting comes the despair, writing and hoping.
Ripples by
Cavemen and ipods and astronauts and could it be magic? Retellling of the fairy tale Tam Lin.
Shadows Over Atlantis by
Part of Strange Aeon. : As the Atlantis Expedition settles into their new home, they discover that they may not be as safe as they believe. Something dangerous is lurking in the city, and worse yet, someone among them may have been compromised.
Single Handed by
Rodney loses a hand but it grows back eventually. Child abuse implied.
Spaces In The Light by
Part of the Shadows'Verse. Follows directly after Lines In The Dark.
The 'Don't Think We're In Kansas' Verse by
John and Ronon + Dean and Sam from SPN + slave collar = well, you do the math. Link is to story list.
The Color of a Burning Brook by
Taken captive Sheppard is forced to relive memories, some painful, others not so much.
The Curse of the Cat by
John, Ronon and Teyla are turned into cats.
The Haunting of Carson Beckett (Prequel) by
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
The Sweep of Easy Wind by
John is a military prisoner under Colonel Caldwell's command. Controlled by Goa'uld technology, he is little more than a slave. Briefly stationed on Atlantis, his ATA gene is discovered by Rodney, who is a force to be reckoned with.
The Tragic, Doomed, and Epic Life and Loves of Elizabeth Jean McKay by
Tiny Pieces of Fear by
The Team has to prove that they are suitable potential allies (it must be Tuesday).
Turn On, Turn Off by
John's frustrated and events conspire to keep him that way.
abicierum by
One night plus four months, times n for the weight gain, equals one fetus. And onward. Abicierum-- to give up, not to surrender.