Tag: Pregnant!Rodney

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2.473 billion to one by darkmoore

When the Ori destroyed Earth, a secret evacuation had been going on for several months. A few hundred thousand people had been sent through the Stargate into the Pegasus galaxy, settling into new lives on different planets all around.

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Altered State by sffan

Rodney becomes a woman in part 1. MPREG in part 2.

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Baby A and Baby B by Jen

You have to join the _trouble_fics_ community to read it.

Lists: McKay/Sheppard thematic fic index

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Christmas Baby by Jen

Pregnant: Rodney. Past pregnant John implied.

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The Providence of Stars by melagan

In the summer of 1942, young Dr. Rodney McKay steps off a train, eager to continue his work on the war effort. Nearly a year later, he's running for his life with Captain John Sheppard.

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Twist by dk_valentine WIP

Twist 2. John becomes a woman, but it's Rodney who gets pregnant

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abicierum by thekatcameback, doublehelix20

One night plus four months, times n for the weight gain, equals one fetus. And onward. Abicierum-- to give up, not to surrender.

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