Tag: Transformations - Animals
A Bird Without Feathers by
"Uh," Rodney mumbles "You're not going to eat me, are you? Because I'm pretty sure I'll taste awful, really awful."
A Dreadful Change by
The first thing John did after Rodney turned into a werewolf.
A Wolf at Your Door by
He has no idea what they look like as wolves, knows only what they smell like, how their bodies feel pushed up against his, and what their fur tastes like under his tongue.
Alterations by
Changes brought about by ancient technology can bring changes to the heart.
Animalia Sequence by
Pegasus B AU. John and Rodney get turned into penguins.
Basement cat has infiltrated heaven by
There was an unkempt, fluffy, obnoxious black cat in Atlantis.
Beasts of War and Burden by
"Oh my God. We've landed on fucking Pern."
Checkmate (Series) by
John gets turned into a cat by an Ancient device. Rodney takes care of him. Link is to index for the series of stories in this 'verse.
Hunting Grounds by
Rodney's a werewolf, John's human. Rodney mates with John while in werewolf form.
Little Bear by
Sequels: Sun Bear & Kodiak. John gets turned into a bear cub. Afterwards, Radek gets turned too and later Rodney.
Mating Rituals by
John and Rodney get turned into penguins.
McKay's a Cat Person by
John temporarily exchanges bodies with Rodney's cat.
Puppy Pile by
Lorne and Parrish are turned into puppies, and John and Cam finds that being dog-sitters isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Lists: Rare pairings slash index
Snuggles by
John, Teyla, Ronon, Major Lorne and Lt Kagan turn into puppies. Rodney turns into a squirrel.
The Curse of the Cat by
John, Ronon and Teyla are turned into cats.
The Wheel, Atlantis, Wars, And So On by
Rodney and John get turned into dolphins
Unfinished Untitled SGA Kitten AU by
They're all kittens in a shelter... Marked unfinished but stands alone.
You Don't Have To Be Crazy To Work Here, But It Helps by
Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index, McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index
‘Til Human Voices Wake Us, and We Drown by
Sometimes, one mission can change everything.